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Legacy of the War Aim: How did the Civil War bring great changes and new challenges to America? Do now: Now that the war is over, are all slaves still.

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Presentation on theme: "Legacy of the War Aim: How did the Civil War bring great changes and new challenges to America? Do now: Now that the war is over, are all slaves still."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legacy of the War Aim: How did the Civil War bring great changes and new challenges to America? Do now: Now that the war is over, are all slaves still free? What needs to be done?

2 13th Amendment Amendment that permanently bans slavery in the U.S.
1864 – Lincoln approved of amendment but it didn’t pass in Congress At Lincoln’s urging, it was passed in January 1865

3 Costs of War 620,000 soldiers dead
360,000 for Union and 260,000 for South 500,000 were wounded Government - spent five times the amount of money that was spent in past 8 decades

4 Second Inaugural Address
Inaugural address – speech given to inform citizens of president’s intentions for the term March 1865 “Malice toward none, and charity for all” Forgive South and move on

5 Lincoln’s Assassination
John Wilkes Booth Shot Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre Andrew Johnson – 17th president

6 Consequences of War U.S. seen as Union instead of collection of states
National government expanded Paper currency and income tax Northern industry grew South economy destroyed Slaves need to be integrated into daily life South needs to be brought back into the Union and rebuilt

7 Reconstruction The process the federal government used to readmit the Confederates states to the Union

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