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The ProSUM Project Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes 18 January 2017 International Electronics Recycling Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "The ProSUM Project Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes 18 January 2017 International Electronics Recycling Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ProSUM Project Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes 18 January 2017 International Electronics Recycling Congress Pascal Leroy

2 An Inventory of the Urban Mine…
Simply put- this is what we intend to do. What products are made of, where they end up as the stock in the urban mine, where they arise as waste and in what form. As equivalent as is possible for primary resources but there are huge limitations which I will point out later. Elements covered – EC CRMs, conflict origin possible, relative high annual demand in products, recover driver, challenge for recycling process. IN- over 80% primary resource use in electronics and less than 10% recycling rate.

3 …embedded in an Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform
Data filtering capability Interoperability with the EU-MKDP Advanced search capabilities UMKDP Automated report generation & visualisation Statistics computation Web-based portal

4 1 Start with why

5 Why? What is the problem? The problem is that:
Europe is dependent on the rest of the world for many materials. However, the size and the characteristics of the urban mine, which can substitute for primary resources, are largely unknown. Source: European Commission (2010), Critical raw materials for EU.

6 Why? What is the problem? Furthermore:
Data for WEEE, end-of-life vehicles and batteries are scattered amongst a variety of institutions. Data are stored in databases with their own vocabulary and design. Quality of data is often poor Data is often of an unstructured nature. Source: European Commission (2010), Critical raw materials for EU.

7 Fair enough, but why do we need a UMKDP?
We need a tool that will allow end-users improve their decision-making (innovation, investment…) by enhancing intelligence about materials along the value chain. Enhanced intelligence structured in a data platform will boost the sector by matching supply and demand. Improved availability of raw materials will be a response to the EU’s strategies. The ppm concentration of gold in a cell phone is 25 times that of ore. Recycling may make sense. Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2015)

8 When? Where? What? How much?
End-users: Change agents, consultants, investors, innovation managers, scholars, policymakers… Industries: Recyclers, mining, appliance makers, component makers, compliance schemes, government… Source: Ueberschaar Max, Rotter, S Enabling the recycling of rare earth elements through product design and trend analyses of hard disk drives, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 17 (2),

9 EU Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform
Data filtering capability Interoperability with the EU-MKDP Advanced search capabilities UMKDP Automated report generation & visualisation Statistics computation Web-based portal

10 2 Examples

11 Data organisation e-m mass or mass fraction of elements in a material
m-c mass, mass fractions or volume of a material in a component c-p mass, mass fraction, number, volume, area, other extensive property of a component in a product Simple explanation: of course many levels and possibilities All elements need classification/ correlation tables as well.

12 ProSUM Unified Data Model
This is how we are collating the data and building up the picture. Importantly (and building on CWIT) further refinement of complementary/unreported flows.

13 Elements in batteries Quick changes in composition! Almost form one year to the next. C* = graphite Carbon

14 Stock of electrical equipment
Installed base (B2B+B2C). Is this POM or stock? There is 123 million tonnes in the ‘Urban Mine’! (EU 28+2, Source UNU)

15 WEEE generation 1995-2020 UNU work for the EC
1.Temperature Exchange 2. Screens 3.Lamps 4. Large Equipment 5. Small Equipment 6. Small IT UNU work for the EC UNU developing their stocks and flows model to predict where materials will arise and when. It has to do with the flows, destinations etc.

16 Collected versus generated
Products in a stock or flow (mass, mass fraction or number of pieces). This was an example given at the IN. It is real data for one country. UNU prefer not to specify. The numbers are low because a number of schemes operate in this country. There is additional collection in other schemes making and not all WG is collected making this value rel. low. UNU 0303 is laptops+tablets

17 Collected versus generated
WG for screens/ flat TV only.

18 Percentage of cable per product
Component in product – c-p. 0201 – other small household. 0202 – toasters 0503 – fluorescent lamps

19 Metals in HDD magnets e-c, mass fraction for UNU key 0303 and 0302
Laptops and desktop PCs. E-c indicates that the data is on the total mass of an element per component. Probable reason for year is more recent data is scarce, more data for return streams available. e-c, mass fraction for UNU key 0303 and 0302

20 Elements in collection flow

21 Best available data around mining waste

22 3 Join the project

23 ProSUM Business Plan Definition of customers and end-users, their ‘problems’, how the UMKDP will solve those problems, key metrics, cost structure, existing alternatives… Round robin tests for PCBs IERC, PROMETIA, MINEA, JRC RMIS, Raw Materials Week

24 ProSUM Information Network
Join the Information Network Provide feedback In 2017 Business plan and testing of EU-UMKDP (Q2) 3rd Information Network event Updates in the newsletter, website, Twitter and LinkedIn Round robin tests for PCBs IERC, PROMETIA, MINEA, JRC RMIS, Raw Materials Week

25 Call for participation
Survey to understand mixed WEEE sampling procedures Survey on end-user requirements and how the platform should look Join the Information Network

26 ProSUM Consortium Explain key roles of WP2- WP5 leaders

27 Thank you

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