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Wake up OCC :: 11 September 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Wake up OCC :: 11 September 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wake up OCC :: 11 September 2016

2 Abraham: nations blessed Israel: light to the nations
Before Time Creation Rebellion Redemption New Creation Abraham: nations blessed Israel: light to the nations Jesus: light of the world Church: so send I you 2nd coming of Jesus: all made new [CLICK] each box

3 Ephesians 1:3-23

4 Wake up, wake up, O Zion clothe yourself with strength
Wake up, wake up, O Zion clothe yourself with strength! Put on your garments of splendor, Jerusalem, the holy city. The unclean & godless will not enter you again. Shake off your dust; rise up, sit in a place of honour. Isaiah 52:1-2

5 zion Jerusalem Biblical land of Israel
specific mountain near Jerusalem came to stand for the place where God dwells zion

6 God is the Lord of redemption

7 Long ago my people chose to live in Egypt
Long ago my people chose to live in Egypt. Now they are oppressed by Assyria…  “Why are my people enslaved again? Those who rule them shout in exultation. My name is blasphemed all day long. But I will reveal my name to my people, and they will come to know its power. Then at last they will recognize that I am the one who speaks to them.” Isaiah 52:4-6

8 God is the Lord of redemption God is Lord of the process He is our God – personal God is Lord of the city [CLICK] each line

9 The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us
The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. The word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood. John 1:14

10 follow Jesus

11 We have all… Hurt by others Hurt ourselves Hurt others Healing Life’s Choices is an 8 week resource to discover God’s hope and healing for the hurts, pains and habits of life. Sign up today

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