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Title: How important is the role of a Prophet?

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Presentation on theme: "Title: How important is the role of a Prophet?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title: How important is the role of a Prophet?
L.O. Know why prophets are important to Muslims. Evaluate the role of Prophets in understanding God for yourself and others. TASK – You can see pilgrims on Mount Arafat following the footsteps of Muhammad. Who do you follow? Is it right that there is a lack of positive role models for teenagers today?

2 Risalah = Message (as delivered by prophets)
Essential: Know who the prophets are and why they are important to Muslims. Extended: To give examples of the lives of the prophets Challenge: Draw on your knowledge from Christianity and other religions during the ‘Step up to the line’ task.

3 Complete the worksheet.

4 Task: Record examples of the lives of these key prophets.

5 Step up to the line Make a line on the floor with your chalk.
Appoint a reader and appoint a director. The reader will call out the statement. The members of the group will step up the line if they agree. The director will direct, question and support the group discussion after each ‘step up’.

6 Books are better than people.
I believe people can be sent from God to deliver messages. A God whom is transcendent can only really get their message to humans via other humans. Human beings are more bad than good. Muhammad is the best example for a person to live by today. Jesus was more than a prophet. A malicious God would never send prophets to direct humans how to live. Personal experiences of the divine (e.g. having a vision of God) are more powerful than hearing other humans speak about God. The prophets are interesting.

7 ‘Assuming God exists, following a prophet is the best way to understand God’ Agree Disagree

8 Prophet = A messenger for Allah (God)
Prophet = A messenger for Allah (God). Qur’an = The words of Allah (God) directly revealed to Muhammad. Salah = Islamic prayer. Revelation = A way in which God shows himself and people come to a better understanding of God. Sunnah = The memories, advise and sayings of the prophet. Hadith = Interpretations of the message of the Qur’an recorded by Muslim scholars. Muhammad = The final and the most important prophet of Islam. Makkah = The city in which Muhammad lived. Surah = A chapter of the Qur’an. There are 114 surahs. Arabic = The language of the Qur’an and Islam. Sunni = The largest denomination of Islam. Shia = A type of Islam Sufi = A type of Islam Hafiz = The title given to a person who can recite the whole of the Qur’an off by heart.


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