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Healing Community Trauma Through Resilience

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1 Healing Community Trauma Through Resilience
Janet Vlavianos Ruth Gonzales Patricia Blum

2 Janet Vlavianos Ruth Gonzales Patricia Blum
Presenters: Janet Vlavianos Ruth Gonzales Patricia Blum

3 Healing Starts with Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the gentle effort to be continuously present with experience. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s definition of mindfulness: “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.” kabat-zinn-defining-mindfulness Grounding Exercise

4 Trauma – The Body Holds the Score
Brain and Body Trauma and the impact on brain Trauma – fight flight freeze – impact on the body Image of body and brain The Body Keeps The Score Bessel A Van de Kolt

5 How Trauma Impacts Community
Communities in Trauma Chronic Stress Higher risk of disease Higher cost of health care and related costs Reduced self efficacy and self reliance Reduced life span

6 Community Impact of Mitigating Trauma (CRM)
Biologically based skills - based neuroscience to help individuals get back into balance in body, mind and spirit. Educate about common reactions resulting from individual or communal traumas/stresses such as poverty, racism and family violence. Trauma Resilience Institute

7 Healing Trauma in the Community
Reduce common human reactions related to stressful/traumatic experiences. Shift perceptions that reactions are biological rather than mental weakness in order to reduce shame and increase hope. Encourage individuals to integrate wellness skills into their daily life. Trauma Resilience Institute

8 CRM CRM’s goal is to help to create “trauma-informed”
“resiliency-focused” communities Common understanding of the impact of trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system how resiliency can be restored increased using this skills-based approach. Elaine Miller-Karas

9 Community Resilience Model
Community Resiliency Model™ (CRM) of the Trauma Resource Institute trains communities to mitigate the impact of trauma. Primary focus - stabilization program to re-set the natural balance of the nervous system. CRM skills help individuals understand their nervous system and learn to read sensations connected to their own well-being, which CRM calls the “Resilient Zone”.

10 Resiliency Zone Description of Resiliency Zone Image of zone
Being in and out of the zone How we can expand the zone

11 Building Resilience – 10 Skills
Make connections.  Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems.  Accept that change is a part of living.  Move toward your goals.  Take decisive actions.

12 Building Resilience Look for opportunities for self-discovery.
Nurture a positive view of yourself.  Keep things in perspective.  Maintain a hopeful outlook.  Take care of yourself!

13 Building Resilience Over view of help now skills Help now – handout
Exercise - Self-soothing example of DBT and WRAP skills

14 Questions and Answers Conclusion Next steps Further discussion

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