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Kinetics of Nucleation

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1 Kinetics of Nucleation
(b) Bimolecular reactions describing flux of atoms into and out of i sized-clusters For eqn. (a) forward Rx backward Rx Writing a similar set of eqns. For (b) and combining (C)

2 Provides us with an eqn. describing how the number of clusters containing i atoms changes with time.
For each cluster size i there is a finite difference eqn. of the form of (C). The equations are coupled and must be solved simultaneously in order to obtain ni as a function of time i.e., ni t t – transient time to steady state

3 Inspecting of eqn (C) reveals that it has the finite difference form of the diffusion equation. The coupled finite – difference eqns. can be recast into a continuum form that looks just like the diffusion eqn! The continuity eqn for the time dependent concentration nit of i clusters is just : (d) where the cluster current is where is the equilibrium population of i –sized clusters.

4 What we want is an exact solution to (d) subject to the initial conditions.
all other ni = 0 and the boundary conditions: as t   No exact solutions to this formidable problem exist and literature treatments have made various approximations in order to obtain a solution to this problem.

5 Volmer model 1926 (equilibrium)
An equilibrium distribution of clusters is assumed to exist : Gi i* G* i i* i Each of the bimolecular reactions is assumed to be in equilibrium. i.e., Forward rate = backward rate Nucleation event rest of distribution not used – unphysical!

6 Nucleation Rate :( # of nuclei per unit volume and time)
where the rate constant ki has been decomposed into a collision frequency ( # of atoms arriving per unit time and area) and the number of attachment sites or surface sites Oi*, i.e., ki = Oii, e.g., For nucleation from the gas phase

7 Becker – Doring model 1935 (steady state)
VW ( ) (equilibrium) BD (steady state – distribution is found by clusters acquiring or losing individual atoms q i i* Once again, consider (e) The nucleation rate ( formation of  i +1) is and corresponds to the net forward reaction rate for a reaction such as (e).

8 At steady state Ii  const i.e.,
(f) (* Note Volmer’s assumption was that Ii  0) The cluster population is constant Clusters of size (i-1) are also involved in the reaction. for which and and

9 We want to evaluate I - Since the rate constants are independent of concentration we can solve for one rate constant in terms of the equil. i.e., concentration of ( i – 1 ) clusters # of surf atoms in ( i – 1) clusters rate const for transition in units of # of jumps per atom per second

10 @ steady state net rate = 0 :
and Writing this in differential form : @ steady state

11 (I) where q is an arbitrarily large value of i such that nq = 0. the RHS of ( I ) Then

12 Now exp (Gi / kT) has a sharp maximum around Gi = G
Now exp (Gi / kT) has a sharp maximum around Gi = G* as the value of the  will be dominated by the exponential. So take i.e., only the i in the vicinity of i* will contribute. An expression for Gi can be found by expanding in a Taylor series about G* : where Note the linear term is absent since  defines G*

13 Change of variables let
If i is not too large, the limits of integration can be taken -  +

14 for i far away from i* , or Then solving for I Note Zeldovich factor

15 What should be used for Depends on  phase Vapor : area of i* cluster Liquid : jump rate per atom, across the interface - Pure liquid no atomic neighbor must change  Collision limited inter-atomic distance - alloy : charge of neighbor necessary  diffusion limited

16 Temperature dependence of I
where ga is an interface activation energy indep. of T and recall for spherical clusters as reduction of driving force as T  0 atomic motilities are reduced and I  0

17 Temperature dependence of I
Tmax Te I Write I in the form For solidification of metals : For I ~ 1 nucleus cm-3 sec-1 For I ~ 106 nuclei cm-3 sec-1

18 Since in order to increase I from 1 to 106 we need to increase T by a factor of (76 / 62)1/2  1.1  10 % increase. so I increases very quickly with T ! Number of critical nuclei: Subs. For G*; is a T = 1/3Tm

19 For Al @ T = 1/3Tm = 311o K  very small For a 50oK undercool Can actually only undercool by ~ 5oK before solidification occurs  catalytic sites heterogeneous nucleation.

20 Comparison with experiment
Review : D. Turnbull, Solid State Physics, 3, 226 – 301 (1956). Hg 3 -9 nm homogeneous heterogeneous Disperse in oil with surfactant oil Hg droplets suspended in oil that didn’t catalyze nucleation.

21 Turnbull was able to undercool by 79oK .
Theory says that Experiment values for The disagreement of ~ 107 is outside experimental error ! Turnbull was able to account for the discrepancy by considering the small temperature dependence of . However, its not clear that using the bulk value of  is appropriate. because of the strong dependence of I on T solid state nucleation theory is semi-quantitative condensation is in much better shape ( J. L. Katz etal. J. Chem. Phys. 62, 448 (1972)


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