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Writing Thesis Statements

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1 Writing Thesis Statements
extra help for writing your To Kill a Mockingbird character analysis

2 Thinking Question When you read a passage, how much do you have to read to understand the topic or purpose?

3 Thesis Statements Give direction for the entire essay.
Let the reader know what (in general) the essay is about.

4 What is a thesis statement?
A thesis statement is a sentence used in an essay that serves as the guide for the essay and directly answers the question or task asked of the writer. It should REPHRASE the prompt, state an OPINION (something arguable), and include AT LEAST TWO “reasons” (abstract words, character traits)

5 What a thesis is NOT? A factual statement (Mrs. Badiner likes purple.)
A topic sentence (Purple is the best color for hair.) TOPIC SENTENCE: Scout Finch is a tomboy. Why isn’t this a thesis? What is it missing?

6 YOUR thesis sentence Your thesis sentence must include the following:
The NAME of the character you are writing about An OPINION or ASSERTION about the character or his/her effect on the plot or other characters in the novel TWO character traits that support your assertion / opinion Your thesis will be the last sentence in your introductory paragraph.

7 If a thesis is meant to answer a prompt…
All Mrs. Badiner told me is that I’m supposed to write a character analysis. It doesn’t seem like there is a question to answer!!! There is ALWAYS a prompt or question, sometimes you just have to dig a little to find it.

8 So, what is the question? When you analyze a character, you attempt to explain WHY a character thinks/behaves/acts the way he/she does. What is the “question” that you’ll answer in your thesis?

9 How about one of these? What characteristics does __________ have that are essential to the novel? Why are they essential? Why is it important that __________ is ________ & _________? Why/how would the novel be different if ________ wasn’t _______ & _______?

10 Turn a question into a thesis!
What characteristics does Nathan Radley have that are essential to the novel? Why are they essential? Because Nathan Radley is anti-social and hardhearted, Boo Radley is isolated from society; therefore, Jem & Scout become fascinated with the idea of ‘making Boo come out.’

11 Turn a question into a thesis!
Why is it important that Nathan Radley is anti-social & hardhearted ? Nathan Radley’s hardheartedness and anti-social behavior causes the townspeople to become superstitious in all matters concerning Boo.

12 Turn a question into a thesis!
Why/how would the novel be different if ________ wasn’t _______ & _______? If Nathan Radley wasn’t hardhearted and anti-social, Scout and Jem would not have learned the importance of treating others with compassion and respect.

13 Did I address all parts of the prompt?

14 Check Your Work! When reading back your thesis, ask yourself a few questions

15 Can I (or someone else)argue against this statement?

16 Will I address all this in my essay?

17 Is it grammatically correct?

18 Is it clear and understandable?

19 YOUR Introductory Paragraph
Your introductory paragraph must include the following information: The name of the novel (underlined) The author’s name 1-2 sentences that summarize the broader themes of the novel, or provide the reader with your with a general idea of the setting / major conflict in the novel Information to grab the reader’s attention and arouse their interest

20 Proofreading the Introduction
Does the introduction include… The name of the novel (underlined) The author’s name 1-2 sentences that summarize the broader themes or main idea of the novel and/or explains the setting of the novel Information to grab the reader’s attention and arouse their interest Correct spelling? Grammar? Does it make sense? NO “I” “You” “Me/My/Mine” “We/Us”

21 Ideas for writing your thesis
Because Nathan Radley is anti-social and hardhearted, Boo Radley is isolated from society; therefore, Jem & Scout become fascinated with the idea of ‘making Boo come out.’ Because (your character) is (trait 1) and (trait 2), what happens? Nathan Radley’s hardheartedness and anti-social behavior causes the townspeople to become superstitious in all matters concerning Boo. (your character’s) (trait 1) and (trait 2) causes If Nathan Radley wasn’t hardhearted and anti-social, Scout and Jem would not have learned the importance of treating others with compassion and respect. If (your character) wasn’t (trait 1)and(trait 2), this (event[s] in the novel) would(not) have happened.

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