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Presentation on theme: "(A CORPORATE NETWORK APPROACH)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Network Security is a complicated subject, historically only tackled by well-trained and experienced experts. Some history of networking is included an introduction to TCP/IP and internetworking. A network has been defined as any set of interlinking lines resembling a net, a network of roads, an interconnected system, a network of alliances.

3 A Corporate Network Approach
Internet DSL or Digital Subscriber Line High-speed modem technology

4 How can attackers attack the network?
The hacker deceives the end user by claming that he is the right person who has requested the data. Some hackers play a role in packet sniffing. Some hackers may steal information or modify it while transferring data.

5 Three ways that attackers attack the network

6 How to prevent information and detect attackers?
A firewall is a kind of protection that is designed to control the rights granted a user between internal and external networks.

7 What is Firewall? Firewall is the combination of computer software and hardware. It retrains data packets before permitting them into or out to a LAN (Local Area Network).

8 Firewall Architecture
There are 4 firewall architecture: Packet filters Proxy server Circuit-level gateways Network Address Translation (NAT)

9 How firewall works? It blocks the access between the Internet and the Web Server, which is connected to several user networks.

10 Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
is the process gathers information from various systems and then makes an analysis for the most security. The capability of an IDS is monitor an intrusion while analyzing the pattern of the distrustful behavior. We can say that an IDS can monitor and safe computer systems from an unauthorized access in the network.

11 Techniques of Intrusion Detection System
The techniques of Intrusion detection can divide into: Anomaly Detection Misuse Detection

12 Conclusion The most important component of network security is to be rely on a good system administration. Even though, we can not define how security should be but we can gain more knowledge about security technologies is needed in order to choose the best technique to prevent from hackers and an unauthorized access as well.


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