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Harmony and Discord South African Foreign Policy

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Presentation on theme: "Harmony and Discord South African Foreign Policy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harmony and Discord South African Foreign Policy
“Composers, conductors and players” SAIIA Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs Friday 15 October 2004

2 Idealism, personality, realism, and bureaucracy
1993 New FP thinking Idealism, internationalism, human rights Post-apartheid democracy dividend Global vision African Renaissance Policy formulation Institutionalisation

3 Foreign policy actors – The Presidency
Mbeki personality, background, experience, intellect Consolidation and expansion of Presidency Locus of FP power and policy within Presidency

4 Presidency and foreign policy

5 Actors - DFA Discontinuity Transformation
Massive expansion of activities Lack of focus Strategic plan to 2005 Implementation Mixed picture

6 Foreign policy actors - ANC
IR department IR NEC Sub-committee Most NB for institutional policy co-ordination Historical alliances Socialist International Regional fraternal ties

7 Foreign policy actors - parliament
Vision of ’96 Stronger DFA relationship Oversight ? Seldom considers legislation Clear role? Deliberating on ‘tough’ issues?

8 Foreign policy actors - business
Not uniform or united Formal and informal relationships with Presidency Closer to DTI & MEA than DFA Mixed relationship with SA missions Ambiguous - NEPAD Concern - Zimbabwe

9 Foreign policy actors - unions
International relations ILO etc African TU federations ANC NEC Globalisation WTO NEPAD Zimbabwe M.E.

10 Foreign policy actors – Think Tanks
Expansion, better funding since ’94 Better resources Better role definition Better govt engagement Need for structured relation with PCFA Need for FPC?

11 SA and conflict diamonds
Threat to Africa devt. Role of NGOs and media Role of business Role of DFA Kimberley Process New international diplomacy Parliament?

12 SA and NEPAD SA and African recovery plans SA enhanced role
SA Presidency SA, AU, & G8 DFA Business, unions, TT’s Parliament?

13 SA and Zimbabwe Positions rather than policy Presidency
ANC, opposition TT’s, media, churches Unions Business Parliament?

14 SA - Middle East Economic diplomacy, human rights, war and terror

15 SA Palestine - Israel Pre ’94 SA – Israel linkages
Historic ANC – PLO fraternal ties Domestic constituencies Spier Initiative DFA flux Parliament

16 What you get when you search ‘Sharon’ in Google images

17 Broad recommendations
Internal re-structuring of PCFA Establish clear and regular linkages with Presidency on FP/IR Establish clear and regular linkages with TTs Convene public hearings on NB FP/IR issues Strengthen and regularise relations with IR/FP committees in Africa and globally


19 Input into PCFA

20 The PCFA and Think Tanks

21 PCFA linkages

22 Thank you Questions, clarification, discussion

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