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Breeds of Beef Cattle.

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1 Breeds of Beef Cattle

2 ANGUS Origin- Scotland Color- Solid Black
(+)- good carcass; efficient feeders; moderate size (-)- can be too small too cross with some other breeds; lighter muscled breed Size- Cows- 1200lbs Bulls-1800lbs Official Name- Aberdeen-Angus


4 CHAROLAIS Origin- France Color- Solid White (Variations in shades)
(+)- heavy muscled; adapt well in most areas (-)- high feed efficiency ratio; horned Size- Cows Bulls- 2200


6 CHIANINA (Pronounced Key-a-nee-na)
Origin- Italy Color- Purebred- White; black, red with or without white (+)- useable in crossbreed programs; no color standards in breed association; good mothers (-)- size, color, and type vary and aren’t consistent Size- (Purebred)- up to 2400 Bulls- 4000


8 HEREFORD Origin- England Color- Various shades of red with white
(+)- docile; efficient feeders; hardy; great to cross with (-)- horned; white color pattern is dominant Size- Cows- 1200lbs Bulls- 1800lbs

9 HEREFORD Cows Bulls

10 POLLED HEREFORD Origin- Iowa Color-Same as Hereford (+)- No horns
(-)- Slightly less muscled

11 LIMOUSIN Origin- France
Color- Light yellow to dark red to brown to black (+)- heavy muscled; lean carcass; large loins (-)- hard to cross with; can be horned Size- Cows Bulls- 2200

12 LIMOUSIN Cows Bulls

13 MAINE-ANJOU Origin- France Color- Red, black and with or without white
(+)- great beef producers; docile; crossable (-)- can be horned; coloring not consistent Size- Cows Bulls- 2500

14 MAINE-ANJOU Cows Bulls

15 Color- Red, white, red and white, roan
SHORTHORN Origin- England Color- Red, white, red and white, roan (+)- docile; cross with most anything; very adaptable; good carcass; great mothers (-)- can be horned Size- Cows Bulls- 2400

16 SHORTHORN Cows Bulls

17 SIMMENTAL Origin- Switzerland
Color- Black, red, brown, tan, yellow with or without white (+)- fast growers; heavy muscled; adapt to any climate (-)- horned; can be too big; coloring inconsistent Size- Cows Bulls- 2600

18 SIMMENTAL Cows Bulls

19 BRAHMAN Origin- Southwest US
Color- Light gray to red to black (most common light to medium gray) Crossed to create new breeds here in the US Heat, insect, and disease tolerant Good mothers Unpredictable disposition Size- Cows Bulls- 2000

20 BRAHMAN Cows Bulls

21 SANTA GERTUDIS Origin- King Ranch in Texas Color- Cherry Red
(+)- efficient feeders; little waste fat; disease and insect resistant (-)- lots of extra skin; horned Size- Cows-1200 Bulls-2000


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