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Foreign AffiliaTes Statistics (FATS): Outward FATS

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1 Foreign AffiliaTes Statistics (FATS): Outward FATS
Jon Mortensen EU Twinning Project: Globalisation Statistics Copenhagen, 26 August 2015

2 OFATS Enterprises controlled from the compiling country, but resident abroad (but not agriculture and publicly-controlled enterprises) EU-regulation: Residency of the ultimate controlling institutional unit (UCI) defines the nationality of an enterprise …But the Danish survey covers all affiliates owned by Denmark-based enterprises regardless of UCI Control is generally defined as >50 per cent direct or indirect ownership Disseminated annually (t+14 months)

3 OFATS: Variables Dissiminated: Not dissiminated
Number of affiliates Country of affiliates Number of employees (of affiliates) Activity (NACE) Not dissiminated Country of UCI Turn-over (of affiliates) Thus, OFATS describe the number of employees, the activity and geography of foreign affiliates

4 OFATS: Sources Annual census compulsary survey Dissimination
Almost 5000 enterprises in Denmark Reporting units Approx foreign affiliates Statistical units Dissimination Approx Danish companies Approx foreign affiliates Supporting sources 

5 OFATS: Sources ODIN (a commercial database)
FDI-statistics compiled by the Central Bank Includes information on financial sector Annual reports from enterprises These sources are primarily used to create new survey population Country of UCI from IFAT

6 2014 Survey First year with digital reporting only (mandatory by law)
Requires digital signature Previously digital reporting was voluntary And many used paper forms (about 50%) Now paper is not allowed, so two digital solutions: Upload

7 OFATS: Results Number of foreign affiliates, 2012

8 OFATS: Results Number of Danish Affiliates, top 25 (total=11 964)

9 OFATS: Results Number of employees, top 25 (total=1,3 mill.). Ukraine #36 with 8015 emp.

10 Future/FRIBS Framework regulation integrating business statistics (FRIBS) IFATS Covering more activities (NACE Rev.2 sections O-S) A*38 alignment: we expect more detail in IFATS data, confidentiality spill-over to SBS, spill-back to IFATS confidentiality OFATS New variables: Personnel costs, investments Intra-EU affiliates included

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