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Description of the use.application of Information Technology

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1 Description of the use.application of Information Technology
KCTU Description of the use.application of Information Technology Korean Confederation of Trade Unions Speaker Seo Kyeong Chan March, 2009

2 ▣Korea has been extended rapidly
IT the rate of economic Mobile phone subscribers high-speed internet subscribers 13.6% (4% of economical growth rate) 40 million 4th (OECD member countries)

3 ▣ The information gap increase
Gradually the information gap between higher income earners who can easily access IT and lower income earners who can't do it. This kind of circumstance makes income gap more seriously. It has an effect on the extension of the economic & social polarization.

4 ▣ Information and Communication department secretarit In 1996
KCTU has been concerned about IT use on labor movement and trade union activities since we made "Information and Communication" department of secretariat in

5 ▣ Information and Communication department deals with various issues
Opposing Internet censorship that infringes the freedom of expression; Sharing information with opposing Copyright; Progressive media movement; Developing propaganda through internet to revitalize trade unions.

6 ▣ The KCTU homepage run all of the 16 federations and the 16 local branches of the KCTU have their own homepage. all departments and committees of the KCTU run their own homepage.

7 ▣The use of information technology
Members of the KCTU and people who are interested in the KCTU can watch live images of important events (like the national congress of KCTU, the massive action ) on our internet website. And we make "Labor News" video and transmit it on KCTU website every week. We are also working for building of effective system through Intranet and system for stepping up communication including effective search and using contents.

8 ▣The use of information technology
We use various visuals in training and education partially. The interest/applications of cyber education are getting extended, for example, "cyber labor college". We often show force and notify our demands on our faced problems by collective cyberpicketing through website bulletin and .

9 ▣Sharing ideas and organizing people through the collective IT
Employers utilize IT technology such as CCTV and automation for monitoring labors at the workplace and making high labor intensity. workers workers keenly are needed more action and consideration on varied and attractive community methods with IT technology for making new labor movement which is with people instead of isolation and can keep job.

10 Thank you

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