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Vocabulary for The tale of despereaux Book two

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1 Vocabulary for The tale of despereaux Book two
Being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread

2 Ch. 16 Blinded by the Light chiaroscuro
“The Girl with the Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer Find it in the text: “…we must go backward in time to the birth of a rat, a rat named Chiaroscuro and called Roscuro, a rat born into the filth and darkness of the dungeon....” Does the definition fit? noun- the arrangement of light and dark, darkness and light together

3 Ch. 17 Small Comforts comfort
Find it in the text: “’Give him his small comforts,’ shouted a voice at the top of the stairs, and a red cloth was thrown into the light.” Which definition fits? noun- 1. being relaxed, with no pain, or extreme heat or cold 2. being less worried, upset, or frightened 3. something that causes less worry, fear, pain, heat or cold

4 Ch. 18 Confessions solace Find it in the text: “What about the solace a sympathetic ear can provide?” Does the definition fit? noun- someone or something that gives a feeling of comfort to a person who is sad or depressed

5 Ch. 19 Light, Light Everywhere enchanted
Find it in the text: “Roscuro was enchanted. Everything glittered. Everything.” Which definition fits? verb- to get someone’s attention and keep it by being interesting, or pretty adjective-under a spell, from magic or intense beauty.

6 Ch. 20 A View from a Chandelier chandelier
Find it in the text: “There was, in the banquet hall, a most beautiful and ornate chandelier.” Does the definition fit? noun- a large, decorated light that hangs from a ceiling and has branches for holding many light bulbs, or candles

7 Ch. 21 The Queen’s Last Words banquet
Find it in the text: “…and because the queen loved it, soup was served in the castle for every banquet, every lunch and every dinner.” Does the definition fit? noun- a formal dinner for many people, usually to celebrate a special event

8 Ch. 22 He Puts His Heart Together Again revenge
Find it in the text: “Yes,” said Roscuro. “I will have something beautiful. And I will have revenge. Both things. Somehow.” Which definition fits? Noun-1. beating a team who has beaten you in the past 2. doing something to hurt someone who has done something to hurt you

9 Ch. 23 Consequences consequences
Find it in the text: “Every action, reader, no matter how small, has a consequence.” Does the definition fit? Noun-something that happens as a result of an act or set of actions

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