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Presentation on theme: "SEQUENTIAL LOGIC."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sequential Logic

3 Positive Feedback: Bi-Stability

4 Meta-Stability Gain should be larger than 1 in the transition region

5 SR-Flip Flop S R Q 1 Q Q S R Q Q S Q 1 1 Q Q R Q 1 1 1 1 1 1

6 JK- Flip Flop

7 Other Flip-Flops

8 Race Problem

9 Master-Slave Flip-Flop

10 Propagation Delay Based Edge-Triggered

11 Edge Triggered Flip-Flop

12 Flip-Flop: Timing Definitions

13 Maximum Clock Frequency

14 CMOS Clocked SR- FlipFlop

15 Flip-Flop: Transistor Sizing

16 6 Transistor CMOS SR-Flip Flop

17 Charge-Based Storage

18 Master-Slave Flip-Flop

19 2 phase non-overlapping clocks

20 2-phase dynamic flip-flop

21 Flip-flop insensitive to clock overlap

22 C2MOS avoids Race Conditions

23 Pipelining

24 Pipelined Logic using C2MOS

25 Example

26 NORA CMOS Modules

27 Doubled C2MOS Latches

28 TSPC - True Single Phase Clock Logic

29 Master-Slave Flip-flops

30 Schmitt Trigger VTC with hysteresis Restores signal slopes

31 Noise Suppression using Schmitt Trigger

32 CMOS Schmitt Trigger Moves switching threshold of first inverter

33 Schmitt Trigger Simulated VTC

34 CMOS Schmitt Trigger (2)

35 Multivibrator Circuits

36 Transition-Triggered Monostable

37 Monostable Trigger (RC-based)

38 Astable Multivibrators (Oscillators)

39 Voltage Controller Oscillator (VCO)

40 Relaxation Oscillator

41 Arithmetic Building Blocks

42 A Generic Digital Processor

43 Building Blocks for Digital Architectures
Arithmetic unit - Bit-sliced datapath ( adder , multiplier, shifter, comparator, etc.) Memory - RAM, ROM, Buffers, Shift registers Control - Finite state machine (PLA, random logic.) - Counters Interconnect - Switches - Arbiters - Bus

44 Bit-Sliced Design

45 Full-Adder

46 The Binary Adder

47 Express Sum and Carry as a function of P, G, D

48 The Ripple-Carry Adder

49 Complimentary Static CMOS Full Adder

50 Inversion Property

51 Minimize Critical Path by Reducing Inverting Stages

52 The better structure: the Mirror Adder

53 The Mirror Adder The NMOS and PMOS chains are completely symmetrical. This guarantees identical rising and falling transitions if the NMOS and PMOS devices are properly sized. A maximum of two series transistors can be observed in the carry- generation circuitry. When laying out the cell, the most critical issue is the minimization of the capacitance at node Co. The reduction of the diffusion capacitances is particularly important. The capacitance at node Co is composed of four diffusion capacitances, two internal gate capacitances, and six gate capacitances in the connecting adder cell . The transistors connected to Ci are placed closest to the output. Only the transistors in the carry stage have to be optimized for optimal speed. All transistors in the sum stage can be minimal size.

54 Quasi-Clocked Adder

55 NMOS-Only Pass Transistor Logic

56 NP-CMOS Adder

57 NP-CMOS Adder C o1 S 1 A 1 B 1 S A B C i0

58 Manchester Carry Chain

59 Sizing Manchester Carry Chain

60 Carry-Bypass Adder

61 Manchester-Carry Implementation

62 Carry-Bypass Adder (cont.)

63 Carry Ripple versus Carry Bypass

64 Carry-Select Adder

65 Carry Select Adder: Critical Path

66 Linear Carry Select

67 Square Root Carry Select

68 Adder Delays - Comparison

69 LookAhead - Basic Idea

70 Look-Ahead: Topology

71 Logarithmic Look-Ahead Adder

72 Brent-Kung Adder

73 The Binary Multiplication

74 The Binary Multiplication

75 The Array Multiplier

76 The MxN Array Multiplier — Critical Path

77 Carry-Save Multiplier

78 Adder Cells in Array Multiplier

79 Multiplier Floorplan

80 Wallace-Tree Multiplier

81 Multipliers —Summary

82 The Binary Shifter

83 The Barrel Shifter Area Dominated by Wiring

84 4x4 barrel shifter Widthbarrel ~ 2 pm M

85 Logarithmic Shifter

86 0-7 bit Logarithmic Shifter
3 Out3 A 2 Out2 A 1 Out1 A Out0

87 Design as a Trade-Off

88 Layout Strategies for Bit-Sliced Datapaths

89 Layout of Bit-sliced Datapaths

90 Layout of Bit-sliced Datapaths


92 Impact of Interconnect Parasitics

93 Nature of Interconnect


95 Capacitance: The Parallel Plate Model

96 Typical Wiring Capacitance Values

97 Fringing Capacitance

98 Fringing Capacitance: Values

99 How to counter Clock Skew?

100 Interwire Capacitance

101 Interwire Capacitance

102 Impact of Interwire Capacitance

103 Capacitance Crosstalk

104 How to Battle Capacitive Crosstalk

105 Driving Large Capacitances

106 Using Cascaded Buffers

107 tp in function of u and x

108 Impact of Cascading Buffers

109 Output Driver Design

110 How to Design Large Transistors

111 Bonding Pad Design Bonding Pad GND 100 mm Out VDD Out In GND

112 Reducing the swing Also results in reduction in power dissipation
Reducing the swing potentially yields linear reduction in delay Also results in reduction in power dissipation Requires use of “sense amplifier” to restore signal level

113 Charge Redistribution Amplifier

114 Precharged Bus

115 Tristate Buffers

116 Using Bipolar Versus MOS
But: Bipolar does not scale well with voltage!

117 Bipolar Versus MOS (cont.)


119 Wire Resistance

120 Interconnect Resistance

121 Dealing with Resistance

122 Polycide Gate Mosfet

123 Modern Interconnect

124 RI Introduced Noise

125 Power and Ground Distribution

126 Electromigration (1)

127 Electromigration (2)

128 RC-Delay

129 RC-Models

130 Reducing RC-delay Repeater

131 The Ellmore Delay

132 Penfield-Rubinstein-Horowitz


134 Inductive Effects in Integrated Circuits

135 L di/dt

136 L di/dt: Simulation

137 Choosing the Right Pin

138 Decoupling Capacitors

139 The Transmission Line

140 Lossless Transmission Line - Parameters

141 Wave Propagation Speed

142 Wave Reflection for Different Terminations

143 Transmission Line Response (RL= )

144 Lattice Diagram

145 ECL Gate Line Response

146 Output Buffer Model

147 Output Buffer - Response

148 When to Consider Transmission Line Effects?

149 Packaging

150 Bonding Techniques

151 Tape-Automated Bonding (TAB)

152 Flip-Chip Bonding

153 Package-to-Board Interconnect

154 Package Types

155 Package Parameters

156 Multi-Chip Modules


158 The Clock Skew Problem

159 Delay of Clock Wire

160 Constraints on Skew

161 Clock Constraints in Edge-Triggered Logic

162 Positive and Negative Skew

163 Clock Skew in Master-Slave Two Phase Design

164 Clock Skew in 2-phase design

165 How to counter Clock Skew?

166 Clock Distribution

167 Clock Network with Distributed Buffering

168 Example: DEC Alpha 21164


170 Clock Skew in Alpha Processor

171 Self-timed and asynchronous design

172 Self-timed pipelined datapath

173 Completion Signal Generation

174 Completion Signal Generation

175 Completion Signal in DCVSL

176 Self-timed Adder

177 Hand-shaking Protocol

178 Event Logic — The Muller C-element

179 2-phase Handshake Protocol

180 Example: Self-timed FIFO

181 4-phase Handshake Protocol (or RTZ)

182 4-phase Handshake Protocol -Implementation

183 Asynchronous-Synchronous Interface

184 A Simple Synchronizer

185 Synchronizer: Output Trajectories

186 Simulated Trajectory versus One Pole Model

187 Mean Time to Failure

188 Example

189 Cascaded Synchronizers Reduce MTF

190 Arbiters

191 Synchronization at System Level

192 Skew of Local Clocks vs Reference

193 Phase-Locked Loop Based Clock Generator

194 Ring Oscillator

195 Example of PLL-generated clock

196 Design Methodologies

197 The Design Problem Source: sematech97
A growing gap between design complexity and design productivity

198 Design Methodology Design process traverses iteratively between three abstractions: behavior, structure, and geometry More and more automation for each of these steps

199 Design Analysis and Verification
Accounts for largest fraction of design time More efficient when done at higher levels of abstraction - selection of correct analysis level can account for multiple orders of magnitude in verification time Two major approaches: Simulation Verification

200 Digital Data treated as Analog Signal
Circuit Simulation Both Time and Data treated as Analog Quantities Also complicated by presence of non-linear elements (relaxed in timing simulation)

201 Representing Data as Discrete Entity
Discretizing the data using switching threshold The linear switch model of the inverter

202 Circuit versus Switch-Level Simulation

203 Structural Description of Accumulator
Design defined as composition of register and full-adder cells (“netlist”) Data represented as {0,1,Z} Time discretized and progresses with unit steps Description language: VHDL Other options: schematics, Verilog

204 Behavioral Description of Accumulator
Design described as set of input-output relations, regardless of chosen implementation Data described at higher abstraction level (“integer”)

205 Behavioral simulation of accumulator
Discrete time Integer data (Synopsys Waves display tool)

206 Timing Verification Enumerates and rank orders critical timing paths
Critical path Enumerates and rank orders critical timing paths No simulation needed! (Synopsys-Epic Pathmill)

207 Issues in Timing Verification
False Timing Paths

208 Implementation Methodologies

209 Custom Design – Layout Editor
Magic Layout Editor (UC Berkeley)

210 Symbolic Layout Dimensionless layout entities
Only topology is important Final layout generated by “compaction” program Stick diagram of inverter

211 Cell-based Design (or standard cells)
Routing channel requirements are reduced by presence of more interconnect layers

212 Standard Cell — Example

213 Standard Cell - Example
3-input NAND cell (from Mississippi State Library) characterized for fanout of 4 and for three different technologies

214 Automatic Cell Generation
Random-logic layout generated by CLEO cell compiler (Digital)

215 Module Generators — Compiled Datapath

216 Macrocell Design Methodology
Floorplan: Defines overall topology of design, relative placement of modules, and global routes of busses, supplies, and clocks Interconnect Bus Routing Channel

217 Macrocell-Based Design Example
SRAM SRAM Data paths Routing Channel Standard cells Video-encoder chip [Brodersen92]

218 Gate Array — Sea-of-gates
Uncommited Cell Committed Cell (4-input NOR)

219 Sea-of-gate Primitive Cells
Using oxide-isolation Using gate-isolation

220 Sea-of-gates Random Logic Memory Subsystem LSI Logic LEA300K
(0.6 mm CMOS)

221 Prewired Arrays Categories of prewired arrays (or field-programmable devices): Fuse-based (program-once) Non-volatile EPROM based RAM based

222 Programmable Logic Devices

223 EPLD Block Diagram Primary inputs Macrocell Courtesy Altera Corp.

224 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays Fuse-based
Standard-cell like floorplan

225 Interconnect Programming interconnect using anti-fuses

226 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays RAM-based

227 RAM-based FPGA Basic Cell (CLB)
Courtesy of Xilinx

228 RAM-based FPGA Xilinx XC4025

229 Taxonomy of Synthesis Tasks

230 Design for Test

231 Validation and Test of Manufactured Circuits
Goals of Design-for-Test (DFT) Make testing of manufactured part swift and comprehensive DFT Mantra Provide controllability and observability Components of DFT strategy Provide circuitry to enable test Provide test patterns that guarantee reasonable coverage

232 Test Classification Diagnostic test “go/no go” or production test
used in chip/board debugging defect localization “go/no go” or production test Used in chip production Parametric test x e [v,i] versus x e [0,1] check parameters such as NM, Vt, tp, T

233 Design for Testability
Exhaustive test is impossible or unpractical

234 Problem: Controllability/Observability
Combinational Circuits: controllable and observable - relatively easy to determine test patterns Sequential Circuits: State! Turn into combinational circuits or use self-test Memory: requires complex patterns Use self-test

235 Test Approaches Ad-hoc testing Scan-based Test Self-Test
Problem is getting harder increasing complexity and heterogeneous combination of modules in system-on-a-chip. Advanced packaging and assembly techniques extend problem to the board level

236 Generating and Validating Test-Vectors
Automatic test-pattern generation (ATPG) for given fault, determine excitation vector (called test vector) that will propagate error to primary (observable) output majority of available tools: combinational networks only sequential ATPG available from academic research Fault simulation determines test coverage of proposed test-vector set simulates correct network in parallel with faulty networks Both require adequate models of faults in CMOS integrated circuits

237 Fault Models a, g : x1 sa1 b : x1 sa0 or x2 sa0 g : Z sa1
Most Popular - “Stuck - at” model Covers almost all (other) occurring faults, such as opens and shorts. a, g : x1 sa1 b : x1 sa0 or x2 sa0 g : Z sa1

238 Problem with stuck-at model: CMOS open fault
Sequential effect Needs two vectors to ensure detection! Other options: use stuck-open or stuck-short models This requires fault-simulation and analysis at the switch or transistor level - Very expensive!

239 Problem with stuck-at model: CMOS short fault
Causes short circuit between Vdd and GND for A=C=0, B=1 Possible approach: Supply Current Measurement (IDDQ) but: not applicable for gigascale integration

240 Path Sensitization Goals: Determine input pattern that makes a fault
controllable (triggers the fault, and makes its impact visible at the output nodes) sa0 1 Fault enabling 1 1 1 1 1 Fault propagation Techniques Used: D-algorithm, Podem

241 Ad-hoc Test Inserting multiplexer improves testability

242 Scan-based Test

243 Polarity-Hold SRL (Shift-Register Latch)
Introduced at IBM and set as company policy

244 Scan-Path Register

245 Scan-based Test —Operation

246 Scan-Path Testing Partial-Scan can be more effective for pipelined datapaths

247 Boundary Scan (JTAG) Board testing becomes as problematic as chip testing

248 Self-test Rapidly becoming more important with increasing
chip-complexity and larger modules

249 Linear-Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
Pseudo-Random Pattern Generator

250 Signature Analysis Counts transitions on single-bit stream
 Compression in time


252 BILBO Application

253 Memory Self-Test Patterns: Writing/Reading 0s, 1s, Walking 0s, 1s
Galloping 0s, 1s

254 Magic Mask Artwork Generator for Integrated Circuits - from U. C
Magic Mask Artwork Generator for Integrated Circuits - from U.C. Berkeley Magic is a interactive system for creating and modifying VLSI Circuit Layouts Magic is not a color painting tool, it understands the nature of the circuits you design, and provides additional operations and analysis Magic permits only Manhattan geometry Magic uses composite layers - not simple mask layers Magic provides interactive drc, extraction, and interfaces to IRSIM.

255 Initial Login

256 Use PICO to edit .login file

257 .bash_profile and .login file

258 1. Add appropriate line to .login and .bash_profile files depending on
source ~cad/CAD_HOME/SCRIPTS/newcad.bash 1. Add appropriate line to .login and .bash_profile files depending on account. 2. Then logoff of computer. 3. Finally Logon once again. What should you see? source ~cad/CAD_HOME/SCRIPTS/newcad.tcsh

259 Appropriate Settings Must have this heading in order to run MAGIC

260 4. Running MAGIC

261 Magic Tutorial #1: tut1

262 tut1

263 6. Invoking Commands :paint

264 6. Invoking Commands :grid

265 Quitting

266 MAGIC Tutorial #2: tut2a

267 Creating a Box and using the Cursor
Then right mouse button to finish and capture the upper right corner of box. Left mouse button to start box in lower left corner.

268 Painting using the Middle Mouse Button

269 tut2a :paint

270 tut2a :undo

271 tut2a :redo

272 tut2b and Selecting

273 tut2b and More Selecting

274 tut2c and Labeling

275 Creating a Cursor Left and Right click at the same spot.

276 Erasing Labels Select desired area.

277 Erasing Labels

278 Inverter Layout in MAGIC

279 An Inverter with Design Rule Errors
Grid spacing. Opening the Palette. Examples of Labeling.

280 Saving and Extracting MAGIC Files

281 Extracting MAGIC Layout into SPICE Format
Please note: Extract the Magic file The two “base-names” must be the same (inverter)

282 Mosis scmos 2u parameters.
(you get from: CAD_HOME/lib/scmos2um.spice) Extracted by MAGIC and ext2spice Spice3 commands (you must add)

283 Copy and paste using the left mouse button to highlight
the text in PICO then use the right mouse button to copy the highlighted text into the spice3 xterm window. ** This will save you time in the long run.


285 Printing in MAGIC and SPICE

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