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Physics Dr. Coffey Kyle Kelley

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Dr. Coffey Kyle Kelley"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Dr. Coffey Kyle Kelley
Academy of Science Physics Dr. Coffey Kyle Kelley

2 Table Atomic Force Microscope Polymer Specimens Why Training Summer
Science Fair

3 Atomic Force Microscope
High-resolution probe microscope Tapping mode Resolution 1000 times better than optical Captures topographic information

4 Specimens Polymers Dinner Tray Ziploc Bag

5 Specimens Polymers Dinner Tray Ziploc Bag

6 Why Received training on AFM to acquire necessary research skills and techniques. Install NanoTA Anasys system. Once installed and properly interfaced we will be able to heat a local area of less than 100nm in diameter with temperatures of over 500 C to study thermal properties.

7 Summer Research Use NanoTA Anasys System to study organic semiconductors. Organic Semiconductor: organic material with conductivity between an insulator and metal. Televisions, monitors, laser printers, solar cells ect. Organic materials are prone to damage from ultraviolet radiation and heat. Analyze durability of potential organic semiconductors. Collaborating research with Wake Forest University on organic semiconductors.

8 ASU Science Expo, April 16th
Worked at booth with Scanning Electron Microscope and Visible Light Microscopes 1100 6th-12th grade students from 5 counties

9 Thanks Mentor, Dr. Coffey Anasys Instruments for loan of NanoTA system
National Science Foundation for grant which purchased the AFM Academy of Sciences, Dr. Burris and Dr. Tashakkori Thank you for your attention.

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