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Office of Water Water Quality Division
Electronic Permitting Welcome to the Future Environmental Trade Fair May 2016
Electronic Reporting Rule Overview
The Federal Electronic Reporting rule (40 CFR Part 127) requires permittees to submit general permit applications, discharge monitoring reports, and certain periodic reports (like annual reports) to TCEQ electronically unless the permittee applies for and obtains an electronic reporting waiver.
Implementation Deadlines
December 21, 2015: EPA Rule was effective December 21, 2016: Phase 1 Deadline DMRs for individual permits (IPs) and general permits (GPs) December 21, 2020: Phase 2 Deadline GP applications Periodic reports (WWTP BioSolids, CAFO, MS4, Pretreatment, Sewer overflows/Bypass Event, Cooling Water Intakes)
Phase 1: DMRs for IPs and GPs
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) must be submitted electronically to TCEQ by December 21, Applies to Individual Permits (IPs) and General Permits (GPs)! NetDMR is available at: Questions about NetDMR? Call eDMR (3367) Trade Fair Presentation: May 3:45 pm
Phase 2: GP Applications & Reports
Electronic reporting will be added to each GP during its next renewal process. The permit will require DMRs, applications (NOI, NOC, NOT, NEC, LEW), and annual reports (CAFO & MS4) to be submitted electronically or submit a waiver request. Deadlines DMRs will be December 21, 2016 or immediately for GPs issued after December 21, 2016 Annual reports will be December 21, 2020 Electronic applications in each GP will staggered over the next 5 years.
Phase 2: IP Periodic Reports
Electronic reporting will be added to each IP during its next permit action. The permit will require DMRs and periodic reports (WWTP BioSolids, CAFO, MS4, Pretreatment, Sewer overflows/Bypass Event, Cooling Water Intakes) to be submitted electronically or submit a waiver request. Deadlines DMRs will be December 21, 2016 or immediately for permits issued after December 21, 2016 Annual reports will be December 21, 2020
Electronic Reporting Waivers
Temporary waivers issued up to 5 year period. Permanent waivers do not expire. Emergency waivers can be issued during natural disasters or prolonged electronic reporting system outages (ie. more than 96 hours).
Electronic Reporting Waivers
Not transferrable from one permittee to another permittee. Applies to all electronic reporting requirements (not separate waivers for DMR, e-permits, e-reports) Reasons for Waiver: No computer (5 year temporary waiver) No internet service (5 year temporary waiver) Limited internet speed (5 year temporary waiver) Need training on electronic reporting systems (temporary waiver for 6 months to one year) Religious Objection (permanent waiver)
Radhika Aduri Water Quality Division
E-Permitting Demo Radhika Aduri Water Quality Division Welcome to e-Permits presentation. This demonstration is for new and existing State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS) account holders who are claiming for permits. The purpose of this presentation is to outline the general steps to create STEERS account and to guide you in the online permit application process. If you have questions on the STEERS account, contact the STEERS help desk at (512) If you have questions about permits, forms, or other permit requirements, contact appropriate program area staff, in this case StormWater. Permitting Information (Technical) (512)
Topics covered in this presentation
E-Permitting Demo Topics covered in this presentation Introduction to online application - STEERS. How to create STEERS Account. How to apply for a New Permit. Other features in STEERS. Questions. ~ 45 mins.
STEERS - State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System.
Online application tool for general public to be able to submit permit requests for the desired program types to TCEQ. TCEQ in-turn reviews these general permit applications and processes them accordingly. STEERS - e-Permits/Registrations and e-Reporting. Who can use STEERS? YOU (own or behalf of a company) having a need to get permits. Have access to computer/Internet, a valid account. Complies with STEERS Participation Agreement.(SPA) Why STEERS? Save money, time and paper. Set up your own permit applications as needed. Pay permit fees online - credit card/ Electronic Check. Print documents from home/ office. Access permits anytime
How to access STEERS
To create a new STEERS account, go to the STEERS webpage: STEERS is built to be compatible with common browsers; such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome.
Welcome To STEERS Step 1: For new users, creating a STEERS account is the first step in submitting an online permit application. Accounts are created for the individual user, and not for a facility or entity. Each STEERS account must have a unique address. Applicant information like names, address, company and phone number are asked to create a new account. New accounts are probationary and have limited access until STEERS receives a signed hard-copy SPA or the SPA is signed electronically using the account holder's valid Texas Driver’s License. All STEERS user accounts are renewable every 2 years. Upon successfully being approved using SPA -authenticated access with login credentials to sent to you address.
Add Program Type Step 2: Select STEERS Program to Add or Modify.
Drop down with the all the supported program types is shown. Since the example used in this presentation is New Multi Sector General Permit – which is under Storm Water category, so I pick Storm Water General Permit.
Access to Program Type Step 3: Next, you will select your role and define the type of access you will have to prepare this authorization. Your access options are: Read Only - view only. You will only be able to view submitted applications. You will not be able to see applications in progress. Edit – view, create, delete, modify and pay. You cannot sign for or submit this application. Preparer – view, create, delete, modify, pay and submit. You cannot sign for this application. After it has been signed by a person authorized to enter into this agreement for the company under the applicable standards referred to in 30 TAC Chapter 106, you may then pay and submit this application. Sign and Submit – view, create, delete, modify, pay, sign and submit. You will be able to begin and complete an application and you may sign and submit this application. Select the appropriate relationship and authorization statement. I will choose Sign an Submit to be able to begin and complete the MSGP application.
STEERS Participation Agreement (SPA)
This account is probationary and has limited access (is not yet authorized to submit a permit application) until a signed copy of the STEERS Participation Agreement has been received by the TCEQ. Select the type of SPA to submit by selecting from the two options in the top right corner. – Paper SPA or E-Sign SPA.
STEERS Participation Agreement (SPA) – Contd..
Selecting E-Sign SPA to electronically submit the agreement requires valid Class C Texas Drivers License. Signing electronically will activate your account and all program area which you have direct authority to enter into the agreement. An electronic signature or hard-copy signature must still be provided for the program “Storm Water General Permit”. Enter your driver license information, read and check both boxes, and click “E-Sign SPA”. You will receive the message: “This page confirms the submittal of your electronically signed STEERS Participation Agreement (SPA) to the TCEQ. You will also receive a confirmation .” Save or print this information for your records. also will have instructions to set up password for your account. Follow the instruction to gain authenticated access to be able to apply for permits online.
YES! Successfully Completed
STEERS Account. ER001234 Added Storm Water General Permit Program. Signed E-SPA. Now Ready -New General Permit. You have successfully created a STEERS account, added Storm Water General Permit Program , signed an SPA and are ready to begin your General Permit application STEERS Questions : Please visit the STEERS help line associates at a booth outside.
E-Permitting and Registrations
Water Quality Division currently handles electronic versions related to: Construction General Permit TXR150000 Multi-Sector General Permit TXR050000 CAFO General Permit TXG920000 Pesticide General Permit TXG870000 Concrete Batch General Permit TXG (coming soon).
STEERS Home When you log into STEERS, you will be directed to the STEERS Home page. From the home page you can navigate to the different areas of STEERS. This is where you will see the newly added Program Area – Storm Water General Permits (EPR_SW). To begin an application, select the program -Storm Water General Permits (EPR_SW)
Create MSGP Application
Under the “I want to:” list, select one of the following options: Select “Fill Out” to start a new application, renewal, revision or permit termination application Or Select “Access” to gain access to an application that has already been started and has been issued a password. Remember STEERS is highly authenticated site. Customer activity is tracked in 20 minutes slot – if there is no activity or if its idle for that long, it would logout the user. Customer need to login again to continue with his or her application process.
Permit Application Cycle
CREATE FILL OUT SIGN PAY SUBMIT COR/NOA Certificates Ready to Sign Submit Complete Irrespective of the program type you choose, most of the permit application process goes though a series of sequential phases, which is strictly binded by the rule that application must follow. Customers must first create the application, Fill out, Sign, Pay and Submit. At the end of each phase, the application is saved and customer can revisit the application at a later time to complete it or complete all the phases in one sitting. Irrespective of how the customer does, it follows the one way rule of going through CREATE and SUBMIT in order to successfully complete the permit application. Once the permit is submitted and processed – Customer can access Copy of Records and other Notice of Approval Documents. Ready to Submit Ready to Pay
Create MSGP Application
Once we choose the Storm Water General Permits (EPR_SW) at the Select your Program Type screen, this is where we select what type of permit is this going to be. Multi Sector General Permit – (MSGP) has the following available. New - Notice of Intent application (INOI), No Exposure Certification application (INEC) Cancel - Terminate an existing INOI authorization, Terminate an existing INEC authorization. Modify - INOI Notice of Change application, NEC Notice of Change application (INEC-NOC). Renewal - INOI Renewal (INOI-R), INEC Renewal (INEC-R) – This is not listed here as it will be added soon - MSGP renewal time. Across the top of the screen, the application status bar will guide you through completion of the application from creation, filling the application out, signing the application, paying and finally, submitting. Note that until you submit the application, the agency will not receive or process it. You must pay and then return to the application to submit it before you will receive the confirmation of submission .
Create MSGP Application
Create Phase – Application Created. You will receive an application reference number and application password on this screen. Keep this information for your records. You will be able to set access rights to this application by allowing them access to the application number and password or by adding their STEERS ER Number to the permit application.
Fill Out MSGP Application
The Fill Out Application section is guided by an application Task List, which you will find at the top left of your screen. Once each of the required sections has been completed, the status will be updated to “Done”. If the section is not complete, the status will be shown as “To Do”. You may not skip ahead to a new section if the current section is not complete. Site Information Customer (applicant information) Billing Contact Application Contact INOI General Characteristics. Back to our demo- I choose Option 3, As I do not have any previous registrations with the TCEQ and I am unsure of whether the site is already registered. Enter the TCEQ as site name, County as TRAVIS.
New MSGP – Site Information
What is the name of the site to be authorized – I entered TCEQ. Does the site have a physical Address – Choose Yes, and enter valid address. Note that this information will be checked against USPS information to ensure that the address exists. Do not provide a PO Box or directions to the site in the address box. If there is not a physical address for the site, change your answer above to “No” and describe how the TCEQ can easily locate this site in the box “Because there is no physical address, describe how to locate this site:” that will appear when you select “No”. 3. Enter the latitude and longitude of the site in decimal format. You can look up the latitude and longitude for your site by clicking the and following the links in the help dialog box. 4. Enter the primary, and if applicable, secondary Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for this site. An SIC is a 2, 3 or 4 digit code assigned by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) for specific industrial activities. Use the look up feature on OSHA’s website to find the SIC for your site: Enter the code(s) that best describes the main business activity at this regulated entity. 5.Assuming that the site and regulated entity information are the same, I choose auto-populate the fields below with the existing information by selecting “Copy Site Information”.
Latitude / Longitude Viewer
Click on help to guide you to the Latitude and Longitude Viewer – Once you enter the correct address of the site, the Lat/Long viewer provided me with the following coordinates. –Latitude – Longitude. This is a very helpful resource available on the fly as you fill the information.
New MSGP Customer Application
Customer (Applicant) Information Customer or applicant information is information that identifies the customer seeking authorization. Note under the Task List that you have completed the Site Information (Regulated Entity) section of the application and have begun the Customer (Applicant) Information section. Option 1: If you know your existing Customer Number (CN), enter it here. If you do not know your CN or if you don’t have a CN, use option 2 or 3. Option 2: If you have an existing authorization number for another type of permit, enter it here to find your Customer Number. Select your CN. Option 3: Search the Central Registry database to see if you are already a TCEQ customer. Select the customer/ownership type from the options. If you don’t have a CN, one will be assigned upon completion of this application. In this presentation, I will choose Option 3: Customer Type : Individual Enter the applicant’s legal name: The applicant's legal name is the name as legally filed or recorded to form or recognize the entity. For an individual, the persons Last Name, First Name Middle Initial, must be entered in that order with commas The above two fields are mandatory to look up a customer. The following fields are optional: Federal Tax ID. All businesses, except for some small sole proprietors, should have a federal taxpayer identification number (TIN). Enter this number here. Do not use prefixes, dashes or hyphens. Do not use a Social Security Number. State Franchise Tax ID. Corporations and limited liability companies that operate in Texas are issued a franchise tax identification number. If the customer is a corporation or limited liability company, enter this number here. Secretary of State (SOS) Filing Number. Corporations and Limited Partnerships required to register with the Texas Secretary of State are issued a charter or filing number. You may obtain further information by calling SOS at or Click “Next”.
New MSGP - Customer Application
Find and select your existing CN and entity name from the Potential Customer Duplicates list, or select “New Customer” if your information is not listed. Click “Next”. The customer I entered Dillon, Brian is not in Central Registry Database as you see above, So I selected “Accept Current Data” to proceed to create a new customer and CN number.
New MSGP – Billing Contact
Next is Billing Contact: Assuming that Billing contact in my example is same Applicant, I choose “Dillon, Brian” from dropdown to select the permittee that is responsible for payment of the annual fee. Enter the Organization Name: TCEQ Phase 1 Department.
New MSGP – Application Contact
Next is Application Contact: If you have multiple people acting as Applicant, Billing contact and Application Contacts – then you might have different contacts as per their role. However In my example, Application contact is also same as Billing Contact. So under “Same as another contact?”, I choose “Dillon, Brian” from dropdown – Enter Title: Managing Director.
General Characteristics
List of Sectors and SIC codes Now to the specifics of the facility - General Characteristics If you need help with a question, click on the ? Icon, which is to the left of the question, for helpful links or more information about the question. 2. What is the Sector that applies to the industrial Activity at your facility. – In order to know the Sector (AA, AB, A, etc) - you can click on ? Icon and it would guide you to which opens the general permit so you can find the associated Sector Code and SIC code for the industrial activity at your facility. In this example I choose Question 2: Sector A. Question 4: SIC Code 2411 Question 6: Walnut Creek.
TCEQ Surface Water Quality Viewer
When you select the ? Icon for the Segment Number, it opens the TCEQ Surface Water Viewer. Enter the address of the site. This will open the map with water body and its associated segment number. This this case it is 1428 B 1428
General Characteristics –Contd..
Again the ? Icon can be used to help you find the segment number, the list of impaired water bodies, the list of TMDLs, help with the Edwards Aquifer. 7. What is the segment number(s) of the classified water body(s) that the discharge will eventually reach? 8. Are any of the surface water body(s) receiving the discharge or potential discharge on the latest EPA-approved CWA 303(d) list of impaired waters? YES 8.1. What is the name of the impaired water body(s)? If more than one, enter each separated by a comma. Just one in this case – Walnut Creek. 9. Do any of the surface water body(s) receiving the discharge or potential discharge have an EPA-approved or established total maximum daily load (TMDL)? – YES 10. Is the discharge into an MS4? - YES 10.1. What is the name of the MS4 Operator? – City of Austin. 12, 13, 14, 15 – All must be answered YES .
New MSGP – Fill Out Completed
You have now completely filled out the application. All Tasks are shown as done. The system shows you a summary of the all the entered site information. After reviewing the information, and saving, the system returns you to the Activities screen.
Activities - Ready To Sign
After you complete the application, the system takes you back to the Activities Screen where it now shows the STATUS of the application as Ready to Sign You can view the entire application by clicking on the Magnifying glass icon next to the Reference Number. This will show all the entered details in one page. At this time, the customer can choose Edit if any modifications to the information is needed. If no changes are needed, select the application you want to sign by checking the box to the left of the Reference Number. Click “Sign”.
New MSGP – Sign Application
Select the box to confirm that you have read and agree with each of the statements below the checkbox and enter your STEERS ER Account Password in the box below. Click “Apply Electronic Signature”. An will be sent to the address you provided confirming that the application was signed. You can again view the entire application filled by clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon next to the Reference Number to see all the entered details in one page.
Activities – Ready to Pay
After you sign, the system takes you back to the Activities Screen where it now shows the STATUS of the application as Ready to Pay Select the application you want to pay for by checking the box to the left of the Reference Number. Click “Pay”.
New MSGP –Payment Verify that the fee amount is correct and select the application by checking the box by the Reference Number and click “Next”.
Transfer to ePay Transfer to ePay
You will be asked to confirm that you would like to leave STEERS and go to the ePay system to complete your payment. You MUST return to STEERS to submit your application once you have paid. The system DOES NOT automatically submit the application to TCEQ after you pay. Select “Go to ePay”.
Electronic Check (ACH)
ePay - Payment Types Electronic Check (ACH) Credit Card ePay supports Payment by Credit Card Payment by Electronic Check Enter the payment contact information requested and select the payment type “Credit Card” or ACH to pay with a credit card. Next page takes you to Review the transaction information, the payment contact and select “Make a Payment”. You will be directed to a secure common checkout web application to complete the transaction.
ePay Enter the customer information requested, including name, address and phone number. Select “Next”. Enter the credit card number, expiration month and year, security code and name on the credit card. Select “Next”. Confirm the information, enter the verification code and select “Submit Payment”. You will be returned to the ePay system. As you see – GREEN CHECK next to each section indicates that it is correct and verified. For ACH Select the account type, enter the bank’s routing number, the account number, the name on the account and the account holder’s drivers license or state ID number and issuing state.
Payment Complete - Return to STEERS
Your payment transaction is now complete. Save this information for your records. Print the voucher by clicking on the voucher number under Cart Items. You will receive an to the address provided with confirmation of your payment and a receipt. Then select “Return to STEERS” Note: You must return to STEERS to complete your application. Your application has not been submitted to the agency and the agency will not be able to process or review it until you return to STEERS and submit it.
New MSGP - Ready To Submit
After you pay and select “Return to STEERS”, the system takes you back to the Activities Screen where it now shows the STATUS of the application as Ready to Submit. Select your application by checking the box next to the Reference Number and click “Submit”.
New MSGP - Submit Application
Select “Submit” again to verify that you wish to submit the selected application to TCEQ. Once this action is completed you cannot withdraw the application. Do not navigate away from this screen until the application has been processed. You will receive a confirmation at the address you provided. Keep this as documentation that you have completed the STEERS permitting process.
MSGP Permit – Copy Of Records (COR)
Select the magnifying glass icon under “Link to Copy of Record”. The Copy of Record (COR) is your completed application that was submitted to TCEQ. Keep a copy of the application summary provided for your records.
End Of Permit Application Cycle
CREATE FILL OUT SIGN PAY SUBMIT COR/NOA Certificates You have now completed the electronic permitting process by creating the application, filling out the details, signing the application, paying for the application, submitting the application to TCEQ, and printing your copy of record and authorization.
Inside STEERS - Submissions
All the submitted applications are stored for your records at all times under SUBMISSIONS. Customer can search based on his or her criteria and it will pull up all submitted records based on the criteria provided.
Inside STEERS - Submissions
The record contains Copy Of Records (COR), which is the completed application that was submitted to TCEQ. Notice of Authorization (NOA), which is your authorization certificate. Also has the option to view or save these records.
Inside STEERS – Activity
Inside STEERS – we also have Activity. This logs all the customer activity inside STEERS pertaining to the application or anything else within STEERS with a timestamp.
Notice of Intent (NOI) Approval Letter
Permit application TXR051234 MSGP Copy of Records Notice of Intent (NOI) Approval Letter Access Permit NOI Certificate Conclusion: The use of STEERS for notification, registration, and certification is strongly encouraged, as it streamlines the permitting process for both the customer and the TCEQ. Using STEERS shortens the permitting process and provides the customer immediate confirmation that their application has been received. As you see if you have a STEERS account – You can apply for many types of permits online. Access permits at any time. All your documents pertaining to the permit – are always stored and accessible when needed. Every activity on the application or STEERS can be viewed.
Contact Laurie Fleet 512-239-5445
Stormwater Processing Center (CGP & MSGP) Application Review & Processing Team (all others) For questions related to the Electronic Reporting Rule, contact Laurie Fleet. For epermitting questions related to the Construction General Permit or the Multi-Sector General Permit, contact the Stormwater Processing Center. For epermitting questions related to all other general permits, contact the Application Review & Processing Team.
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