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Capital Improvements Plan

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1 Capital Improvements Plan
Splash Down Returns Fall 2016! Open Space And Facility Services Presentation To the CA Board of Directors Capital Improvements Plan June 9, 2016

2 Purpose The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) was created as a component for the Columbia Association Economic Model and allows for better tracking of and planning for future major expenditures Key Features: Major Expenditures ≥ $100,000 5 year projection: FY2018 – FY2022 Highlights the cost for CA to maintain existing assets

3 Capital Improvement Program Summary
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total $23,142,251 $19,550,669 $17,190,612 $16,521,193 $17,449,059 CIP exceeds planned capital expenditures for all five years Inclusive of all previously planned and proposed capital projects Includes near term major projects: Swim Center Phase I, II & III (FY17 – 19) Long Reach Tennis Center (FY17) Ice Rink (FY18) Athletic Club (FY18 – 19)

4 CIP Summary by Category
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total $23,142,251 $19,550,669 $17,190,612 $16,521,193 $17,449,059 Community Centers $1,021,555 $1,246,300 $1,632,789 $546,364 $784,544 Aquatics $525,000 $849,750 $689,585 $382,454 $337,653 Community Service $1,150,614 $ $608,199 $819,545 $451,877 Sports & Fitness $8,175,000 $5,170,600 $3,511,494 $2,030,287 $2,243,181 Open Space $4,794,506 $4,584,176 $3,417,706 $4,573,779 $5,217,978 IT $200,000 $206,000 $212,180 $218,545 $225,102 CAT I & II $1,965,000 $2,023,950 $2,084,669 $2,147,209 $2,211,625 CAT III $5,310,576 $5,469,893 $5,633,990 $5,803,010 $5,977,100

5 Method Identify Major Categories: Community Centers Open Space
Aquatics IT Community Services CAT I & II Sports & Fitness CAT III Identify assets within each category Populate detailed database using assumptions based on: Historical cost data Scheduled major renovations and projects System, structural, and equipment needs for each asset Replacement cycles for long-use components Facility Assessment Reports

6 Aquatics Repair and replacement cycles for: Pool Decks: ~ 1/year
Assumptions Aquatics Repair and replacement cycles for: Pool Decks: ~ 1/year Pool Shell: ~ 3/year Pump Rooms: ~ 2/year Miscellaneous: snack bars, shade structures, major fence replacement Large Cost Items: ADA wading pools, main pools per Aquatics Replacement Schedule

7 Community Centers & Services
Assumptions Community Centers & Services HVAC Replacement: Claret Hall, Linden Hall, Stonehouse, Kahler Hall, the Other Barn, Oakland Manor, the Art Center, and the Teen Center ADA Compliance: Locust Park & Running Brook Neighborhood Centers Full Building Renovations: Stonehouse, the Art Center, and Faulkner Ridge, Swansfield, and Thunder Hill Neighborhood Centers

8 Sports & Fitness Assumptions Scheduled Major Renovations:
Ice Rink, Swim Center, and Athletic Club HVAC Replacement: Columbia Gym, Supreme Sports Club (units 14 – 22 years old) ADA Compliance & Program Enhancement: Athletic Club, Supreme Sports Club, Columbia Gym, Sports Park, and Haven on the Lake

9 Open Space Assumptions
Replacement cycles for: Pathways: 94 total miles, 20 year replacement, ~ 4.7 miles/year (currently ~ 47 year replacement, ~ 2 miles/year) Bridges: 231 structures, 20 year replacement, ~ 12 structures/year (currently ~ 25 year replacement, ~ 9/year) Tot Lots: 155 lots, 8 community playgrounds, 20 year replacement, ~ 8 lots/year (currently 40 year replacement, ~ 4/year) Boardwalks: 32 structures, replace all over 10 years then continue with 20 year replacement cycle (currently ~ 25 year replacement) Parking Lots: 15 year replacement (currently ~ 20 year replacement) * Current replacement schedules funded out of CAT III. Meeting proposed schedule will require CAT II funding.

10 Open Space Assumptions Lake dredging and maintenance:
in accordance with Large Lake Sediment Management Plan Pond maintenance: in accordance with Pond Assessment Report Watershed Improvement Projects: continuation of current board funding levels

11 Information Technology
Assumptions Information Technology Continued movement towards cloud-based solutions External hosting of applications Networks & Connectivity

12 Category I & II Assumptions
Based on annual expenditures that are routinely funded through CAT I & CAT II funding CA Wide HVAC Unit Replacement Going Green Projects Building Energy Retrofits Columbia Wide Water Quality Improvements Watershed Improvement Projects Sales & Marketing Sports & Fitness Facilities & Equipment Upgrades OSM Equipment & Maintenance Vehicles

13 Assumptions Category III Minor building improvements typically < $200,000 for each project Routine replacements and upgrades to parking lots, pathways, sidewalks, other open space amenities Based on annual expenditures that are routinely funded through CAT III

14 Facility Assessment Reports
Ex. Athletic Club High Priority: $1,294,753 Medium Priority: $492,700 Low Priority: $305,262 These numbers include items that were scheduled to be replaced or repaired before publishing facility assessment results and were adjusted in the CIP to avoid double counting expenditures Adjusted High Priority: $334,753 Medium Priority: $372,700 Low Priority: $197,262

15 Capital Improvement Program Summary
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total $23,142,251 $19,550,669 $17,190,612 $16,521,193 $17,449,059 Comparison: Actual vs. Proposed FY18 Conditional Capital Budget = $17,000,000 Questions?

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