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Donnovan’s Dream Foundation

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1 Donnovan’s Dream Foundation
Annual “Planned Giving” Donor Proposal

2 Introduction Donnovan’s Dream Foundation has an opportunity to embark upon an exciting program of “Planned Giving”, to assure the future generations of the charity. Charitable Planned Giving provides financial peace of mind of knowing the charity will continue to grow and serve athletic participants in from youth sports on through to professional levels.

3 Overview Insurance Investments are fast becoming the most powerful vehicle for capital accumulation for non-profit organizations. A donor who cannot consider a major gift out of existing assets can then plan a deferred gift using a highly leveraged insurance vehicle. By purchasing an insurance policy with modest tax-advantaged premiums, over a few years, he or she can make a significant contribution. 1) The charity can employ this means to economically support the life and success of future endowments and a stable economic future. Additionally, 2) the charity can employ the “Paid-Up Premium” option in conjunction with a fundraising campaign for an immediate tax-free operation cash injection to support programs and objectives.

4 Understanding Charitable Planned Giving
Government/Endowment Tax Exempt/Non-profit Donors Government funding is decreasing and nonprofit organizations must look to other sources of funding. Non-profit endowment programs are looking for new ways to develop new programs for the people they serve. These partner/customer organizations are key partners for Donnovan’s Dream Foundation because they already have cultivated a large charitable donor insured base along with being a tax exempt organization. Donors are people who generally contribute cash or other assets to specific tax-exempt organizations. Donors and the charity work together to create a source of funds that are both current and intended for the future.

5 The Plan Objective: To provide the organization with the most powerful vehicle available, for making a generous major gift to charity. The creation of an insurance Legacy is the creation of a policy with Charity as the owner and beneficiary.

6 Non-profit endowment programs that already have cultivated a large charitable donor/insured base along with being a tax exempt organization; and are looking for new ways to develop new programs for the people they serve. Target Audience

7 Dual Benefits of Planned Giving
Immediate Benefit With a properly marketed fundraising campaign charities can opt to pay-up premium for immediate cash use. Client Implications: Charities can use cash value money tax free and still have an asset accumulating. Future Benefit Life insurance could endow a charity or create a future scholarship fund for charity. Client Implications: The income from investing insurance proceeds could continue programs that rely on donor support. The legacy of the chrity is preserved.

8 Business Model Planned Giving Professional Services.
DDF Service Fee Business Model Client Funding $250K Planned Giving Professional Services. Donnovan’s Dream Foundation in conjunction with its strategic partners will provide a fee based (15%) Planned Giving program to other non-profit organizations. Client Implications: The client will have an existing and captive active donor base. The client will pay no fees upfront. The client retains 85% of the raise. $37.5K $200K $30K $150K $22.5K $212.5K $100K $170K $15K $127.5K $85K 2017 2018 2019 2020

9 How It Works Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
The donor/insured purchases an insurance policy in the desired amount and names charity as Owner & Beneficiary Step 2 The death benefit of a life insurance contract owned by and payable to a charity is a guaranteed self-completing gift. Step 3 The donor makes the premium check out to the charity and claims the premium costs on his/her income tax return as a charitable contribution. Step 4 Once the total deferred gift is in place, these funds can be used at the discretion of the Charity or may be specified by the donor.

10 Timeline 2017 I.e IN-N-OUT Burger Charities
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Deployment Planning Donnovan’s Dream Annual Campaign $100K Nationalal Launch & Go-live of Planned Giving As A Service (PGaaS) Launch of Major Co-Branded Campaigns I.e IN-N-OUT Burger Charities I.e. Walking With Anthony Foundation

11 Program Advantages The gift is maximized. The leverage of life insurance creates a major gift otherwise unaffordable. The legacy of the charity lives on. The gift of life insurance assures the charity doors stay open and the work goes on for generations. Donor assets remain in tact while also receiving a tax benefit with no loss of capital. The charity receives the proceeds of the gift promptly. The gift of life insurance is not subject to probate delays or estate settlement costs.

12 We Need Your Help! Donnovan’s Dream Foundation is gearing up for it’s 1st annual Planned Giving fundraising campaign. The organization is seeking to raise $100K to fund it’s first year of operations and launch it’s Planned Giving As A Service (PGaaS) professional services offering to other non-profit organizations. There are currently two (2) ways to support Donovan's Dream Foundation: Please visit our and donate now. Please visit our web and purchase some of our sports apparel and merchandise.

13 Financials

14 The Team Crystal Dixon, CEO
Crystal Dixon is the mother of Donnovan Hill. Crystal is the founder and visionary behind Donnovan’s Dream Foundation

15 Thank You Contact: Crystal Dixon

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