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A Brief Introduction to CRU, GHCN, NCEP2, CAM3.5

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1 A Brief Introduction to CRU, GHCN, NCEP2, CAM3.5
Yi-Chih Huang

2 CRU (I) Gridded dataset produced by the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia Anomaly method CRUTEM3 Land surface temperature anomalies Monthly since January 1850, on a 5x5 degree grid HadCRUT3 A blend of CRUTEM3 and HadSST2

3 CRU (II) TS3 Variables: precipitation, wet-day frequency, mean temperature, diurnal temperature range, vapor pressure, sunshine, cloud cover, ground frost frequency Monthly during 1901~2006 on a 0.5° × 0.5° grid

4 GHCN Global Historical Climatology Network Anomaly Method
Monthly precipitation anomalies Monthly temperature anomalies 5 X 5 degree grid

5 NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 (I)
Monthly, Daily, Sub-Daily for 1979/1/ /12/31 An improved version of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I Same resolution as N/N Reanalysis: T62 L28 Same raw observed data Same dependence of satellite temperature retrievals Fixed known errors in N/N Reanalysis S. H. PAOBs Snow cover Oceanic albedo Discontinuities in radiation fluxes

6 NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 (II)
Improved diagnostics Snow/water budget Cloud diagnostics field Winter time precipitation, surface temp and fluxes in high latitudes Tropical precipitation Some improvements in the assimilation system Soil wetness, especially the interannual variations

7 NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 (III)
Possible drawbacks Overestimates OLR over warm pool Equatorial upper level moisture much drier over convection area Summer precipitation rates in Arctic region Long term spin-down of soil wetness in polar latitudes

8 CAM3.5 (I) Community Atmospheric Model
1.9x2.5 deg / 26 levels Separates parameterization suite from dynamical core Slab Ocean Model Mixed layer temperature Thermodynamic sea ice model Snow depth, surface temperature, ice thickness, ice fractional coverage, and internal energy

9 CAM3.5 (II) Lin-Rood finite volume dynamic core Deep Convection
Flux-form semi-Lagrangian scheme Sub-cycling within the 2D Lagrangian dynamics Deep Convection Convective momentum transports Dilute plume calculation Cloud Fraction Polar cloud freeze-drying

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