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St. Matthews Primary School “FRIENDSHIP” Thankfulness SCHOOL VALUES

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1 St. Matthews Primary School “FRIENDSHIP” Thankfulness SCHOOL VALUES
This week we have talked about: “FRIENDSHIP” Thankfulness 4 May, 17 AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS TUESDAY to 4.15pm Drama and Craft Class 1 TUESDAY TO 4.15pm Ultimate Frizbee Class 2 THURSDAY 3.15 to 4pm Cricket Club up to half term. Afterschool clubs cost £1 each CAR RALLY Many thanks to everyone who supported the car rally on Sunday, we raised £190. The Graham family from Silloth won the rally with a very competitive staff team coming second. Very special thanks to Sandra Hewetson and Sharron Sim who spent a lot of time and effort organising the event. FOREST SCHOOL It’s Y5 & 6’s turn to do Forest School this Friday, they will need very old clothes as paint will be involved. SILLOTH FIRE STATION All reception children are going on a visit to Silloth Fire Station tomorrow (5 May). They should wear their school uniform, we will be back for usual finishing time. SUN CREAM/SUN HATS During this warm period could parents please ensure that sun cream has been administered before children come to school and they bring sun hats as we like to take the opportunity of the nice weather to work outside. Thank you. TRIP TO LING FELL, NEAR BASSENTHWAITE LAKE The whole school are going on a trip to Ling Fell next Friday 12th May. We will provide packed lunch for children who normally have school dinners. Children will need suitable footwear for walking and waterproofs. We are travelling by coach and will be back within school hours.

2 Y1, Y3, Y4, and Y5 PARENTS’ EVENING
Will be held on 17th May – Appointment letters to follow RECEPTION children parents’ evening will be held on 13th July KS2 SATs week Year 6 children will be doing their SATs tests next week. Letter for Y6 families accompanies this newsletter. MILK School milk this term is £5 each, except reception children who received free school milk. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 8th-12th May KS2 SAT’s week Mon 15 May Y5/Y6 Kwik Cricket Blennerhasset School Wed 17 May Parents evening Y1, Y3, Y4 and Y5 Tue 23 May Library van Fri 26 May Break up for half term. Fri 7 July BBQ and camp Thurs 13 July Reception Parents’ evening Fri 14 July Sports Day Thurs 20 July Last day of term OUR MISSION STATEMENT Our unique school is fun, secure and flooded with love and joy, we aim high to meet stimulating, challenging targets taking our journey forward through life.

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