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How do Computers Work ?.

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Presentation on theme: "How do Computers Work ?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Computers Work ?

2 Binary Code All computers use binary code. Find out what this is.

3 Bits What is a bit?

4 Bytes Computer Memory is measured in Bytes. Find out what a byte is…

5 Computer Storage The following a units of computer storage. How many bytes do they represent? 1 kilobyte = ? Bytes 1 gigabyte = ?? Bytes 1 Terabyte - ?? bytes

6 Computers use RAM What does RAM stand for? What doe RAM do?
How much does a computer need?

7 Computers use ROM What does ROM stand for? What does ROM do?
How much ROM does a computer need?

8 What can you buy today? Modern computers are very powerful.
Research three computers. On the next three slides note down the following details for each computer: How much RAM? How big is the disk? What sort of processor? How much is the computer?

9 Computer 1 RAM Disk Size Type of Processor Price Other Details

10 Computer 2 RAM Disk Size Type of Processor Price Other Details

11 Computer 3 RAM Disk Size Type of Processor Price Other Details

12 Which computer would you buy and why?
Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3

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