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It’s Their Time to Shine – Facilitating the Journey

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1 It’s Their Time to Shine – Facilitating the Journey
Presented by Antonelli College – Jackson, MS Campus

2 “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson

3 It’s a Warm-Fuzzy “Thang”
Creating a Safe-Zone Four C’s – Creating a Consistent Climate and Culture Training Instructors to be Engaging and Entertaining Affirming Each Other It’s a Warm-Fuzzy “Thang” Mentoring Scotoma-Free Faculty and Staff Inspiring Success It’s a Family Affair Building and Bridging Relationships Providing a Scotoma-Free Student Lounge

4 The Journey Begins… Set the Stage The Acceptance Interview
What is TPI? WIIFM? What is PD101? Visualze the Journey Empowerment & Ownership

5 Let’s Celebrate! Who: All New Students
Faculty and staff should welcome students as they arrive Have a fun introduction and icebreaker planned Set the stage Explain what students can expect the first day of school Who is Uncle Lou? Who: All New Students Where: The Scotoma-Free Student Lounge When: Week Prior to Start Hosted by: Models, Mentors, and Monitors

6 Will I make any connections?
New Beginnings – PD101 It’s MY Time to Shine! Who am I? Will I make any connections? “Because of the experiences we’ve shared, I’ve made life-long friends.” - Tommy Townsend “I am a phenomenal woman!” - Cherry Curry “Before I started applying your methods, I truly believed the whole idea was a waste of time…However, as I apply the positive thinking principles over my own life, I find it amazing how I can choose many of my own thoughts and emotions and respond accordingly.” – Bart Lambright Can I really do this? “I am strong, I have the ability to overcome any obstacle that stands in my way.” - Christy Wright What can I expect?

7 Facilitating Ah-Ha Moments
Encourage Emotional Independence Promote Reflection Plan Engaging Activities Inspire Personal Growth Freedom to Move Forward

8 Guidance along the way…
Telephone Game Which Path Will You Choose? Name Pneumonic Follow-the-Leader Affirmations for Classmates Roman Numerals IX to SIX Body Rituals of the Nacirema Facing the Giants Visualization Tools Follow-the-Leader Bucket List

9 Belly Laughs The Basketball Test Bill Cosby Himself - “Brain Damage” Bill Cosby Himself “I Dunno” Madea Goes to Jail – “Call the Police” Madea Goes to Jail - “Madea vs. Dr. Phil” The Pacifier “Shane’s Rules”

10 On a More Serious Note Rudy – “Told He Just Can’t Do It” Facing the Giants – “Death Crawl” Facing the Giants – Entire Movie

11 Facing the Giants

12 Maintaining the Spirit Throughout the Journey
Have fun along the way Encourage them always Build lasting relationships and connections between students, faculty, and staff Maintain a holistic approach Wear Lou Tice t-shirts for special events Hold Affirmation Days Reward students with “Symbols of Your Journey”

13 It’s My Time to Shine – My Vision…My Goals…My Future
Introduction: The introduction page includes your name and explains, in detail, the design of your book and how it defines you. This information should be at least two paragraphs in length. Self Portrait: This page displays at least three (3) images reflecting your physical appearance and describes the unique things about “you” that make “you…you”. Positive Relationships: This page illustrates the various positive relationships in your life. Self-Talk: Write a brief explanation of what your self-talk was like prior to participating in this course. Next describe what it’s like now that you are aware of how important self-talk is. Include an explanation of what kind of difference it has made for you.

14 It’s My Time to Shine – My Vision…My Goals…My Future
Goals and Visions: This page includes the goals you wish to accomplish and a description of what your life will look like once you’ve accomplished those goals. Affirmations: This page contains at least three of your own personal affirmations. You must include a personal affirmation, a school-related affirmation, and a career –related affirmation. Be sure to use Uncle Lou’s guidelines for writing affirmations on page 163 of your textbook to make sure you meet all criteria. Bucket List: This page lists at least ten things you would put on your “bucket list”. Remember, this list should be “G” rated! Letter to Uncle Lou: Construct a letter to Uncle Lou. Explain to him what you feel you’ve gained from this course and how it has / will help you to attain your goals.

15 Carol Swygert’s Journey – Day One
Guide students as they write their vision of their future. For instance, Carol Swygert wrote: “As I sit in class I dream of graduation day. I can see myself walking across the stage and receiving my degree. This day seems so far away. That day will be the beginning of my new life, the new me. Graduation day will be the start of my financial independence. I will be able to stand on my own two feet and be strong. Strong to know that I am not the sum of my past mistakes. Strong to know that I can support myself and my girls. Strong to know that I am capable to do anything!”

16 Carol Swygert – Day 20…and There’s More to Come!
Once students learn the correct methods for visualizing their future, have them re-write their vision. At the end of the course, Carol then wrote: “I have done it! Graduation has come and gone. It seems like a lifetime ago that I was sitting in class and dreaming about this time in my life. Dreams really do come true! I have received my degree and passed the coding exam with flying colors. I am currently working as a coder in a medical clinic and am teaching two nights a week at Antonelli College. I am free of the financial burden that I once carried around. I am certain of one thing…Dreams can come true!”

17 Increased 1st Quarter Retention By 44% To Date
Orientation Celebration Alumni Association Lou Tice Scotoma-Free Days Increased 1st Quarter Retention By 44% To Date Activity Pins & Stole at Graduation Quarterly Affirmation Days Pay It Forward With a Friend “Stay Tuned…” T-Shirts

18 There’s More to Come! So Stay Tuned “y’all”….

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