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Alamance Community College

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1 Alamance Community College
WRITE to Succeed Quality Enhancement Plan SACS On-Site Review: September 24-26 Alamance Community College

2 QEP Goal To develop students’ written communication skills

3 Topic Selection & Plan Development Process
QEP discussed at faculty/staff meeting Ideas submitted for potential QEP topics QEP subcommittees formed/data collected for top two topic ideas Research results provided to faculty/staff Faculty/staff surveyed regarding topic direction

4 Topic Selection & Plan Development Process
SGA visited for input on QEP topic direction Additional writing benchmark data from General Education Outcomes Committee reviewed to solidify topic direction QEP topic finalized

5 Topic Selection & Plan Development Process
Local business leaders/program advisory committees surveyed about writing in the workplace QEP Committee revised to include additional English faculty and student representation Best practices researched for literature review QEP direction presented to Board of Trustees SGA re-visited for ideas on plan development QEP strategies and document drafted

6 Topic Selection & Plan Development Process
Draft document presented to SACS Leadership Team QEP naming/marketing plan input given by MKT 220 students Suggestions from consultants incorporated into QEP Pilot WAC cohort began January 2013

7 Factors Guiding Faculty/Student Learning Outcomes
Input from: Faculty, staff, and students Program advisory committee members Local business leaders from the Alamance County Area Chamber of Commerce Consultants and literature review Anson photo here

8 Faculty Learning Outcomes (FLOs)
Faculty will assign more writing activities in their classes. Faculty will participate in WAC professional development. Faculty will utilize the Writing Center. Faculty will contribute to and utilize the instructional repository.

9 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Students will utilize the Writing Center. Students will feel more confident in their written communication skills. Student writing will be suitable for the intended audience. Student writing will be coherent with a logical progression of ideas. Student writing will have few grammatical errors such as fragments and run-ons.

10 Strategies to Accomplish the Goal
Identify WAC Coordinator Create WAC professional development program for faculty Create WAC resource library and instructional repository for faculty

11 Strategies to Accomplish the Goal
Create Writing Center and hire Writing Center Coordinator Create WAC advisory committee Create early alert system Create services and resources for students Add Debbie and student here

12 Marketing Efforts QEP naming contest College website
QEP statement in all course syllabi Campus newsletter features Adjunct Institute focus Presentations at divisional meetings Writing Across Curriculum Moodle site WAC newsletter ACA and ENG 111 course presentations Local newspaper coverage SGA meeting visits

13 New Developments 2013 Cohort Phase 1 completed (Phase 2 at halfway mark) 2014 WAC cohort confirmed Writing Center opened in August 2013

14 New Developments WAC Moodle site launched

15 New Developments Library subject guides across the curriculum created

16 New Developments 6 workshops in Fall 2013 (5 more planned for Fall 2013) 6 individual WAC consultations performed thus far in Fall 2013 Early alert system implemented in Fall 2013 College wide goal added to individual assessment plans College Goal: Instructors in all programs will actively support the college’s Write to Succeed initiative.

17 Assessment Plan Examples
Early Childhood Instructor: In EDU 119, students will be expected to use low- stakes writing weekly; Reflection papers will be created in which students will have to reflect on information from the text or their own personal experiences.

18 Assessing FLOs Faculty perception survey Workshop satisfaction surveys
Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Writing Center activity reports Early alert referrals for writing Workshop satisfaction surveys WAC-trained focus groups WAC faculty cohort rosters WAC instructional repository

19 Assessing SLOs Exit course writing prompt assessments
ENG 111 writing prompt assessments ENG 112 & 113 writing prompt assessments CCSSE Graduate completer survey Writing Center activity reports Workshop satisfaction surveys

20 Human Resources WAC Coordinator Courtney Doi
Full-time English Instructor M.A. in English

21 Human Resources Writing Center Coordinator Debbie Burdick
M.A. in English 7+ years of experience coordinating a Writing Center 8 years experience teaching College English

22 Human Resources Institutional Researcher Jessica Harrell
Ph.D. Political Science Coordinates institutional research and effectiveness

23 Human Resources QEP Committee & WAC Advisory Committee (Standing Committee) All faculty through their individual assessment plans

24 Fiscal Resources SACS budget code created through consultations with Administrative and Fiscal Services $691,700 committed by ACC for to carry out the QEP

25 Physical Resources Writing Center Learning Resource Center Everywhere

26 Lines of Responsibility
WAC Coordinator (overall leadership) WAC Advisory Committee Assessment results reviewed annually by WAC Advisory Committee WAC Advisory Committee recommendations provided to Executive Vice-President

27 Motivation Cohort stipends Reduced course loads Student success
Institutional mission

28 Link to Institutional Mission
To provide comprehensive educational opportunities offered at convenient times and locations and in a variety of instructional methods To provide vocational, technical, and general education designed to prepare individuals for employment in industry, business, and service occupations through certificates, diplomas, and Associate in Applied Science degrees

29 Link to Institutional Mission
To provide freshman and sophomore general education courses designed to transfer to other colleges and universities through the Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science degrees To provide administrative, student, and instructional support services that promote student academic, career, and personal success

30 Alamance Community College - QEP
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