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Unit 4 Reading.

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1 Unit 4 Reading

2 What made the world around us so wonderful?

3 Giant Panda

4 They are lovely but their number is smaller.
So we can call them endangered animals.

5 1.What other endangered species do you know?

6 Antelope

7 South China tiger

8 rhino

9 Elephants

10 red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤(仙鹤)

11 dolphin 中华白海豚, 是世界濒危物种


13 Reasons: Pollution Food shortage disease hunting
Causes of Endangerment disease hunting Destroy of habitation(栖息地)

14 How Daisy learned to help wildlife
Reading How Daisy learned to help wildlife

15 Step I skimming Filling the right information into the following blanks. fur 1, The antelope are killed for their _______ and _______. 2,In Zimbabwe ,at first the elephant were killed by the farmers because ____________________________ 3, A monkey in the thick rain forest rub themselves because they use _____________ to _______________________________ because __________________________ ____________________________. wool the elephants destroy their farms millipedes protect themselves from mosquitoes the millipedes contain a powerful drug which affect mosquitoes

16 Step II Fast Reading dreamed One day, Daisy______ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful ____ to ____ with an ______ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their ______ which can be used to make _______ like hers. In three years they may all be _______. Later, she ______ to Zimbabew where she talked with an ______ and got to know the farmers there no longer ______ them. That’s because the _________ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of _____. At last, she _______ at the thick rain _____ where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no ______ and no ______.” Although finally everything was ______, she had ______ so much! antelope chair talk sweaters fur flew gone elephant hunted government money arrived forest animals drugs gone learned

17 Step III Careful reading
Quickly read the text ,and find the information for the following blanks 1,Daisy saw an antelope was very sad in Tibet because__________________________________________________________________________. 2,The elephant in Zimbabwe was very excited because__________________________________ _____________________________________. 3,Daisy was very glad to meet the monkey in the thick rain forest because____________________ ________________________________________ the antelopes were killed a lot for their wool and fur.In 3 years they may all be gone. the government carried out new polices to let the farmers not to hunt them any more through the monkey she knows a kind of insect which contains a kind of powerful drug ,she wants to produce it.

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