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Made possible in part by a family literacy grant from the New York State Library, New York State Education Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Made possible in part by a family literacy grant from the New York State Library, New York State Education Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Made possible in part by a family literacy grant from the New York State Library, New York State Education Department

2 Teaching the Graphic Novel - A History and a Rationale

3 Same format as comic books
Text & illustrations present information Book-length, usually contain one story Medium, not genre

4 Caption Panel Gutter Thought Balloon Sound Effect Dialog Balloon

5 Major Types Superhero


7 Humor

8 Non-Fiction

9 Fantasies

10 Adaptations or Spin-offs



13 Classic Adaptations

14 Realistic Fiction

15 Historical

16 Historical


18 A little history Comic Strip=grandfather of Graphic Novel
Around since end of 1800s Originally used to draw people to Sunday paper

19 Katzenjammer Kids 1897 Used word balloons
Used multiple panels to tell story


21 The Comic Book 1933-reprints Initially free
1935-new comics & original characters 10 cents each

22 Popular comics Superman First superhero On newsstands: 1938
Superheroes big during World War II After WWII: crime, science fiction and horror comics

23 1950’s: comics in crisis! Comics examined by US Senate
Comics banned and burned

24 A New Beginning Late 1950’s: Justice League of America born
1961: Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, & Spiderman 1960’s: Self-published underground comics

25 Milestones in the Graphic Novel World
1978-Will Eisner coins term 1986- Batman: the Dark Knight Returns 1987- The Watchmen

26 1992- Maus: A Survivor’s Tale wins Pulitzer
2005-”Graphix” imprint launched 2006- American Born Chinese named NBA finalist for Young People’s Literature 2007- American Born Chinese wins Printz Award for excellence in YA literature

27 2007 “The Invention of Hugo Cabret” finalist for NBA
2008 it wins the Caldecott

28 2007-YALSA creates new annual booklist: “Great Graphic Novels for Teens”
2009-NYT Graphic Books Bestseller List

29 Conan the Barbarian comics
President Obama collects both Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics

30 Manga

31 Manga history Manga=comic books
Period before WWII=beginning of modern manga Mid 1990s=came to US

32 “God of Manga” Osamu Tezuka
Hayayo Miyazaki: anime & manga Manga read by ALL


34 How to read a Manga Page Unlike traditional books, Manga is read “backwards” from back-to-front Often, if you start at what looks like the front of the Manga, you will see a message like this

35 Panel Order & Dialog Balloons
2 3 1 4 Panel Order & Dialog Balloons 6 5 7 Panels and dialog balloons are read “reversed” 10 11 8 9

36 Manga Terms Shonen: teenage boys Shojo: teenage girls
Shonen-ai / Yaoi=boys love

37 New Formats

38 Graphic Novels & Manga:
Present complex material in readable text Serve as a bridge to more difficult reading Challenge readers of more traditional literature Embrace nature of multimedia world

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