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Video Sound.

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1 Video Sound

2 Objectives Most important functions of audio
Major contributions that sound makes to video programs Describe component parts of a typical sound track

3 About Video Sound Sound communicates so powerfully that you can create successful programs without video (radio) Video without sound creates an eerie feeling Even silent movies had sound

4 Audio Delivers Information through:
Dialogue Narration Sound effects

5 Dialogue: The way a line is written and delivers conveys certain emotions and feelings. “You’re not going to the zoo again?”

6 Narration Voiceover- original footage replaced by footage that illustrates what the person is talking about, while the voice continues on the sound track Using a brief narration can give the audience essential information Professional narrators know how to use inflection in their voice to point out interesting and important information

7 Sound Effects Implies Existence and Locale (environment)
Heighten sense of reality Tells the audience about things that are not in the frame

8 Implies Existence Example:
We see a mother say goodbye to her daughter and watches her ride away. We know that the daughter is driving away in a car because we hear the engine start and a honk. Change the transportation by changing the sound: boat, train, plane

9 Implies Locale (environment)
Examples: Crackle and roar of a forest fire Hiss of rain and rattle of thunder Deafening roar of a steel mill

10 Creates Relationships
Brings together program components that were originally shot separately

11 Strengthening Continuity
Ties separate sequences together through Split Editing Split editing: transition from one shot to another in which video and audio do not change simultaneously.

12 Strengthening Continuity cont.
Straight cut version- The picture and sound conclude together

13 Strengthening Continuity cont.
Split edit, video leading- video changes to the new shot ahead of the audio Ex: cut to a scene with the actor sitting in the dark while the dialogue from the last shot is completed with a voiceover

14 Strengthening Continuity cont.
Split edit, audio leading- opposite of split edit. Ex: sound comes first so that the audience can anticipate what will happen next.

15 Strengthening Continuity cont.
Two-way Split edit- The sound effects for the incoming sequence begin off-screen over the outgoing sequence

16 Evoking Feelings Sound conveys and enhances feelings and moods.
Music is the most powerful mood setter Sound effects/background noises stimulate emotions

17 Sound and Mood Certain background sounds are useful for setting the overall mood or tone of a sequence Ex: Steady rain- peaceful and soothing Howling wind- emptiness/alone Busy city streets- energy Crackling of logs- coziness/safety

18 Sound and Emotional Response
Sounds associated with specific action Ex: Echoing footsteps- suspense Fireworks- triumph Distorted sounds- disorientation and insanity

19 The Role of Music The most powerful tool for evoking emoti0n is music
Joy, sorrow, excitement, dread, etc. Builds suspense Commercials Documentaries

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