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Low Graduation rates in cuny schools

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Presentation on theme: "Low Graduation rates in cuny schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Low Graduation rates in cuny schools
CO: SWBAT determine the causes and possible solutions to low college graduation rates in CUNY schools by working in small groups to analyze data. LO: SW read, analyze, write, and discuss college graduation statistic within CUNY

2 SIX STEPS OF PPA (Public Policy Analyst)
Step One: Define the problem Step Two: Gather the evidence Step Three: Identify the causes Step Four: Evaluate an existing policy. Step Five: Develop solutions Step Six: Select the best solution (feasibility vs. effectiveness)

3 Do Now In your groups discuss the following question:
What are some of the advantages of having a college degree? Click here to watch a video!

4 Less than half of first-time CUNY students enrolled in a bachelorette program graduate within four years of enrolling… TASK: In your groups, analyze the data found here:

5 Pair and Share What conclusions were you able to draw from the data? Share and discuss these conclusions with your partner.

6 Cause and effect TASK: Create a cause and effect chart in your small groups. Causes of low college graduation rates Effects of low college graduation rates

7 Research What are some policies that are currently in place?
List the policies that you found, along with a brief summary about your opinion of each.

8 GROUP WORK Create 4 – 5 possible solutions within your groups. Use as many specific details as you can.

**Remember to measure both feasibility and effectiveness**


11 EXIT TICKET Write a reflection of today’s assignment. What were your likes and dislikes about being a PPA?

12 HOMEWORK Present your solution to low CUNY college graduation rates to the class Explain how your solution is both feasible and effective. You can choose to do one of the following with your partner: Poster Essay Song/Poem

13 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
-Nelson Mandela

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