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The Global Teacher Crisis

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Presentation on theme: "The Global Teacher Crisis"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global Teacher Crisis
meeting the challenge through new technologies and new modes of teaching and learning Bob Moon The Open University 12th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning, Friday 28th September 2007

2 Nigeria

3 Nigeria

4 Nigeria



7 Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers
Adopted by the Special Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers, Paris, 5th October 1966 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation


9 Half of existing teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa are untrained
Sub-Saharan Africa needs four million new teachers Half of existing teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa are untrained Teacher salary and status are in free-fall

10 Poor resources Poor retention Poor CPD

11 HIV/AIDS Corruption

12 in South African Rural Communities
Emerging Voices A Report on Education in South African Rural Communities Researched for the Nelson Mandela Foundation by the HSRC and the EPC

13 Assertions: “Bricks and mortar” institutions insufficient for 21st century needs Most training will be school based Most training must be practically focussed Potential of new communication technologies must be recognised


15 Nigeria


17 Venezuela


19 Eastern Cape




23 TESSA Countries Ghana Kenya Nigeria Rwanda South Africa Sudan Tanzania
Uganda Zambia

24 Africa Have Your Say Teacher Swap Story Story African Perspectives


26 Free higher education for everyone

27 Ghana


29 The Open University, Tanzania
The Open University, Sudan

30 Tidal wave in which convergent technologies and broadband accelerate peer-to-peer communication and user-generated content

31 Grassroots revolution of:
Connectivity Coalition Collaboration Creativity

32 How can ODLs / OERs “today” rejuvenate work-based professional learning?

33 Can new forms of interactivity displace the term “distance” from the ODL lexicon?

34 How can we grasp these new opportunities for ODL / OERs to make us (this community here in Cambridge) centre stage in educational reform?


36 Nigeria

37 Nigeria

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