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Unit 4 check out Animal Games Kim Wu.

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1 Unit 4 check out Animal Games Kim Wu

2 Host (主持人)---Mr. Giant Panda
Hello ! I’m Kongfu Giant Panda,you can call me Mr. Giant panda. Host (主持人)---Mr. Giant Panda

3 Have an interview with(采访) Mr.Giant Panda
R: Hello, Mr. Giant panda. I’m a reporter from CCTV. May I ask you some questions? M: Yes, I’m very glad. R: What did you look like when you were born? M: R: What did you eat when you were six months old? M: R: Why it is difficult for you to survive in the wild ? M: R: What actions can we take to protect you? R: Thank you very much! M: Not at all !

4 Then let’s meet our great players .

5 It usually has grey fur and is not big.
Its food includes animals, insects and vegetables. It often works with other team members. It has very good eyesight, hearing and smell. It doesn’t kill for fun.

6 It is a big, heavy animal with small eyes and thick fur.
It can walk upright. It is good at climbing trees and swimming. It likes moving around slowly in the daytime and looks a little lazy. Hunters hunt them for their fur and paws.

7 It usually lives in the water but it’s not a fish.
It lives in the forests and is good at climbing trees. It likes eating meat and insects. It is clever and looks very lovely. It can live up to 150 years old. It likes eating fruit such as bananas.

8 It usually lives in the mountain alone
It is very lovely and lives in the tree But it lives as a family when it has babies. It has a long and soft tail. It is good at hunting animals It likes eating nuts

9 wolf--wolves

10 bear--bears

11 tortoise--tortoises

12 monkey--monkeys

13 tiger--tigers

14 squirrel--squirrels

15 Now it’s time for animal games!

16 Game 1 word puzzle

17 They always tell me that climbing is __________
They always tell me that climbing is __________. And swimming is even ________________ than climbing. However, as the king of the forest, I am not afraid of _______.(danger) dangerous more dangerous danger 2. I ________ 4 kilos when I was born. Now I ________ as much as 300 kilos. That is the ________ of about 10 monkeys. (weigh) weighed weigh weight 3.I like _________ small animals for food, but it becomes difficult when _______ are around.(hunt ) hunting hunters

18 4.We should love_______ and make our world _________(和平).
peace 4.We should love_______ and make our world _________(和平). peaceful 5. Dogs and wolves are quite_________.Do you know the_____________(不同)between them. different differences 6. Many wild animals _______their lives because of the _________of the reserve. (丧失) lost loss

19 8.My mother encourages me ______ (join) the Animal Games this year.
7.In the competition, it is important for me to know how ______________ (protect) myself. to protect to join 8.My mother encourages me ______ (join) the Animal Games this year. 9.Farmers ________(destroy)the forests,so we have nowhere to live. destroyed 10.Mum also says if I keep __________(exercise) every day, I will get as slim as a monkey. exercising

20 answer the questions about wild animals
Game 2 answer the questions about wild animals

21 What will a polar bear do if it is hungry?
If a polar bear is hungry , it will catch fish from the water.

22 What will male wolves do if there
is danger? Male wolves will protect their families if there is danger.

23 If a polar bear is hungry , it will catch fish from the water.
一般现在时 从句 一般将来时 主句 If a polar bear is hungry , it will catch fish from the water. Male wolves will protect their families if there is danger. We need a comma(逗号)when the ‘if’-clause is the first part of a sentence. 一般将来时 主句 一般现在时 从句

24 won’t fly If it _____ (snow) tomorrow, I _______(not fly) to London. snows will miss 2. Get up early, or you________(miss) the first bus. will have doesn’t rain 3.If it_________(not rain)tomorrow, they ______ (have) a picnic in the park. will hide feels 4. A squirrel ________(hide) itself quickly if it ____ (feel) dangerous. attack 5. _____ the wolf _______(attack) people if it ___ (be) hungry? Will is don’t buy 6. If we __________(not buy) tiger fur, hunters ___________(not kill) tigers. will not kill

25 The dolphin gets very tired
because it gave a long show yesterday. because of (giving) the long show yesterday. rule

26 because it has nothing to eat. because of having nothing to eat.
The tiger feels very weak because it has nothing to eat. because of having nothing to eat.

27 Work out the rule because +引导原因状语从句 because of+名词/名词短语/宾格代词

28 用“because” 和 “ because of” 填空
Many people became homeless______________ the heavy rain. I went to the Beijing Zoo_____________I want to see animals there. I can’t go fishing with you___________ the exams. We must protect wild animals______________ they are our friends. I can’t play basketball with you_____________ I have to look after my mother. We had to wear warm clothes____________ the cold weather. All the people stood up and clapped_________the wonderful show. The dolphins are really tired_______________the long performance. because of because because of because because because of because of because of

29 Game 3 Help Mr. Giant panda chat on the Internet by QQ

30 But why did the hunters want to kill you? Did you try to attack him?
19:56:12 Hey, Mr. Fox. Sorry to hear that you are badly hurt. 19:56:35 Yeah,________________________________________ ______________.(为此,我不得不待在家里,还要吃些药) because of it, I have to stay at home and take some medicine 19:56:40 But why did the hunters want to kill you? Did you try to attack him? 19:56:45 No, ___________________________________. (他们为了我的皮毛而猎杀我) they hunted me for my fur

31 Are you the only animal in danger these days?
19:56:55 Are you the only animal in danger these days? 19:57:02 __________________________________________ ________________________.(很多动物都身处险境。人们 为了动物的皮毛,骨头,象牙而杀死他们。) Many animals are in danger. People kill them for their fur, bones and tusks. 19:57:10 Then what about farmers? Are they friendly to animals? 19:57:15 Sadly not. We lose our homes _______________________ ______________________.(因为他们毁坏森林来造新农田) because they destroy forests to make new farmland

32 Let me send you some pictures to see.
19:57:20 Let me send you some pictures to see. 19:57:30 If people continue to do this, there will Oh, that’s so terrible. ______________________________ ____________________________(如果人们继续这么做, 世界上将没有野生动物了。) be no wild animals in the world

33 Game 4 Make a report

34 Animal's words First, introduce yourself. appearance/food, ability,
Suppose you are a kind of wild animal, what do you want to say to people? First, introduce yourself. appearance/food, ability, character danger Then, your words. Dear human beings …It’s not right/ wrong to …. If you…, ….. You should ….

35 After the Animal Games….
The host, Mr. Giant Panda feels unhappy, because too many problems are happening to the animals. He is surfing the Internet to find more information about that.

36 The African Wild Dog(非洲野狗), is endangered, mainly because of the loss of living areas.
In the past, there were 500,000 dogs in 39 countries. Now the number is only 3,000. The Javan Rhinoceros (爪哇犀牛) is one of the most endangered large animals in the world. In 2002, only about 60 were alive, in south Asia. And the number is getting smaller and smaller. The Snow Leopard (雪豹) is a large cat living in the mountain areas of China and southern Asia. It is famous for its beautiful fur. The total number of the Snow Leopards is between 3,500 and 7,000. The California Condor(加州秃鹫)is a kind of North American bird living in mountain areas. It is one of the world’s rarest(最稀少的) birds. In 2005, there were only 273 left. We can find the South China Tiger, the Northeastern Tiger, and the Bengal Tiger in China. But because of hunting, there are maybe no more than 400 tigers left now.

37 Animals are our friends, so please be friendly to them.
They are our family, so please love and care for them. Let’s make it a peaceful world, and make it a better place for you and for me.

38 Homework 1. Finish the exercises on Page 73. 2. Find more information about endangered animals from books and the Internet

39 Good job today! Thank you for your effort!

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