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Comparing the Diffusion of Islam

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1 Comparing the Diffusion of Islam
India Anatolia West Africa Spain How was Islam diffused? % of Muslims Turkic conquests, est. the Delhi Sultanate. Sufi missionaries. Minority Muslim (25%) Majority Hindu pop. Turkic conquests, Suljuks then Ottomans. Conflict with Byzantines lasted centuries. 90% Muslim by 1200. Intro. By Muslim merchants across Trans-Saharan trade network. Little mass migration of Arabs. Arab and Berber conquest quickly in 700s. 75% Muslim by 1000. Interaction between Muslims and Non-Muslims Islamic minority. Sharp divide between Hinduism and Islam. (ex. Polytheism/ caste vs. Monotheism/egalitarianism) Brutal and chaotic conquests early. Discrimination and abuse of Christians. High level of assimilation later. Byzantines defeated. Arabic became preferred language of trade. Traditional languages and religions persisted. Harmony and tolerance early btwn. Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Later as wars with Christian kingdoms increased, persecution increased. Reconquista. Methods of Conversion Appealed to low-caste Hindus. Exempted Hindus from jizya. Allowed them to serve in government. Sufis blended Hinduism/Islam. Slower rate of conversion. Harsh conquest led to doubt by Christians. Already monotheistic. Material rewards for converts, political office, jizya. More peaceful and voluntary, appealed to those who had contacted wider world. Mostly urban elites. More rapid conversion. Voluntary adaptation of Muslim/Arabic practices. All faiths could serve in gov. Urban elites well-connected. (Cordoba) Examples of Cultural Syncretism/ New Ideas Sikhism emerges, blends Sufism and Hinduism. Spread of Turkish language. Sufism more popular (whirling dervishes). More gender equality for women. Not veiled. Unique blend of Islam and animism/shamanism. Cultural adoption of Arabic culture, language in Spain. Transmitted Arab/Greek knowledge into Europe.

2 Table Talk: Comparative FRQ: Diffusion of Islam
What are the FIVE rubric components of a comparative FRQ. (How many pts. is each worth?) Q: Compare the cultural and demographic effects of the diffusion of Islam in TWO of the following regions from 600 to 1450 CE. - Anatolia - Spain (Al- Andalus) - West Africa - India

3 Comparative Essay: Diffusion of Islam
Similarities Differences Demographic Migration? Muslims as a percentage of population? Description of pop. Addresses Q Evidence (4 min.) Analysis Cultural Interaction with existing pop.? Conversion? Syncretism?

4 Comparative FRQ: Diffusion of Islam
Part I: Thesis Statement (2-3 sent.) Similarity (cultural or demographic) Difference (cultural of demographic) What, when, where? Part II: Body Paragraphs (x2) Direct comparison (use thesis claim #1) (1 sent.) Support Five pieces of evidence (2 sentences) Analysis: 1 sent. (Address why similar/different). Part III: Conclusion Be sure to revisit your thesis in different words. Sum up your main arguments.

5 The WHAP Comparative Essay Tips
Answer question (stick to theme and time period) not all of SPICE chart always. Don’t divide essay in regional sections. Make comparisons throughout. Divide by theme or similarities/differences. Try to make as many direct comparisons as possible. Ex. India’s religion supported social hierarchy, whereas Islam was more egalitarian. The Roman imperial system allowed for local autonomy which was unlike the more centrally controlled Han Chinese government. NOT: Islam was an egalitarian religion. Hinduism was sponsored by the Gupta rulers. (Two different themes/regions)

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