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The New Maths Curriculum

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1 The New Maths Curriculum

2 What are the key changes?
Some of the objectives that we teach have moved year groups (For example: Year 3 teaching lines of symmetry has moved to Year 4) Some objectives have been added – in Year 3 we now have to teach children to add two simple fractions together- ¼ + ¼ Times tables up to 12x 12 are to be learnt by the end of Year 4 Some objectives have been moved up to KS3 to allow a greater focus on number The focus appears to be far greater on aspects of number (around 70%) previously it was 50% Teaching Roman Numerals has also been added into every year group Standard written methods will be taught sooner (if children are ready for them) Some extra number objectives have been added to Year 6 Children no longer need to use a calculator

3 What is staying the same?
Much of the curriculum is identical to the Old Curriculum- it has just been moved to a different year group The Year Six curriculum has been altered a little but some of the content has moved to KS3 The basic curriculum for Years 3, 4, and 5 is broadly similar Times tables and number bonds have always been a focus at our school

4 How does this impact on you and your child?
Current Year 6 children are still being taught the Old Maths curriculum as this year’s test is based on it The remainder of the school have begun to teach from the new curriculum There will be a far greater push for children to know times tables and number facts by heart at an earlier age- we will continue to ask for your support with this Many of the written methods used for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing will be common to your own school experience If your child is not ready to learn a new concept/ method of working, we will continue to support them at an appropriate level

5 You many have heard on the news that the current level system is disappearing and is not being replaced. We are continuing to use levels for this year, but will be trialling different ways of assessing alongside the level system . Once we are happy with our system, we will share it with you.

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