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Stress Health 9 Miss. Rabberman.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress Health 9 Miss. Rabberman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress Health 9 Miss. Rabberman

2 Stress Video “The Ellen Show”

3 Questions about the previous video…
What are some examples that Ellen gave of things that can stress you out? What examples did Ellen give as a positive way of relieving stress? What examples did Ellen give as a negative way of relieving stress? Is shopping really a good way of dealing with stress… why or why not?

4 Different kinds of stress

5 ACUTE Stress Most common Recent, past and anticipated demands
Demands and pressures of things happening in the near future Thrilling and exciting in small doses Too much is exhausting

6 EPISODIC Stress Acute stress suffered too frequently
Make unrealistic goals Bring too much stress to self to accomplish goals Will stop from time to time Usually in these individuals: overly competitive, aggressive, demanding and sometimes tense and hostile

7 CHRONIC Stress Emotional pressure suffered over a long period of time
Feel as though he or she has no control Starting to get physically sick

8 Stressor An event that triggers a stress response
Negative vs. Positive Stressor An event that triggers a stress response Distress Negative Stress Eustress Positive stress

9 Characteristics Eustress/Positive Distress/Negative
Motivates, focuses energy Short-term Perceived as within our coping abilities Feels exciting Improves performance Distress/Negative Causes anxiety or concern Short or long term Outside of our coping abilities Feels unpleasant Decreases performance Leads to mental and physical ailments

What are examples or POSITIVE stress/stressors? What are examples of NEGATIVE stress/stressors?

11 Some common reactions to a stressful event… but are these positive ways to cope?
Disbelief, shock and numbness Feeling sad, frustrated, and helpless Fear and anxiety Feeling guilty Anger, tension, and irritability Difficulty concentrating/making decisions Reduced interest in usual activities Wanting to be alone Loss of appetite Sleeping too much or too little Nightmares or bad memories Headaches Increased heart rate Use of substances Crying

12 What are some HEALTHY ways to cope with stress?
Taking care of yourself Eat healthy, exercise, sleep Talking to others Share your problems Parent, counselor, pastor, doctor, friend Avoid drugs and alcohol Take a break Recognize when you need more help

13 END OF CLASS If time… Practicing a positive way of coping:
- MINDFULNESS Extra: Start School Trigger Stress Survey

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