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The Study of Population & Population Issues

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1 The Study of Population & Population Issues
Demography The Study of Population & Population Issues

2 Population Growth On the graph entitled “World Population Growth Since Common Era” Arrival of Vikings (1000) Invention of Gutenberg Printing Press (1440) When Canada became a country (1967) First humans on the moon (1969) When you were born Present time (2008)

3 First Human on the Moon Gutenberg printing press Arrival of Vikings Today Canada’s birthday Little Ice Age, famine, Black Death Plague Warfare & economic disruption

4 World Population Patterns
How many years did it take for the world’s population to increase from: a) 1 billion to 2 billion b) 2 billion to 3 billion 3 billion to 4 billion 4 billion to 5 billion e) 5 billion to 6 billion 123 years 33 years 14 years 13 years 12 years

5 World Projected Population Patterns
How many years did it take for the world’s population to increase from: a) 6 billion to 7 billion b) 7 billion to 8 billion 8 billion to 9 billion 9 billion to 10 billion 14 years 15 years 26 years 29 years

6 Trends in Population

7 Demographic Terminology
Birth Rate: # of births in a country for every 1000 people in the pop. Total births in one year population size ( in middle of year) X 1000

8 Birth Rate Highest B.R. - Niger 50.16 Lowest B.R. - Japan 8.1

9 Demographic Terminology
Death Rate: # of deaths in a country for every 1000 people in the pop. Total deaths in one year population size ( in middle of year) X 1000

10 Death Rate Highest D.R. - Swaziland 30.35
Lowest D.R. - United Arab Emirates Canada

11 Demographic Terminology
Natural Increase Rate: difference between Birth Rate and Death Rate of a country BR - DR = NI

12 Natural Increase Highest N.I - Niger 50.16 Lowest N.I. - Japan 8.1

13 Demographic Terminology
Immigration Rate: # of people who permanently move to a country Emigration Rate: # of people who permanently move from a country

14 Demographic Terminology
Population Growth Rate: rate at which a country’s population is changing. (BR-DR) + (IR - ER) = Pop. Growth

15 Population Growth Rate
Lowest P.G. - Trinidad & Tobago % Canada % Highest P.G. - Liberia 4.836%

16 Demographic Terminology
Dependency Load: % of population that is ≤ 14 years old and 65 and older Age Dependency Ratio: ratio of people in “dependent” ages to those in the “working” ages. Population ≤ 14 + population 65+ population 15-64

17 Age-Dependency Ratio Highest A.D.R. - Uganda 1.12 (11 dependent people for every 10 working) Lowest A.D.R. - United Arab Emirates (3 dependent people for every 10 working) Canada - 4.4

18 Demographic Terminology
Infant Mortality Rate: # of children, in a country, who die in the first year of life for each 1000 live births. # of babies that died before 1st birthday Total # of live births in middle of year X 1000

19 Infant Mortality Rate Highest I.M.R. - Angola 192.5
Lowest I.M.R. - Japan 3.28 Canada

20 Demographic Terminology
Life Expectancy: the average # of years a person is expected to live from birth. Population Pyramid: a special type of graph that summarizes the age and gender structure of a population.

21 Life Expectancy Highest L.E. - Japan 82.1 Lowest L.E. - Swaziland 32

22 Demographic Terminology
Total Fertility: average # of children that each woman could have during her fertile years (15-45)

23 Fertility Rate Highest F.R. - Mali 7.38 Lowest F.R. - Macau - 1.03

24 Demographic Terminology
Population Pyramid: a special type of graph that summarizes the age and gender structure of a population.

25 Demographic Terminology
Replacement Rate: is the total fertility rate that produces a natural increase rate of 0. This value does not take immigration into account Standard replacement rate is 2.1 (country’s population remains the same - no growth)

26 Demographic Terminology
Rule of 70: a way to estimate how long it would take for a country’s population to double 70/country’s growth rate = number of years in which a country’s population will double

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