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Learning Styles.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Styles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Styles

2 What is a Learning Style?
The way each person concentrates on, processes, and retains new and difficult information

3 Perceptual Strength What is it? 5 Perceptual Strengths
The sense one relies on the most when confronted with new and difficult information. 5 Perceptual Strengths Auditory Learner Visual Learner Tactual Learner Kinesthetic Learner Verbal Learner

4 Auditory Learner A person who learns best by hearing or listening to new material. Examples: Learning from cassette tapes or the radio

5 Visual Learner A person who learns best by seeing the material they are learning. Examples: Learning from films, reading materials, maps, charts, graphs, etc.

6 Tactual Learner A person who learns best by using his/her sense of touch. Examples: Learning by taking notes, underlining while reading, drawing pictures, making flash cards

7 Kinesthetic Learner A person who learns best by being completely involved in the material or activity they are trying to learn. Examples: Learning best by taking Field Trips

8 Verbal Learner A person who learns best by talking about the material they are learning. Examples: Learning by reading aloud, explaining the material to another student, etc.

9 21 Elements of Learning Environmental Factors Emotional Factors
Sociological Factors Physical Factors Psychological Factors

10 21 Elements of Learning Environmental Factors Sound Light Temperature
Design Formal Informal

11 21 Elements of Learning Emotional Factors
Motivation – how eager you are to learn Persistence – working until task is completed Responsibility – complete task with minimum supervision Structure – the specific rules for working/completing an assignment

12 21 Elements of Learning Sociological Factors – interaction with others
Self Pairs Peers Team Adult Varied

13 21 Elements of Learning Physical Factors Perceptual – use of senses
Intake – food/drink Time – when you are most alert Mobility – take breaks, move around

14 21 Elements of Learning Psychological Factors
Global/Analytic Global – Understand the concept first then concentrate on details Analytic – Step-by-step Hemisphericity – Dominance of one side of the brain over the other Right-brained – global learner Left-brained – analytic learner

15 21 Elements of Learning Psychological Factors Continued
3. Impulsive/Reflective -Impulsive – One who blurts out an answer without giving it much thought. -Reflective – One who repeats the question in his/her mind and then thinks of an answer.

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