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802.11n The Future of Broadband Wireless

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Presentation on theme: "802.11n The Future of Broadband Wireless"— Presentation transcript:

1 802.11n The Future of Broadband Wireless
Aleksandar Petrov, MASIT Committee of Electronic Communications

2 Where to begin? What users want when they access The Net?
What is available out there? Who is Our favourite across the board? How do we measure it/decide upon it? What can we do with it? What about real-life examples/comparisons? Let’s start by asking questions? Let’s answer this 5 questions and decide together!

3 What users want when they access The Net?
EVERYTHING! They want FAST access, ANYWHERE, at AFFORDABLE price and reasonable SECURITY Speed over 1 Mbps for Internet, over 100 Mbps for LAN Available anywhere [at home, in a café, at the [girl]friend’s place, we say “in any SunWireless city”] Without any additional costs for CPE equipment, installation… Secure enough [WPA/WPA2]…nothing is 100% secure

4 What is available out there?
Wireline FTTH, FTTC… ADSL Cable DSL Wireless 3G/Edge/GPRS WiMax Wi-Fi [802.11a/b/g/n]

5 Who is Our favourite across the board?
802.11n Why? up to 600Mbps wireless over a free band 2.4/5GHz [standard] ready/available on all new devices [laptops, smartphones] Want technical info? – please visit Our winner is Wi-Fi that is its latest standard n-2009 Want technical info? – please visit They’re great, we all are using them a lot and they need your help – you may also donate something 

6 How do we measure it/decide upon it?
FAST access [broadband] MOBILE access [anywhere] AFFORDABLE access [re. price of service/CPE] EASY access [readily available on any laptop/PC/desktop] SECURE access QUALITY access [data, voice, video] I hope we all agree that we have taken all relevant parameters into consideration.

7 How do we measure it/decide upon it?
BEST Overall Scores FAST access [broadband] = 250 Mbps, avg Mbps throughput MOBILE access [anywhere] = same service/different place AFFORDABLE access = starting at very low prices with 0€ CPE EASY access = NO need for installation, cables or external CPE SECURE access = WPA/WPA2 offers sufficient protection QUALITY access = data, voice & video can be provided at acceptable quality

8 Let’s see it in real-life [Wi-Fi vs Wi-Fi]!
The Novarum Experiment 100% throughput improvement of n Wi-Fi clients with legacy g outdoor infrastructure; 100% throughput improvement of legacy g Wi-Fi clients with new n outdoor infrastructure; 200% throughput improvement of n client with n outdoor infrastructure; 25% decrease in access latency and a dramatic improvement in latency variance; coverage to smartphones at low power and with poor antennas dramatically improves. Source: improves-outdoor-wifi/

9 Let’s see it in real-life [cont’d]!
The Novarum Experiment [Expected improvements with outdoor n technology] 400% to 800% increase in system capacity and throughput; 200% to 300% improvement in spectral efficiency 802.11n clients dramatically improve legacy g networks and new n networks dramatically improve legacy g clients; Streaming media applications will perform as we expect and will be much easier to deploy; Decreased deployment cost due to decreased node cost . Source: dramatically-improves-outdoor-wifi/

10 Let’s see it in real-life [Wi-Fi vs Others]!
“Apples-to-Apples” real world measurement tests performed in over 25 cities in the USA, 20 locations per city [ ] ATT [Cingular], Sprint and Verizon cellular data networks; A number of metro WiFi networks using equipment by various manufacturers; and Four of ClearWire’s pre-WiMax networks Conclusion: We discovered that, on the average, all of these networks have substantial performance and coverage. But the best Wi-Fi networks substantially outperformed the best of the other networks. Source: The test was an “apples-to-apples” comparison of performance [delay, uplink throughput, downlink throughput] and availability [percentage of tested locations with service within an advertised service area] for all of the major network technologies: To our surprise, using similar client modems, averaged over good and bad networks, Wi-Fi networks delivered almost three times better performance than cellular networks and materially better performance than pre-WiMax networks – with similar levels of availability of service over the promised coverage area for all three network technologies.

11 Let’s see it in real-life [cont’d]!
802.11n: The End of Ethernet? Comparison of the most important parameters for “bandwidth hungry” applications: Source: Burton Group, Network and Telecom Strategies, In-Depth Research Report, v

12 What can we do with it? Surf the Internet with no limitations
“Download the Internet” Voice over WLAN Video Conferencing over WLAN HD streaming over WLAN ??? Download the Internet – it’s how we refer to our top-talkers – “people who want to download everything from The Net”

13 What about real-life examples/comparisons?
3G vs Wi-Fi [b/g] This test was taken last spring in the Centre of Skopje in Club FM over a beer with our Technical Director on his iPhone!

14 What about real-life examples/comparisons?
SW point-to-point n link Over 70 Mbps useful Rx 26 km Over 50 Mbps full duplex useful throughput km We apologize, but live demonstrations are only available to close business partners & investors 

15 Last proof It’s available on the MacBook [incl. Air/Pro]
The “bigshots” [AT&T] most likely forbade it on the iPhone 3GS

16 Thank You! Aleksandar Petrov

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