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Socio-Cultural Impacts of the Poetry of Saint Mast Tawaklli on Baluch Society - A case study of district Kohlu, Baluchistan By Muhammad Sulman Ijaz PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Socio-Cultural Impacts of the Poetry of Saint Mast Tawaklli on Baluch Society - A case study of district Kohlu, Baluchistan By Muhammad Sulman Ijaz PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Socio-Cultural Impacts of the Poetry of Saint Mast Tawaklli on Baluch Society - A case study of district Kohlu, Baluchistan By Muhammad Sulman Ijaz PhD Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

2 Abstract This anthropological research examines the socio cultural impacts of Saint Mast Tawaklli’s poetry on Baloch society. The saint Twaklli is a famous poet of Baluchi language who’s poetry is full of massages of love and respect for suffering humanity. And is the true depiction of lover’s emotions and affections. His poetry is a source of inspiration for young people specially. He also writes about the problems of poor women of the Baloch society. The research was conducted in the district Kohlu, Baluchistan. Different anthropological, qualitative data collecting methods were used to collect empirical data. The technique of triangulation and translation was used to verify the data. Sufi poetry of the saint Mast Tawaklli has a number of socio cultural effects on Baloch society. Even today people like to listen and sing that romantic poetry.

3 Background “Any person who has knowledge of both outer and inner life is Sufi.” - Hazrat Inayat Khan Some scholars connects the word Sufism with ‘Safi’, meaning ‘The Pure’, and some scholars refers it to the people of Baghdad who worn ‘Suf’, a pure woolen shawls, were believed to practice this mystic beliefs. The Sufis were so kind and considerate towards people of all cultures and creed. Sufi lyrics and music culminate spiritual ecstasy. Music is central to Sufism and regarded as means for the believer to get closer to Divine. Hence Sufi music is the music of the ‘soul’ by the ‘soul’ and for the ‘soul’. Sufi ideology has spanned several continents and cultures.

4 Tawakalli & Sammo “I am an ordinary Marri of Kahan, not to speak of my status; it was Allah and His acceptance I earned, Sammo was a mere means.” – Mast Tawakalli Tawaklli, Sohrab Khan, son of Lal Khan was born in 1825 in Shirani branch of Marri Tribe. Tawaklli always called himself as Sammo Beli(Sammo’s companion). Sammo, a married woman from Kalwani branch of Marri Tribe, was the source of Ishaq-e-Majazi to Isha-e-Haqiqi for Tawaklli. Mast Tawaklli is not only an eminent poet of Baluchi but also a great Sufi of the era. Mast Tawaklli’s poetry is traversing from heart to heart and people to people. Mast Tawaklli’s love for Sammo was endless. Sammo died in 1880 and is buried in Makhmar, Sammo Patti. Tawaklli died in 1892 and his tomb is in Maidangri.

5 Socio-cultural Impacts
Woman Empowerment Tribal Justice System Message of Peace and Love Religious Impacts Impacts on Literature Respect for social norms and values Traits of Marri Tribe

6 Conclusion Sufism have very significant and real effects on people and their lives. It changes both thoughts and imagination-powers of even a simple man as it touches souls. Sufis and saints always remain important in building and changing a society. In Pakistan Sufism flourished very much and it played an important role in building a violence-free society. Baluchistan is at the crossroads of three important regions; Middle East in south, Central Asia in west, and South Asia in the east. Saints and Sufis have to cross Baluchistan. During their stay they preached about Sufism. Tawakalli was also moved by the teachings of Sufism. The saint Mast Tawaklli heaved the banner of love for humanity in the vast plains of Baluchistan and on the tops of its mountains. Mast Tawaklli’s love for Baloch people and Sammo was endless. He was a very content man. The shrine of Tawaklli is revered among all the circle of followers because he separate love, brotherhood, and harmony in the society. It is the need of hour to revive his teachings to maintain peace and harmony in Baluchistan.

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