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Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition 2017 Kick-Off Enterprise Meeting

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1 Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition 2017 Kick-Off Enterprise Meeting
9 February 2017 Jeff Sweeney PCDC Director Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic (SSC Atlantic) 59500 Information Systems Security Operations (USN) For PCDC Planning Purposes Only

2 PCDC 2017 PCDC is scheduled for Trident Technical College
Dial-in: (877) , New Conf Code: PCDC is scheduled for Trident Technical College On 8/9/10 April 2017 We are 60 days out from the words, “YOU MAY BEGIN” PCDC 2017 Enterprise meetings are now held every two weeks

3 2017 Participating High Schools
Palmetto Scholars Academy – North Charleston - 1st place 2016 Porter Gaud- Charleston - 2nd place 2016 Stratford – Goose Creek – 3rd place 2016 Qualified through CyberPatriot: Wando Ashley Ridge South Aiken Home School Network Blythewood

4 PCDC 2017 Status PCDC 2017 SPAWAR Logo Swag Bag - ordered
1 Challenge Coin SPAWAR water bottle T-shirt PCDC/AFCEA logo Mug – ordering 250 (D. Donaldson) Other sponsor logo swag items being accepted PCDC Logo mini LED flashlights SPAWAR will again provide bags/bottles for high school and college days One laptop to each competing high schools for practice field Drones with Programming Kit: $200/ea, $1600 total – one for each HS Additional swag offered by ECPI & ?

5 PCDC 2017 Status Gold Team Work progressing at Parsons prestaging facility, weekly drumbeats Remaining 50 laptops to be delivered on Monday Includes coordination meetings with red team and also blue lead and judges Injects team: Ken Zahn, Kelly Hines, Justin Williams Last major equipment need (NIC): 2-Port PCIe 10GBase-T Ethernet Network Card w/Intel X540 Chip Unit price $388.03, MFG Part#: ST20000SPEXI CDW part Go ahead and order 7 more: total: $3,492 VOIP expert – Atri Amin Need Call Manager – CISCO contacts provided Will be used for some injects or gold team requests Blue Team Packet/Initial PW Copies: Russ Barnes Will post updated Prep Guide late Feb/early Mar Will be updating Facebook page: Krista Leopold

6 PCDC 2017 Status Invitation to speak on Sunday still open. Looking at Cyber Security industry leader from Dell, Google, Black Baud, etc. Would like to hold TTC/SPAWAR/AFCEA coordination meeting during the week of 13 or 20 Feb – Tonya Davis setup High School mentoring has begun. Will have 2-4 mentors per school. Initial mentoring brief updated and provided to mentors. Kick off mentor meeting held on 6 Feb at SPAWAR with all mentors. Middle School Efforts?? – Dave Coldren (SPAWAR/SCNG) lead Scholarship for Service information to students – H. Osborne has good info Music coordinator- Stephen Stills, all teams will be requested to provide 8 songs Honor Guard – Marcy Hippey National Anthem: Paulatoria Jones

7 PCDC 2017 Status Ashley Caldwell at Pearson:
Will again offer test vouchers for Microsoft Tech Associate (raffle off) Again offering other give aways Staff food provided in adjacent building? Home Team BBQ? Tijuana Flats, Jim and Nicks, La Nortena (offer sponsorship for deals): POCs: Debbie Donaldson and Karen Cooke Will assign someone (registration desk) to protect food/snacks this year MERCOM Raspberry PIs and kits- not this year, though we did find a couple schools that really liked and utilized them

8 PCDC 2017 Status Awards (Sat/Sun): Supplies:
1st place: $500 each, National Guard Backpack and Challenge Cup for one year. LCE has provided mobile chargers for members of winning team each day MVP $1,000 on Saturday and Sunday New trophies sponsor – Life Cycle Engineering Challenge Cup Order from All American Awards in Mt. Pleasant Sponsor Appreciation plaques Supplies: CD/DVDs, printer cartridge, Dry erase makers Larger white boards? Some of the old ones in bad shape

9 PCDC 2017 Status (Collegiate Day)
Florida Gators asked to compete, but we keep it to South Carolina Q&A Sessions will be in early March, date TBD The three new schools that were going to compete all failed to register for the SE Regional CCDC Remote Qualifier. All reported that they needed another year to prepare (good and bad). Therefore, all eight 10 teams from last year will return. Two schools will be competing in SECCDC qualifier for the first time: SCSU and ECPI University On-site SECCDC at Kennesaw State, GA is 5/6 April Have reversed decision to allow one high school student to be imbedded on each Collegiate Team due to Red and Gold Team concerns

10 Pro Day Status Will again imbed 1 student from each College and 1 from TTC for each team Army Cyber Team from Ft. Gordon: arranging travel funding Q&A sessions will again be held. Dates: Late Feb/early Mar SCNG confirmed NCDOC: pending, 90% confirmed SC Cyber Proposal (Tom Scott): Hold Lock down Your Login Awareness Event for people in another room at TTC and combine for keynote speaker: Senator Tim Scott. Tonya Davis secured use of a room. Need latest status. Industry Pro Day Team commitments: SRC, CSRA, SAIC, SCANA Energy, Parsons

11 Information Bullets We will have Blue team briefs on Pro Day this year
New rules to dissuade use of cell phones on campus to aid team Will again imbed 1 student from each College and 1 from TTC for each team Have Sponsorship, Collegiate, Pro Day and High School focused brochures on website if needed by anyone No reach back to collegiate advisors available this year Will need dividers from SRC again this year Contractors interested in helping with mentoring high school students should contact Jeff Sweeney or Dennis Wilson Did you know High Schools get 90 min, Colleges get 30 min and Pros get no break before Red team hackers attack?

12 2017 Palmetto Digital Forensics Competition
Objective: Solve as many forensic scenarios as possible within the allotted time and accumulate the most points possible – Participants will be provided access to a forensic scenario exercises ranging in difficulty. Each exercise will require the participant to utilize different forensic techniques to uncover a designated “flag”. Flags will be unique to each scenario which can range from date/time stamps, hashes, passwords, etc. Sponsorship by Sentar for Collegiate/Pro 1st prize BAH for rest Opportunity to see others compete outside of qualifiers Pre-Registration required to guarantee slot (2 per School), 1 Feb opens 2017 will have two separate divisions: high school and collegiate/pro Looking at reserving a slot for a student from schools that finished in top 5-10 in CyberPatriot: Pinewood, Summerville, DW Daniels, Nation Ford, Lexington Composite Squadron Registration started on 1 Feb, still trying to get the word out, posted on PCDC website yesterday afternoon. Facebook shortly. Looking at separate T-shirts and coins

13 2017 Palmetto Digital Forensics Competition Pre-registration
Begins 01FEB2017 Seating 25 for H.S. 30 for College/Professional Participation 2 seats for each entity (school, business, etc.) 01MAR2017, remaining seats will be distributed between each entity based on order of receipt Need Sponsors to fund prizes: 1st Place – each Division (2) Trophy for each division (2) Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet (2) - $230 ea. 2nd Place – each Division (2) ODROID (2) – $94 ea. 3rd Place – each Division (2) Swiss Army Backpack (2) – $80 ea. All Participants (Primary Event Sponsor) Tee-shirts (sponsors on back) need total - $TBD

14 2017 Palmetto Digital Forensics Competition Sponsors

15 Sponsorship – Contact AFCEA
Point of Contact: Greg Blackburn, AFCEA PCDC Committee Chair

16 Recruitment Hiring freeze implications – Looks like we will get blanket waiver for Cybersecurity Up to four $3K recruitment bonuses may be offered to select College students on Saturday if the accept job offers from SPAWAR Students may send soft copy of resume to for distribution to sponsors Students can also send their resumes and transcripts to for potential SPAWAR employment. Focusing mostly on Collegiate Seniors this year and Juniors for next year. SPAWAR is looking to offer tentative on-the-spot (within 2 days) job offers for select students at the competition. Students need to bring hard copy of resume and transcripts. Sign up and can you be notified of openings on USAJOBS: Colleges are permitted to be there on Saturday for recruiting high school students- afternoon is best time.

17 Saturday, April 8, 2017 High School Competition Schedule
7:00 am – 7:30 am: Registration 7:15 am – 7:20 am: Team location drawing 7:20 am – 7:30 am: Blue Teams Briefing 7:30 am – 7:45 am: Opening Ceremony 7:45 am – 9:15 am: Initial Injects / Secure the Network 9:15 am – 3:30 pm: Operate Network Under Hacker Attacks 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm: Red Team members visit Blue Teams 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Break/View Sponsor Booths 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Blue Team Presentations 5:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Red/Gold Team Debrief: Common Mistakes 5:15 pm – 5:20 pm: SPAWARSYSCEN Atlantic ED and/or CO Capt Scott Heller 5:20 pm – 5:55 pm: Awards / Closing Ceremony

18 PCDC 2017 Team Leads (843-218-3934),
Red (hackers)– Bryan Rhodes ( ) White (judges) – Andrew Osti ( ) Blue (mentors)/High School Coordinator – Dennis Wilson ( ) Gold (network infrastructure)– Scott Bell ( ) Palmetto Digital Forensics Competition – Bill Littleton ( ),

19 Thanks to our 2017 Corporate Sponsors!
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20 Thanks to our 2017 Corporate Sponsors

21 Important Links PCDC Website:
PCDC Facebook: PCDC Twitter: Cyber Patriot: AFCEA: #PCDC

22 PCDC 2017 Primary POCs Jeff Sweeney, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Director
, Bob Miller, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Deputy Director , Vince Van Houten, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Facilitator, Collegiate Coordinator , Scott Bell, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Gold Team Tech Lead , Whitney Bridges, AFCEA Treasurer , Greg Blackburn, AFCEA PCDC Lead, Capt USN (Ret) , Tonya Davis, Trident Technical College , Marcy Hippey, AFCEA President , Dennis Wilson, SPAWAR, Blue Team Mentor Lead, High School Coordinator ,

23 Wrap Up Big Ideas? Innovations? Questions?
Don’t forget your sweetie on Tuesday

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