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A Typical Math 434 (Abstract Algebra) Problem Session

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1 A Typical Math 434 (Abstract Algebra) Problem Session
(Special thanks to Geoffrey Knauth for taking the photographs.)

2 I really like this class, but I just wish there were more opportunities for me to go to the blackboard.

3 and by double induction, it must follow that
OH, MAN! I have to prove that H2 = H. OH, MAN !! I guess this means that OH2 = OH, and by double induction, it must follow that (OH MAN)n = OH MAN.

4 This is the easiest way to do it.
But NO! NO! I can’t do it the easy way! I have to do it the longest and hardest way possible! This is the easiest way to do it.

5 Well, what do you think about exercise number 35?
I think that if we dare to ask about it, we’ll have to listen to Christi squawk and moan about how she’s only on exercise number 2?

6 Omigod!! This is so hard!!! Omigod!!
Excuse me, but I have a “brief” question. Since I’m going to fail anyway, can I just take my F now, instead of waiting until the end of the semester? Oh, Lord, have mercy on me, please!

7 These Abstract Algebra exams are way too short and easy.
Oh, Man!

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