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Conversion Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Conversion Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conversion Strategies

2 Four Possible Methods Abrupt Cutover Parallel Conversion
Location Conversion Staged Conversion

3 Abrupt Cutover As of a specific date the new system is installed.No Looking Back Previous versions of the text called this the “Crash” method.

4 Abrupt Cutover Advantages
Lowest Cost (If it works) Ensures everyone uses new system Benefits achieved at earliest possible time

5 Abrupt Cutover - Disadvantages
Highest Risk

6 Parallel Conversion Run both the old and new systems for a specified period of time.

7 Parallel Conversion Advantages
Safest Method Major problems resolved before implemented

8 Parallel Conversion - Disadvantages
Highest Cost High Demand on Resources Potential to “hang on’ to old system

9 Location Conversion May convert with one (or more) locations at a time
First site is called a “Beta” site

10 Location Conversion - Advantages
Minimizes Risk Bugs worked out at first location Remaining sites can usually convert by abrupt method.

11 Location Conversion _ Disadvantages
Delays benefits Increased Cost Must co-exist with existing system Implementation Team committed longer Costs higher

12 Staged Conversion Various portions or versions of the system are installed one a t a time Each version is installed as it becomes available

13 Staged Conversion - Advantages
Relatively safe Able to resolve problems on a limited scale Minimizes immediate impact on users

14 Staged Conversion - Disadvantages
High Cost Resources committed Longer Must maintain previous systems Benefits Delayed Problems encountered in new releases may require correcting previous systems implemented

15 Reminder Your team must select one or a combination of these methods for your team project

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