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Liberty 6th Grade Sierra Outdoor School Trip

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1 Liberty 6th Grade Sierra Outdoor School Trip
October 12th-14th, 2016

2 Important Dates SOS Trip- October Busses will leave promptly at 7:00 a.m. Students should be at Liberty at 6:45 a.m. Candy Fundraiser starts Tuesday, September 13th. Sale Ends on October 3rd. For those who signed permission slips, you may pick up your candy tonight. Trip Permission Slip and fees will go out in October and are due to office by 4:00PM on October 7th. No exceptions! Medication/Doctor forms are due to our nurse by October 7th. Busses will arrive back to Liberty approximately at 4:15 on Friday, October 14th.

3 Trip Costs Charge for students to attend is $225.00
This cost includes all meals (except day 1 lunch), transportation fees, lodging, and activities. Spending money is optional – We recommend no more than $20.00 Chaperones are asked to pay the same price as the students. Due to costs involved we cannot pay for a parent. Parents wishing to attend for a portion of the trip – and have talked to your child’s teacher and Mrs. Chance prior – will incur a charge of $80.00 per day.

4 Packing 3 day-2 night trip –please plan accordingly
Average temps in Sonora for Late October are in the 60’s with temps dropping as low as the high 30’s. Make sure your child has appropriate clothing. Good shoes that can get dirty and stay sturdy. All students must remain in dress code. Bring all toiletries etc… nothing is available at camp. A list is provided. NO ELECTRONICS!!!! Disposable type cameras are best. However, if you allow your child to bring a digital camera, it is at your risk. Lost or stolen cameras will not be replaced.

5 Before Trip All fees/permission slips are due by October 7th at 4:00pm. If it has not been turned in by that date – Your child might not go! Medicine forms and medicine are due to the nurse by October 7th. We cannot, by law, give any child, any medicine without a doctors note. This includes over the counter medicines! Sick children may NOT attend the trip. The bus MUST leave at 7:00 – if you are not on it… it will still leave.

6 During Trip Please read over rules and conduct policies carefully with your child. Your child will be at a school function on CUSD property. Violation of a rule there is the same as violating the rule at school. Major violations may result in you having to pick up your child at the SOS. If a child becomes ill with a temperature over 100 degrees – Board policy states that they must be picked up. Hold on to the directions provided tonight- just in case!

7 Chaperones Parents selected as official chaperones will be fingerprinted. If you have been selected as an official chaperone, you have been contacted by Mrs. Chance. No fingerprinting required if a parent is going to visit for the day. Parents will not be allowed to spend the night on campus. Questions? THANK YOU FOR COMING THIS EVENING! WE LOOK FORWARD TO A GREAT TRIP!

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