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Changes and Improvements in Irrigation Practices

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1 Changes and Improvements in Irrigation Practices
Melrose Dairy Limited (Mark & Devon Slee)

2 Melrose Dairy Ltd Total 1011.48 ha 922 ha effective #37065 231 ha
Dairy Support ha Since 2001 the property has grown and undergone extensive development in centre pivot irrigation from borderdyke. Currently milking 2640 through 50 and two 60 bale rotary shed (880 each) Total Milk Solids 2013/14 1,275,000 Kg MS 14 Full time Staff Property is run as a semi self contained unit wintering cows and young stock.



5 What’s Changed in the last 15 years ?
Centre Pivots Soil Moisture Monitoring GPS Environmental Awareness Improved Soils Water Storage (on farm and scheme storage)


7 Centre Pivots One of the most efficient way to irrigate
Low level application (5mm per 24 hours) Low pressure system Low labour requirement

8 Soil Moisture Monitoring
Monitoring for 8 years Web based telemetry (3rd generation) 8 sites on farm Over 4000 soil moisture probes sold by our provider in NZ

9 GPS Technology Proof of placement for fertiliser Sprinkler placement
Effluent management Ability to apply low rates of green water through Centre Pivots at 5mm depth of application


11 Environmental Awareness


13 it will be more sustainable for our business and the environment.
If we are efficient in the way we use resources it will be more sustainable for our business and the environment.

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