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Stereotyping, Prejudice & Discrimination

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1 Stereotyping, Prejudice & Discrimination
Looking Without, Looking Within

2 1) Asian American 2) Hispanic 3) Gay Man 4) Woman over 80





7 Prejudice(Allport – 1954) 1) An antipathy based on faulty and inflexible generalizations 2) Can be felt covertly or expressed overtly 3) Can be direct towards a group as a whole, or toward an individual because s/he is a member of that group

8 Four Theories of Prejudice

9 Exploitation Theory 1) Power is a Scarce Source
2) People innately want to keep their power and status 3) So people suppress the social mobility of the out-group

10 Scapegoating Theory 1) Prejudiced People are the True Victims
2) They refuse to accept basic responsibility for some society failure (defeat in war / depression) 3) So they shift focus of responsibility to an out-group

11 Authoritarian Personality Theory
1) Person comes from a strict authoritarian background 2) When that person grows up s/he wants to be the authoritarian of those around them 3) So this person subjects people in an out-group (who are seen as weaker) to their will

12 Structural Theory 1) Social climate either promotes cultural and ethnic tolerance or intolerance 2) Is there obvious equality – if not people will subjugate others around them 3) Is there a definite hierarchy with a clear pecking order?

13 What Do People Who Are Prejudice Receive From Their Prejudice?

14 Ego-Defense Function Protects people’s view of themselves on both a personal and social identity level

15 Value-Expressive Function
People need to have value and behavioral consistencies in viewing their own cultural values, norms, and practices as the proper & civilized ways of thinking and behaving.

16 Knowledge Function 1) It takes time and energy to create knowledge
2) People tend to want to defend their knowledge base 3) So, people view others who lack such knowledge as ignorant or deficient

17 Utilitarian Function 1) Protecting the majority (In-Group) will make things easier on their life 2) In fact, they may be rewarded for doing protecting the in-group

18 When Prejudice Meets Discrimination

19 YES NO Active Bigot Timid Bigot YES Fair-Weather Liberal Proactive
DISCRIMINATION YES NO P R E J U D I C Active Bigot Timid Bigot YES Fair-Weather Liberal Proactive Change Agents NO



22 1) We must be honest with ourselves – confront our on biases and ethnocentric attitudes
2) We should question the contents of our stereotypes and check against our actual interactions with out-group members 3) We should understand how our negative images concerning out-group members affects our biased attitudes and interactions

23 4) Use the principle of heterogeneity to break down the broad social categories
5) We should use mindful qualifying language when describing out-group/others’ behaviors. 6) We should put ourselves in frequent inter-group contact situations to become comfortable with group-based differences

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