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Healthcare Product Supply

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1 Healthcare Product Supply
Cross-domain integration Jose Costa Teixeira, Agfa Healthcare Sept 2013

2 Opportunity Healthcare supply costs are around XXX % of running healthcare costs Supply is currently seen as isolated from clinical processes Usually a “pharmacy issue” Growing trend in automating,e tc. Traceability is a big concept in itself Counterfeiting Patient safety (micro or macro) If automating is useful, integration is essential!

3 Proposal Integrate Product supply information model and exchange.
Not centralize, but harmonize Primary data exchanges, functional models NOT define how to manage supply in healthcare (because it depends on domain, country, management policy, product type) but how to integrate information concerning supply with the several clinical processes.

4 Scheduling OT Supply Anesthesia Radiology Logistics
Medication workflow Scheduling Supply Logistics Cross-department, cross-process Supply Billing Traceability Stock management and distribution Internal processes (internal delivery, asset management) Transactions Item Ordering Delivery reports Inventory Status Administration of products

5 Use Cases The Hospital purchases Automated Dispensing systems for several locations – for Pharmacy, for Radiology, for OT and ER. There are currently no recommended integration profiles for this, and the interoperability mechanisms of these systems with the different workflows. Radiology wants to report usage of contrasts during a procedure; this information is later used for the Radiology department to evaluate the inventory options, and by Pharmacy for Billing, Reconciliation, etc. After a patient is noted to have a bad batch of a medication or a medical device (catheter), the consistent supply transactions are checked to Reverse traceability – identify the origin of the problem and other items affected Forward traceability – investigate other patients that may have been affected Recalling – identify and retrieve the products that are still in the wards or departments. Pharmacy must manage all the internal distribution, redistribution of all products.

6 Work (internal) Wrap-up Pharmacy-specific whitepaper
Define scope “skeleton” – Define pharmacy – other domains Managing Medical Devices Managing consignment items

7 Work (external) Gather requirements from other domains
Establish a requirements coverage, for asserting adequate coverage Continue with HL7 Gather contribution with other stakeholders Define scope items Product coding, barcoding and AI, supply networks…

8 Goals Identify and define consistent operational services that are shared across a healthcare enterprise and the associated interoperability mechanisms Bring these services to a level of harmonization appropriate for monitoring, benchmarking

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