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Ch. 3 Mesopotamia Vocabulary Words

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 3 Mesopotamia Vocabulary Words"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 3 Mesopotamia Vocabulary Words

2 The use of connected ditches/canals/dams/dikes to move water to dry areas

3 Irrigation

4 mixture of bits of rock & soil carried or deposited by water

5 Silt

6 huge mud-brick temple built by the ancient Sumerians

7 Ziggurat

8 Wedge-shaped symbols used by Sumerians for writing & communication

9 Cuneiform

10 system of government (gov’t.) in which a king or queen rules

11 Monarchy

12 A city and its surrounding farmlands, with its own leaders & government(gov’t.)

13 City-state

14 A belief in one God

15 Monotheism

16 A belief in many Gods

17 Polytheism

18 Different people doing different jobs, based on each person’s ability/skill

19 Division of Labor

20 domestication of plants and animals; farming

21 Agriculture

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