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SLAC 1:30 Monday meeting June 18, 2007 A.Seryi
Updates on BDS SLAC 1:30 Monday meeting June 18, 2007 A.Seryi Global Design Effort
Plan Last 1:30 talk – April 2 Since then: work in preparation to LCWS
updates on IR magnet design, background, optics this was shown many times, e.g. at DOE review, so will not discuss this in details Describe briefly the work on analysis of abnormal emittance growth in ATF extraction Describe briefly ATF remote participation Discuss BDS EDR plan per ILC07 summary talk Discuss BDS EDR structure June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Full version presented at ATF2 project meeting
Summary of SLAC efforts for emittance growth studies on the ATF extraction line SLAC team: J. Amann, C. Spencer, S. Seletskiy, A. Seryi, M. Woodley, and F. Zhou May 31, 2007 abridged version Full version presented at ATF2 project meeting June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 3
Current status 2D field calculations for QM7-like and septum A
3D field modeling for septum A Multipoles analysis for QM7-like magnet Tracking with QM7 multipoles Vertical emittance growth dependent on energy spread June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 4
QM7: 2D field mapping Cherrill generated the map of magnetic field in POISSON for the quad similar to Q7 (at 131 Amps). The field is believed to be within 10% of Q7’s field. The extracted beam passes through this quad at approximately X=2.2 cm, Y =0.0 cm, shown by the arrow. June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 5
QM7 multipole analysis We fitted the multipole coefficients of 2D magnetic field at extracted beam location (2.2cm, 0.0): Extracted beam By data By fitting Bx data Bx fitting Tol~1.5e-4 Bx and By at y=0.0, 0.125,0.375,0.5 cm x (x ) (m) steer beam June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Septum-A: 2D field mapping
Top half of septum conductor Septum conductor Air gap x= 8.55 cm June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 7
Septum A: 3D field mapping – J. Amann
Progress so far... Solid models created with SolidEdge – many thanks to KEK colleagues for details/drawings of extraction septa. Imported model as IGES to ANSYS for 3D magnetic analysis. Current distribution modeled for 1594A excitation current. Initially only model magnet, conductor and air gap within magnet yoke region. Exterior space not modeled to reduce problem size and complexity. Used ANSYS materials library for Cu conductor and A1010 carbon steel properties. Expanded model to include full conductor and exterior air space surrounding magnet. Extracted Beam Location June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 8
QM7 effects: ‘ideal’ beam position
Magnet errors applied Dipole: y=0.1mm (rms) Quad: tilt=0.3 mrad, x=50m, y=30m (rms) QM7 magnet multipoles applied Elegant code is used to measure effects at each step: W/o orbit correction W/ orbit correction W/ orbit correction and dispersion reduction W/ orbit and coupling corrections, and y Initial parameters at the ATF2 entrance: x/ y = 5.09 m/30 nm (rms), p = 0.08% (rms) and z = 8 mm (rms) Dx/Dx’ = E-2/3.76E-3, and other Twiss 10 seeds are applied for the magnet errors Emittance is measured at the diagnostics station; no obvious emittance growth observed after coupling correction. June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 9
QM7 effects: scan beam position (No magnet has errors except QM7)
Horizontal scan (changed by kicker angle) 5mm: w/ coupling and y corrections; no obvious effects again. Vertical scan (vertical kick) 0.8 mm offset at QM7 W/o orbit corr. (emittance growth 45% w/o dispersion term) and w/ orbit correction (37% and 78% w/o and w/ dispersion term) W/ y correction (33% for w/o and w/ dispersion term) W/ coupling cor. for QM7 harmonics represented as multipoles: Emittance growth 32% for 0.8mm vertical offset at QM7; Multipoles matrix are not included in matrix calculation in elegant code; Have residual effects even after coupling correction; Sextupoles dominated to generate the emittance growth W/ coupling cor. for QM7 field (up to sextupole) Dipole and quadrupoles field are built into the QM7 magnet in the deck; Replace sextupole multipole with a thin sextupole (it uses kick method based on symplectic integration) so that the sextupole matrix is included; Emittance growth only 1% with the perfect coupling correction June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 10
W/o orbit correction x orbit y orbit x orbit W orbit correction
1st and 2nd v-correctors at 6.6 and 9.7 m All units in m June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 11
Vertical emittance vs energy spread
Energy spread varies as bunch population changes. We scan the vertical emittance with the energy spread; the emittance is measured at different correction steps. All magnets have no errors except QM7; the extracted beam has a vertical offset of 0.8 mm, i.e., extracted beam is at (2.2cm, 0.8mm) at QM7. June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 12
Very Recent Status of ATF(Mar.2007)
1. Injection Strategic study by RF Gun experts 21010/bunch in single bunch operation down to EXT Gun laser sometimes unstable. Need #10 Mod repair for multi-bunch operation 2. DR Routine tuning( and coupling correction) emity1e-11m(zero-current limit) 3. EXT Still observed emittance growth Issue for study(So long no study since 2000) measurement usually suffers from limited strength of skew Q for correction. No coupling correction. Many R&Ds are on-going well. e.g. LW, Cav.BPM, New DR BPM, FONT4, ….. S.Kuroda(KEK) Preliminary XSR meas. x=1.69m 13Mar2007 WS measp/p=9e-4 15Mar2007 June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 13
Summary Magnets field modeled for the EXT beamline:
2D of QM7-like 2D of Septum A - like 3D of Septum A No obvious emittance growth is observed from the preliminary tracking with the applied QM7 multipoles after perfect coupling correction. W/o orbit correction vertical emittance significantly increases with energy spread (or beam current). June 18, 07 Global Design Effort 14
Experience on Remote Participation in ATF/ATF2 work
Janice Nelson, Mark Woodley, Sergei Seletskiy, Andrei Seryi, Glen White, Feng Zhou from SLAC side; special thank to Nick Arias for hard-soft-ware setup at SLAC; Justin May, Doug McCormick, Tonee Smith from KEK side. Special thank to Nobuhiro Terunuma; Toshiaki Tauchi, Junji Urakawa and other KEK colleagues, and also thanks to Manfred Wendt and other FNAL colleagues for new BPM electronics used in BBA during remote shifts Global Design Effort
First tries In February 2007, when Mark and Janice were on remote shifts during BBA runs Were using AOL messenger (voice & text chat) VPN to for data analysis and transfer After this positive experience were starting to discuss & prepare regular remote participation Testing Webex for remote participation for May run. (ATF online in SLAC office) June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Remote Participation Principle Desired capabilities
Participation to be focused on the work (e.g. data analysis) which does not involve remote control, to respect the ATF safety rules Desired capabilities possibility to see the monitors of ATF control room have audio & video connection with ATF control room have access to a computer where data analysis can be done, but not the control Present realization: Use Webex with desktop sharing to transmit ATF monitors+ Skype for audio and video Use VPN to for data analysis June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Shifts with remote participation
Focused on BBA work during these shifts KEK SLAC 5/08 Tue 17:00 5/08 Tue 01:00 * 5/10 Thu 01:00 5/09 Wed 09:00 * 5/11 Fri 09:00 5/10 Thu 17:00 * 5/15 Tue 09:00 5/14 Mon 17:00 * 5/16 Wed 05:00 5/15 Tue 13:00 * 5/17 Thu 01:00 5/16 Wed 09:00 * 5/18 Fri 09:00 5/17 Thu 17:00 * June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Shifts 2-3, Preparation of BBA
Dual monitors on 1st PC to display ATF control room monitor Skype (voice+video+chat) & unix session on nanosun on 2nd PC June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
ATF control room monitor
Skype video, voice + chat and nanosun session June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Setting up and running BBA. BBA data analysis.
June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Analyzing BBA measured data
June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Showing just analyzed BBA data to colleagues at KEK
June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Remote participation Works!
Seeing ATF control room monitors in real time, seeing and hearing people at ATF control room, being able to discuss the plan of measurements, look at fresh data and correct the plan on-the-fly, even hearing “beam-on/off” in Japanese … … all this gives a feeling of presence and participation Next slide shows example of ATF BBA data analyzed in real time at SLAC. Detailed status of BBA studies will be presented tomorrow by Janice Nelson June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
QF2R_6_Y QF2R_6_X From shift on May 16: good BBA in Y achieved only when the X offset is small QF2R_25_Y QF2R_25_X June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Beam Delivery System => EDR
Andrei Seryi for BDS Area leaders Deepa Angal-Kalinin, A.S., Hitoshi Yamamoto and for BDS group LCWS07 June 2, 2007 at DESY Global Design Effort
Focus of EDR work EDR planning – focus on cost uncertainty reduction, & performance uncertainty reduction: design of systems at appropriate level of details build & test critical prototypes to ensure performance Major focus in EDR phase will be on system engineering, integration and value engineering Schedule: take full schedule into consideration (~3year for EDR, two years for Approval phase and 7 years for construction) continue optimization and final design after EDR and during earlier years of construction June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Interfaces & specs Definition & optimization of interfaces is very important part of EDR work and of the overall optimization Interfaces & specs for technical systems performance connections functionality … Interfaces for beam parameters June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Interfaces for beam parameters
These are interface beam parameters This list is not complete and also may not have corresponding match in the linac outgoing beam parameters Standard list of interface beam parameters need to be developed, made consistent, and optimized at the overall level June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
BDS – CFS optimization Clarification & optimization of requirements and interfaces with CFS design will be the major focus of EDR work sizes, volumes, length, T stability, air, water, penetrations, etc. June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Reviews Overall project reviews Reviews within BDS area
reviews of the BDS within the overall ILC is a tool for overall optimization driven by Project Manager Reviews within BDS area reviews of BDS technical subsystems => to verify maturity of design and directions of design optimization reviews of interfaces => overall optimization driven by area managers June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Environment: EDMS The new workspace is oncoming
Should be effective tool to store documents, drawings, tables of interface parameters, will allow to control the work-flow, to make assignments of the tasks, and so on example of possible flow of a document in EDMS June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Balance of R&D and engineering
from S4 & RDB report Integrated design of IR, development of IR superconducting magnets, build engineering prototype of FD magnets, design study to ensure IR mechanical stability, design of push-pull arrangements development of crab cavity systems, test phase control system with two single cell cavities, build single multi-cell cavity design, construction, commissioning and operation of ATF2 test facility develop laser wires for beam diagnostics, prototype laser wires at ATF2 development of intra-train feedback, prototype at ATF2 develop beam dump design & study of beam dump window survivability develop collimator design, verify collimation wake-fields & beam damage development and tests of MDI type hardware such as energy spectrometers, IP feedback BPMs, beamcals, etc. and the design work, which does not involve hardware development but use results of the above listed work (hardware in italic) Increased engineering efforts in all these activities, plus overall system engineering and integration of BDS June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Overall tentative schedule of EDR work in BDS
June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Concept of cryo configuration
QD0 part QF1 part Should allow switch of detectors and opening on beamline without disconnection door central part For IR integrated design, the goal, in a nutshell, is to evolve from cartoon-concept level schemes like the one above, to detailed 3d drawings of the system June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
IR integration, a start (old location) new force neutral antisolenoid
June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
FD & IR cryo design, start
BNL Service cryostat & cryo connections June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Workshop on ILC Interaction Region Engineering Design SLAC, September 17-21, 2007
Goal: To review and advance the design of the subsystem of the Interaction Region of ILC, focusing in particular on their integration, engineering design and arrangements for push-pull operation. … goal is to make progress on the design of the ILC IR through focused preparation before and during the workshop… The International Program and Advisory Committee is being formed. Its charge includes organization of preparatory work before the workshop and production of conceptual solutions and drawings that could be further discussed and reviewed at the workshop… this is an attempt to align the organization of the workshop with EDR organization June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
IR Eng. workshop: tentative working groups
Group A Overall detector design, assembly, detector moving, shielding. Detector design for on-surface assembly and underground assembly procedures. Beamline pacman shielding, detector shielding design. Group B IR magnets design and cryogenics system design. Cryogenic system design, connections, flexible cryo lines, safety issues. IR magnet engineering design, support, integration with IR, masks, Luminosity & Beam calorimeters, design of IR vacuum chamber, connection to elements, assembly-disassembly procedures, integration of near IR masks and overall integration of crab cavity. Group C Conventional construction of IR hall and external systems. Lifting equipment, IR electronics hut, cabling plant, services, shafts, service caverns, utilities, movable shielding; design solutions to meet alignment and vibration tolerances Group D Accelerator and particle physics requirements. Including masking, collimation, shielding requirements, image charges, wakes, external radiation, accelerator physics & optics design and constraints on IR engineering design, on alignment tolerances and stability for the IR components and IR hall floor. Working groups are to study the issues in advance of the workshop June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
Summary EDR work in BDS will focus on cost uncertainty reduction, and performance uncertainty reduction Major focus in EDR phase will be on system engineering and value engineering The major breakdown of Work Packages become clearer and the fine structure being worked on June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
BDS structure in EDR June 18, 07 Global Design Effort
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