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The Journal and the Ledger

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1 The Journal and the Ledger
Chapter 4 The Journal and the Ledger

2 General Journal Fills the need to record all parts of a transaction in one place Includes date, debit, credit and brief explanation Advantages: Fewer errors Easy to check all debit and credit entries made Chronological order Gives idea of volume of business Convenient picture of day’s business

3 The General Journal What is the General Journal?
It is like an “Accounting Diary” in where all the transactions are first recorded in the order of their occurrence. Purpose Provides continuous record of the accounting entries as they occur Organizes transactions and ensures that each entry balances Provides a reference for verifying transactions

4 The General Journal Journalizing Journal Entry
The process of recording accounting entries in the General Journal Journal Entry The complete accounting entry for a transaction written in the journal (2 or more accounts are affected)

5 The General Journal K. Dub Lip Singing General Journal Page 1
Date Particulars PR Debit Credit 2 1 3 1st – Enter the date 2nd – Enter the account (s) to be debited and the corresponding amount Mar 18 Cash 500 Capital, K. Dub 500 Opened a Lip Singing Business 4th – Write a brief explanation 3rd -Enter the account (s) to be credited and the corresponding amount Particular must be indented!

6 General Ledger Provides a balance for each account
Records the debit and credit entries from the journal for every transaction Useful for creating financial statements Posting is the process of transferring transaction info from journal to ledger

7 Chart of Accounts List of ledger accounts by name and number
Numbers save time and increase accuracy Sample numbering system: Assets Liabilities Owner Equity Revenue Expenses

8 Ledger Hints & Tips Particulars column rarely used
Exception: “opening entry” Exception: when copying balance from end of a page … “forward” Dr/Cr column states balance of the account and not nature of entry Place a √ in P.R. column when forwarding

9 Up until now You have learned: A = L OE Normal Bal Dr Cr Cr To Increase Dr Cr Cr To Decrease Cr Dr Dr (You will Dr/Cr Owners Equity (OE) based its effect on Capital) Notice a Pattern? These Decrease OE Capital (+) Cr These Increase OE Drawings (-) Dr Revenue (+) Cr Expenses (-) Dr This occurs because Capital has normally a Credit Balance

10 Tarantino Break Dancing Co.
We’ve Learned Tarantino Break Dancing Co.  Trial Balance March 18, 2008  Accounts Acc. No. Debits Credits Cash  1000  Receivable.    500 Accts. Pay. 300  Capital 1500  Sales  350  Rent Expense   650 Totals 2150   2150 How to do a trial balance All the balances of every account are listed as either a Dr or Cr

11 We’ve Learned Financial Statements
1st = Income Statement Revenue–Expenses = Net Income (Loss) 2nd = Balance Sheet Assets, Liabilities, and Owners Equity. Report Form A = L + OE Ending Capital = Beginning Capital + NI - Drawings Need NI to calculate Ending Capital

12 Posting to the General Ledger
Up until this point, we used T-Accounts. This is where all the transactions from the General Journal get “Posted” to each individual account (Cash, Accounts Payable, Sales, Advertising Expense)….and the list goes on depending on your company!

13 Chart of Accounts The numbers are used for identification. Since we are going to be “Posting”, we need to reference all of our accounts. Assets Liabilities Capital (including Drawings) Revenues Expenses

14 Recall from the General Journal!
Notice we’re on Page 1. You’ll need this info later! Recall from the General Journal! General Journal  K. Dub Lip Singing   Page 1 Date Particulars P.R. Debit Credit 1 Mar 18   Cash 500 2   Capital, K. Dub 500  3 Opening Balance. Lip Singing Company  This stands for Posting Reference. It is to show you which Chart of Account # match up with 101 301

15 General Ledger This is the Page # of the General Journal
This is your running balance. You update this after every entry General Ledger K. Dub Lip Singing  Account: Cash Date Particulars P.R. Debit Credit DR/CR Balance 1 2 3 General Ledger K. Dub Lip Singing  Account: Cash Date Particulars P.R. Debit Credit DR/CR Balance 1 2 3 Notice these! Chart of Account # Opening Entry Opening Entry Dr 500 J1 500 Mar 18 18 19 Bought Mic. J1 100 Dr

16 Forwarding is the process of continuing an account on the next page by carrying forward all relevant information General Ledger Cont. General Ledger K. Dub Lip Singing  Account: Capital, K.Dub Date Particulars P.R. Debit Credit DR/CR Balance 1 2 If you were “Forwarding” , you would type that here. Mar Opening Bal. J Cr

17 General Ledger Cont. Mar 18 Bought a Mic. J1 100 Dr 100 General Ledger
K. Dub Lip Singing  Account: Equipment Date Particulars P.R. Debit Credit DR/CR Balance 1 2 Mar Bought a Mic. J Dr

18 How to spot Potential Errors!
Journalizing Errors Forget to record transaction Record entries into wrong accounts Record entries as incorrect debits or credits Record the wrong amount or transpose figures (eg. 97 instead of 79) Analyze transactions incorrectly

19 Potential Errors Cont. Posting Errors from Journal to Ledger
Forget to post the entire transaction Forget to post either the debit or credit side of the transaction Post entry to the wrong side of the account Post entry to the wrong account, correct side Transposition error

20 Potential Errors Cont. Ledger to Trial Balance
Calculate account balances incorrectly in the Ledger Forget to transfer account to the Trial Balance Record wrong amount on the Trial Balance Record account on wrong side of the Trial Balance Transposition error

21 Finding Errors Does it balance? Prepare Trial Balance No
Did you find the mistake? Apply Shortcut Tests No Did you find the mistake? Perform Balancing Steps

22 Shortcut Tests Test # 1 Test # 2
Once the difference is calculated, search the Trial Balance, Ledger and Journal for that amount. Test # 2 If the Trial Balance difference is an even amount, divide by 2 and search Ledger & Journal.

23 Shortcut Tests Cont. Test # 3 Test # 4
If the difference is a multiple of 10, there may be an addition or subtraction error. Calculate Trial Balance & Ledger Accounts again. Test # 4 If the difference is divisible by 9, the error may be due to a transposition of numbers. Examine Trial Balance, Ledger and Journal.

24 Balancing Steps # 1: Re-add the Trial Balance
# 2: Check transfer of account balances from the Ledger to the Trial Balance. # 3: Re-add account balances in the Ledger – double check Dr/Cr (indicators)

25 Balancing Steps Cont. # 4: Check Posting from Journal to Ledger
Incorrect Amounts Amounts not posted Amounts posted twice Amounts posted in wrong column # 5: Check to see each entry in the Journal balances correctly and is analyzed correctly (Dr/Cr)

26 Source Documents Necessary proof of transactions
Cheques written: payment by us, dr A/P or ??? cr Cash Cheques received: dr Cash or A/R, cr Sales

27 Source Documents: Cash Sales Slips
Record of all cash received dr Cash cr Sales or A/R Often called Cash Receipts

28 Source Documents: Sales Invoice
Sale on credit (account) dr A/R cr Sales

29 Source Documents: Purchase Invoice
Purchase item on credit (account) dr cr A/P

30 Source Documents: Other
Memos: e.g., owner withdraws supplies for persona use; dr. Drawings, cr Supplies Bank Credit Memo: bank gives you cash, e.g., interest; dr Cash cr Interest Revenue Bank Debit Memo: bank withdraws cash from your account, e.g., service charge; dr Bank Charges cr Cash

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