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Hydrodynamic Galactic Simulations

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1 Hydrodynamic Galactic Simulations
GADGET Hydrodynamic Galactic Simulations

2 Team Members Bruce Becker Carla Carrubba Luca Calvagna Primo Furno
Tutors Students Bruce Becker Carla Carrubba Luca Calvagna Primo Furno Valentina Marchese

3 Outline Overview and Plan Application Description and Integration
GOAL – what do we want? What does the user want? Starting point and considerations Application Description and Integration Application Description and Dependencies Typical Execution Workflow Integration Strategy Execution Workflow on Science Gateway Results: Activities and Milestones Portlet > Mock-up & GUI Remaining problems/Open Issues Summary and Conclusions

4 Overview and Plan Goal Starting point
for end-users: accessing easily to GADGET, cosmological simulator for us: knowledge about platform able to provide to end-user an easy access to scientific software use of online tools in order to realized shared work Starting point for the project: mock-up and user requirements for us: different background between the team members, low knowledge about the platform and development environment

5 Application Description (1/3)
GAlaxies with Dark matter and Gas intEracT GADGET is a freely available code for cosmological N-body/SPH simulations on massively parallel computers with distributed memory.  GADGET computes gravitational forces with a hierarchical tree algorithm and represents fluids by means of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The code can be used for studies of isolated systems, or for simulations that include the cosmological expansion of space, both with or without periodic boundary conditions.

6 Application Description (2/3)
GADGET can therefore be used to address a wide array of astrophysically interesting problems, ranging from colliding and merging galaxies, to the formation of large-scale structure in the Universe. GADGET can also be used to study the dynamics of the gaseous intergalactic medium, or to address star formation and its regulation by feedback processes. The code can be run on essentially all supercomputer systems presently in use, including clusters of workstations or individual PCs.

7 Application Description (3/3)

8 Dependencies scikit-learn python zlib OpenMPI GADGET GSL HDF5 FFTW

9 Typical Execution Workflow
Create initial condition file for specific problem MUSIC* Setup parameter input file Compile GADGET for specific problem Run the code and wait Get output: run analysis on the resulting data Typical Execution Workflow MUSIC: MUlti-Scale Initial Conditions for cosmological simulations

10 Integration Strategy GADGET can be run basically on all supercomputer systems presently in use, including clusters of workstations or individual PCs Solution adopted: GRID Having GADGET on Science Gateway portal is useful for these reasons: Availability of huge amount of resources Parallel processing Simulator available for end-users without specific SWs Easy access to the tool for everybody

11 Execution Workflow on SG
1. Initial conditions input Three-step portlet: Three-step portlet: 2. Makefile input 3. Parameters input Validation & Submit (InputSandBox) MUSIC execution (Input: ICS file) On-the-fly GADGET compilation (MK file) GADGET execution (Input: PARs file) Output returning (OutputSandBox) Execution Workflow on SG

12 Results > Activities Carried Out
Requirements Analysis Mock-up Design GUI Implementation Job Submission Code Implementation Shell Script Implementation Results > Activities Carried Out

13 Milestones (1/2) Sample jobs submitted First beta of GUI
To reach this goal, we need to be able to make calls from the portlet to the GridEngine, with the correct parameters, simulating a submission to the backend First beta of GUI This milestone contains all issues related to the development of the GUI. Included are aspects such as design implementation validation SQA Software Quality Assurance

14 Milestones (2/2) Fake Submission Working
This is a milestone to complete the development of JSP and Java code necessary to Create the input files necessary: MUSIC config file GADGET param file GADGET Makefile file Create the job submission request, with Input Sandbox properly defined Output Sandbox properly defined Job requirements included

15 Portlet > Mock-up

16 Portlet > GUI (1/3) > Initial Conditions Input (for MUSIC)

17 Portlet > GUI (2/3) > Makefile Input (for GADGET)

18 Portlet > GUI (3/3) > Parameters Input (for GADGET)

19 (Web) Tools (1/4) GitHub repositories are places where writers can share their work with the world and solicit feedback, while others can fork the story and make their own variation

20 (Web) Tools (2/4) Waffle shows GitHub Issues and Pull Requests in real time

21 (Web) Tools (3/4) Travis takes care of running tests and deploying applications

22 (Web) Tools (4/4) Build system of the South African National Grid intended for developers and community contact points for scientific research applications

23 Remaining Problems/Open Issues
Simple ”wizard” to generate IC and param files Parametric jobs (with certain parameter ranges) Snooping of output to see state of the job

24 Summary and Conclusions
Science Gateway is a wonderful tool collections for different scientific communities GADGET is a perfect example of having a simulator deployed on SC (high performance computing) Making the life easier for the end-user corresponds in making “harder” for the developer In order to deploy applications on SG, end-user’s skills requirement is high In reaching the main goal we enriched our knowledge making a little step forward


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