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Senior Stakeholder Forum

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Stakeholder Forum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Stakeholder Forum
Tuesday 8th October 2013

2 Agenda Welcome & Introductions Industry Change Programme (2015)
European Reform Chris Logue (NGT) SMART DCC Day One Sharon Johnson (BGT) Nexus Andy Miller (Xoserve) Key Industry Risks Nick Salter (Xoserve) UK-Link Programme Programme Update Sandra Simpson (Xoserve) Key Risks & Issues Sandra Simpson (Xoserve) Transition Options Sandra Simpson (Xoserve) Outstanding Actions AOB, Next Meeting & Close

3 Industry Change Programme (2015)

4 European Developments
Senior Stakeholder Group 8th October 2013 Chris Logue – EU Policy Manager

5 European Codes European Codes are legally binding, there are 12 code areas Framework Guidelines, will be developed by ACER are a key scope setting step, ACER have 6 months to develop FG Ofgem is actively involved in ACER and takes part in framework guideline development ENTSOs then have 12 months to draft Codes, Stakeholders heavily involved Once the Code has been approved by ACER, it goes into Comitology stage, where DECC will input for UK 5

6 European Network Codes
Obligation on ENTSO’s and ACER to develop EU wide potentially binding codes in 12 different areas network security and reliability rules; network connection rules; third party access rules; data exchange and settlement rules; interoperability rules; operational procedures in an emergency; capacity allocation and congestion management rules; rules for trading transparency rules; balancing rules rules regarding harmonised tariff structures; energy efficiency network security and reliability rules; network connection rules; third party access rules; data exchange and settlement rules; interoperability rules; operational procedures in an emergency; capacity allocation and congestion management rules; rules for trading transparency rules; balancing rules rules regarding harmonised tariff structures; energy efficiency

7 Code Status Update Code Current Status Implementation date
Congestion Management (CMP) UNC0449 Modification raised and progressed via the Tx Workgroup process, Ofgem approved 20 September 2013. 1st October 2013 (Fixed) Capacity Allocation Mechanism (CAM) CAM approved for EU Wide Implementation at relevant EU IPs 1st November 2015. 1 November 2015 (Fixed) Gas Balancing ACER provided a positive opinion on the code on 20th March 2013 and comitology started in July Final comitology meetings took place on 1st and 2nd October. Oct 2015 some elements may have longer (subject to NRA approval) TBC Interoperability ENTSOG submitted this Code and its 'analysis of decisions' document to ACER on 10th September ACER is scheduled to produce its 'reasoned opinion' on the Code by 10th December 2013 Q (Estimated) Tariffs Final FGs extended until Q to allow more consideration of Cost Allocation methodology. ACER consultation on Cost Allocation methodology section of Tariff FG and Tariffs for Incremental Capacity closed 17th September . Publication of FG expected by 30th November. Estimated earliest mid January 2017 Incremental Capacity CEER-ACER joint workshop held 3 June (Brussels) to discuss their Blueprint for Incremental Capacity. ACER consultation closed 17th September. Incremental expected to be introduced via combination of new articles in CAM Network Code and via Tariffs Network Code. TBC

8 Gas Codes Timeline Status of Development of European Gas Network Codes
Future dates are subject to change KEY Dates shown in italics are best approximations based on current understanding. Activities undertaken by ACER It has been necessary to 'round' some dates for the benefits of the diagram Activities undertaken by ENTSOG Activities undertaken by European Commission Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Interoperability & Data Exchange Tariffs ACER Develops Framework Guidelines on Redraft of Network Code after public consultation ENTSOG Drafting Initial drafting Cons ultatio n Awaiting Publication of the revised final ACER FG Awaiting Final Approval by EC before going to Comitology Implementation of CMP obligations for 1st October 2013 Next Step Network Code / Guideline Congestion Management Principles (CMP) Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM) Balancing 2016 Go Live 2015 2014 2012 Post-Comitology FG Extension Go Live (?) ACER Review ACER Review ENTSO G revision of Code Initial drafti ng Develops Interoperability ultati on Finalise drafting (duration unknown)

9 EU Code & Legislation Implementation
October 2015

10 EU Code & Legislation Implementation
Each tranche of Third Package code (CMP, CAM, Balancing, Interoperability and Tariffs) contains requirements for translation into the GB regime It is for TSOs to decide what the logical grouping of implementation phases should be in order to achieve compliance NG NTS believe that compliance against the EU legislation, including Third Package codes can be best met through implementation phases Each phase will have a particular IS release plan and associated UNC, Licence and process changes 10

11 Phase Contents Phase 1a Congestion Management Principles Phase 1b
CMP – Long Term Use It Or Lose It Enhanced Data Provision REMIT Phase 2a Gas Day Phase 2b Interoperability and Data Exchange Capacity Allocation Management Balancing Phase 3 CMP – Short Term Use It or Lose It CAM – Long Term Capacity Auctions Interoperability Phase 4 CAM – Incremental Capacity Auctions Incremental Capacity Tariffs 11

12 High level Roadmap CMP CAM Tariffs Other 12 Today 2014 2015 2016 2017
Balancing Interoperability Tariffs Other Today 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Phase 1a From 1st Oct 2013 Surrender process (UNC Mod 0449) Phase 1b By Oct 2014 LTUIOLI & enhanced provision of data to ENSOG platform Other EU legislation – REMIT Phase 2a either 1st Oct or 1st Nov Gas Day (enabler) Data exchange, allocations & Gas Quality reporting Short term auctions (within day + day ahead +monthly ) capacity allocation arrangements at IPs Cross border nominations etc Phase 2b on or before 1st Nov Phase 3 Short term UIOLI Long term capacity auctions from Mar 16 (effective 1st Oct 16) Gas quality data publication Phase 4 Incremental capacity auctions at IPs (TBC) Implementation of tariff arrangements at IPs (2017) Other codes (TBD) [Trading Code] 12

13 UNC Modification and System Development
Phase 1a for substantially completed for 1st October 2013 Includes initial delivery of CMP via UNC Mod 0449 Phase 1b delivery during 2014 REMIT – awaiting implementing acts….. CMP – LTUIOLI mod to be raised in time for Oct 14 implementation Phase 2a for completion by October 2015 Includes Gas Day delivery via UNC Mod 0461 Mod 0461 is under development and some initial system analysis work has already been initiated 13

14 UNC Modification and System Development
Phase 2b – (Nov 2015) CAM Bundled cross border capacity (Bacton and Moffat) Splitting the Bacton ASEP Use of common booking platform (PRISMA) Balancing New nomination process at IPs Interoperability New allocation process (OBAs?) Common data exchange protocols (AS4, 14

15 DCC Go-Live – Supplier View
Introduction The accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations. You may use this file as a ‘design template’ or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste. When you assign a ‘design template’ to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the ‘master slides’ only. You may wish to print your presentation in ‘black and white’ to a black and white printer. ‘Black and white’ will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in ‘black and white’, the option to do this is available under the ‘View’ menu in PowerPoint. General principles All elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide). Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter. Title slide [from Title Slide master] The title slide is available as a Title Master and the background and graphic elements are fixed. Text is editable for the slide heading and presentation details but the British Gas brand mark and other graphic elements are fixed on the Title Master. Font, type size and colours are fixed for the Title Master style and should not be modified. Date : 8th October 2013 Sharon Johnson 15

16 The next five years will see constant change for suppliers
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Smart Metering Nexus Xoserve Upgrade COS Reform System Impact DCC Go Live Q3 Market Integration Testing Design and Build Cutover Volume Deployment SMETs2 Gas Metering Reading Submission Quarterly Submission More Frequent than Quarterly Submission (Optional) Nexus Go Live Market Integration Testing IGT Harmonisation Gas Metering Point Reconciliation Commences Market Integration Testing COS Build Centralised Registration COS Design CRM DCC/SEC Implementation Bug Fixes Acquisition & Withdrawals Industry Interactions IGT Consequential Change & new Smart Gateway New Industry Processes Implementation Metering SMETS2 Readiness Asset & Work Management to support Roll Out Billing & Settlement Billing and Prepayment Operation Settlement Operational Enhancement as smart meters get roll out Slide 16

17 We have a good view of what DCC Day 1 looks like
DCC Illustration Key Changes: New Security capabilities Changes to IS Operating Model and E-E Service Levels New Integration Layer New Processes – training of smart operations staff and SEEs Changes to job booking criteria Metering Operations changes Supply Chain Logistics Asset Management and Faults Dumb Phase 2b Phase 3 SMETS1 SMETS2 Success will depend on: Design Clarity Effective Governance Successful testing phase SEE Slide 17

18 Delivery of Nexus within DCC Go-Live timescales is helpful, earliest clarity on plans needed
Allows us to move incrementally to more frequent read submission – delivering the benefits of smart in a controlled way Allows focus on other changes that are coming down the track Some assumptions / asks: Clarity on Plan as soon as possible so we can plan engagement. Delivery IGTs early, ahead of main DCC go-live activities would be helpful Clarity on design – so we can impact ways of working Ongoing visibility of plan, and of testing requirements Slide 18

19 Nexus Modifications

20 UNC Mods developed in PNUNC
Functionality area Implications for Shippers / Suppliers Implications for others iGT Agency Services UK Link file format changes Changes to internal systems and data preparation to move to common GT arrangements. Funding discussions with industry under development iGTs – process changes for supply point register and admin activities. Xoserve – take on of 1.5m supply points Contracts& data preparation Settlement products Choice of 4 products For SSP shippers product 4 is least change to today’s world Increase in volume of reconciliations Xoserve – increase in volume of reconciliations 23m across the industry Read validation Once loaded read used for AQ and rec Periodic AQ Move from annual to monthly process (depends upon read submission) Retrospective adjustment Change to operational procedures Note: The above are Xoserve’s initial view for discussion of significant implications

21 Nexus Modifications Update
Modifications 432 & 453 (Settlement Regime Mods) and Modification 434 (Retrospective Adjustments) Targeted for Ofgem approval in March 2014 Timescales for the production of the draft modification report are challenging Work is taking place to ensure mapping between legal text and BRD. Modifications 440 (Single Service Provision) Target submission to January Mod Panel with approval in March / April Industry review of legal text to commence in November

22 Nexus Modification Update
iGT 039 modification Development continues until Q1 2014 Target approval June 2014 New Modification 467 A new modification raised for the data preparation exercise for iGT/single service provision Further modifications will be required to deal with transition matters

23 Data Cleansing Update Xoserve continues to work with organisations on a 121 basis and at industry group level First Data Cleansing quarterly forum held in September Good level of attendance and understanding Feedback received from some organisations on the ability to resource this activity

24 Key Industry Risks Industry bandwidth to absorb all change in a short period of time; EU, SMIP, Nexus Extent of any Gemini changes required for Nexus mods unknown until Q2 2014 Going live with inaccurate data may pose risk for shipper and industry Establishing new business as usual operations for allocation, read submission, AQ and reconciliation

25 UK-Link Programme Update

26 UK-Link Programme Update
Logical Analysis continuing (Xoserve & Cap Gemini) Level 3 Process Modelling complete and Level 4 in progress until the end of the Jan 2014 Design, Build, Implement (DBI) workshops taking place with 3 vendors Separate Organisation appointed as Client Advisor Preferred supplier for DBI mid November Commence Detailed Design March 2014 Sustaining activities complete for existing UK-Link system

27 UK-Link Programme Key Risks/Issues
The Nexus modifications will not be approved before April 2014 but the financial approval for the delivery of the programme needs to be in place in March Mitigation: Xoserve are exploring options with suppliers to commence contract on a T&M basis until approval of the modifications then implement the fixed price contract. Early approval to continue High Level Design will take place in December Consideration is being given to the transition options

28 UK-Link Programme Transition Options
Option One: Single Release (all functionality) Risks / issues / considerations: Can organisations absorb all functionality in one release? Is it possible to implement changes in close proximity to other industry changes? Risk over being able to implement settlement reform changes to Gemini over the winter period (October to March) and in close proximity to EU changes

29 UK-Link Programme Transition Options
Option Two: Phased Release Option Functionality implemented in several releases over a longer period of time Risks / issues / considerations: Very complex to implement Increased effort to run two systems over a period of time More expensive Higher risk option from an IT implementation perspective Considerations on how a phased approach would work for implementing settlement reform changes on Gemini over the winter period (Oct to March)

30 UK-Link Programme Industry Groups
UK-Link Committee Agree new and amended file formats Discuss technical matters, e.g. interface architecture Typically IT people to attend PNUNC (& replacement) Modification development (including transition mods) Discuss business matters, e.g. testing window/plan, transition planning, clarifications during design/development Programme Updates Typically business focussed attendees

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