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Mark 16:15-16 & “Ancient Manuscripts”

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1 Mark 16:15-16 & “Ancient Manuscripts”
A Specific Request Mark 16: & “Ancient Manuscripts” Text: Mark 16:15-16 Prepared By Nathan L Morrison All Scripture given is from NASB unless otherwise stated For further study or if questions, Call: , or Visit: Adapted from a tract, "Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture?" by Ron Halbrook; Intro by Hugh DeLong Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

2 Is Mark 16:15-16 genuine Scripture?
A Specific Request Intro Mark 16:15-16 15. And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16. "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. Many people: translators, and denominations question its validity! Is Mark 16:15-16 genuine Scripture? Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

3 Intro Mark may have been written to the Romans:
A Specific Request Intro Mark may have been written to the Romans: Romans: “Might makes right” Jesus is shown to be the one with all power, strength, and authority! Mark lays out evidence of such power & authority of Jesus He is the fulfillment of the prophecies of the OT (1:1-3) God (the Father) Himself declares that Jesus is the Son of God (1:11; 9:7) People amazed at His teaching, taught as “one having authority” (1:22,27) Demons profess that he is the Holy One of God (1:24), the Son of God (3:11) – They immediately obeyed Him (1:27) He has power over the physical world as He demonstrates many times by healing those who were diseased (1:34, etc.), even leprosy (1:42) He showed His “power” to forgive sins (2:1-13, esp. vs. 10) Intro by Hugh DeLong With all this power, Jesus uses it only for good! He is moved by compassion on those who were suffering (1:41) He associated with those who are rejected by the religious establishment (such is the implication in Jesus eating with such people – 2:16) Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

4 Intro Mark ends chapter two by explaining that Jesus is even
A Specific Request Intro Mark ends chapter two by explaining that Jesus is even LORD (Kurios G2962) over the Sabbath (2:28)! The ending of the book is generally met with skepticism and doubt by many in our society This will have devastating consequences because Mark 16:15-16 says: And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.” Jesus has such power and authority that one day He will hold all people accountable and Judge all the nations! (Mt. 25:31-46; John 12:48; Rom. 14:11-12) Intro by Hugh DeLong Jesus lived, died, was buried, & rose from the dead the 3rd day to free mankind of their sins in His blood & calls for all men to believe in Him & be baptized into His name! (I Cor. 15:3-4) Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

5 Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture?
A Specific Request Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture? Two prominent reasons people question the validity of Mark 16:15-16 (9-20): Footnotes found in some Bibles create doubt! Preachers in the religious world teaching a saving prayer (“Sinner’s Prayer”), rather than baptism as a condition of receiving salvation! Image: NIV Bracket note on Mark 16:9-20 Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

6 Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture?
A Specific Request Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture? Footnotes – [Mark 16:9-20] in Brackets ESV (2001): “Some of the earliest manuscripts do not include 16:9-20” NAS (1977): “Some of the oldest mss omit from verses 9 through 20” NAS (1995): “Later mss add vv. 9-20” NIV (1984): “The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16:9-20” NIV Study (1995): “Serious doubt exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark. They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark. His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost” MSS = Manuscripts Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

7 Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture?
A Specific Request Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture? Footnotes – [Mark 16:9-20] in Brackets HCSB (2003): “Other mss omit bracketed text” NKJ (1982): “Verses 9-20 are bracketed in NU-Text as not original. They are lacking in Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, although nearly all other manuscripts of Mark contain them” With footnotes such as these and in other areas of Scripture, what are people to believe? NU-Text in Footnote of NKJV: NU-Text These variations from the traditional text generally represent the Alexandrian or Egyptian type of text described previously in "The New Testament Text." They are found in the Critical Text published in the twenty-seventh edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament (N) and in the United Bible Societies’ fourth edition (U), hence the acronym, "NU-Text." Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

8 Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture?
A Specific Request Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture? Avoiding Mark 16:9-20 so as to not teach baptism as a condition for salvation The doctrine of baptism for salvation does not stand or fall with Mark 16:9-20! Jesus as recorded in Matthew (Mt. 28:18-20) Recorded by Luke (Acts 2:38: Peter; 22:16: Ananias) Paul’s words (Rom. 6:3-4; I Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12) Peter’s words (Acts 2:38: by Luke; I Pet. 3:21) Brackets and mysterious “older or early manuscripts” cannot change the doctrine of Jesus on the obedience to the gospel through baptism! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

9 Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture?
A Specific Request Is Mark 16:15-16 Genuine Scripture? Two prominent reasons people question the validity of Mark 16:9-20: Footnotes found in some Bibles create doubt! Preachers in the religious world teaching a saving prayer (“Sinner’s Prayer), rather than baptism as a condition of receiving salvation! With seemingly so much against these 12 verses, what are we to believe? Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

10 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions The N.T. was originally written in the Greek language The original manuscripts were hand copied & distributed Translated into other languages and these translations are called versions Copies were made from the first copies, then copies from the copies (Damage & mistakes possible) The last page of a manuscript or of a version might easily be damaged or lost through constant use! God promised that His word would never pass away but would be preserved (Is. 40:7-8; I Pet. 1:24-25) I Pet. 1:24-25 (From Is. 40:7-8) 24. For, "ALL FLESH IS LIKE GRASS, AND ALL ITS GLORY LIKE THE FLOWER OF GRASS. THE GRASS WITHERS, AND THE FLOWER FALLS OFF, 25. BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURES FOREVER." And this is the word which was preached to you. Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

11 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions God’s providence has protected His word so that it has been accurately preserved There are about 5,600 known copies of Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, in part or the whole! One Greek manuscript copy or translation copy may be missing certain books, chapters, and verses, and the next one is missing others, so on and so forth. When Bible scholars gather all of the manuscripts, they compare one to another to identify anything missing or any miscopied word. What is missing or miscopied in one is accurately preserved in another. By God’s providence we have the whole Bible! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

12 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions What are the “early” or “older manuscripts” that omit Mark 16:9-20? Codex Vaticanus (dated A.D ) – released to scholars in A.D by the Vatican Library (Not used in KJV in 1611) Codex Sinaiticus (dated about A.D. 350) – found in St. Catherine’s Monastery near Mt. Sinai in A.D (Not used in KJV in 1611) Codex Washington (dated A.D. 300s-400s, very good copies of Matthew through John) – purchased by Charles Lang Freer on a trip to Egypt in November A.D (In Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.) Codex Vaticanus: Codex Sinaiticus: Codex Washingtonianus: Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

13 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions What are the “early” or “older manuscripts” that omit Mark 16:9-20? Mark 16:9-20 is missing from only two of these early versions: Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus! It is included in Codex Washington and in other early manuscripts! Codex Washington is written in the same time period of the other two (300’s A.D., the 4th century A.D.) and includes Mark 16:9-20! Codex Vaticanus: Codex Sinaiticus: Codex Washingtonianus: So much for “Later mss add vv. 9-20” (NASB, 1995)! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

14 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions Other omissions from “Early (Older, Ancient) Manuscripts” Codex Vaticanus – Missing: Early chapters in Genesis Hebrews 9:14-13:25 I & II Timothy Titus Philemon Revelation Codex Vaticanus: Codex Sinaiticus: Codex Washingtonianus: None of these books and passages are put under a cloud of doubt like Mark 16:9-20! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

15 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions Do the false teachers who reject these verses from Mark in an effort to escape from Mark 16:16 ever quote from those other “missing” passages as Scripture? Some teach the premillennial theory that Jesus will return to reign on a literal throne for 1000 years, but the only chapter, Rev. 20, which mentions the 1000 years is missing from Codex Vaticanus! (Also missing the last verses of Mark) Do the preachers who reject Mark 16:16 believe Genesis 1:1 is true Scripture? Do they teach that “In the beginning God created…?” (Codex Vaticanus is missing it!) If we do not include all of these passages as true Scripture, we violate Revelation 22:19 – forbids subtracting from God’s word Perhaps those who reject Mark 16:16 will also reject Revelation 22:19 because it is missing from Codex Vaticanus! Codex Vaticanus: Codex Sinaiticus: Codex Washingtonianus: Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

16 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions Other omissions from “Early (Older, Ancient) Manuscripts” Codex Sinaiticus – Missing: Matthew 12:47; 16:2b-3; [17:21]; [18:11]; [23:14]; 24:35 Mark [7:16]; [9:44, 46]; [11:26]; [15:28]; [16:9–20] Luke [17:36] John [5:3b-4]; [7:53–8:11]; 16:15; 20:5-6; 21:25 Acts [8:37]; [15:34]; [24:7]; [28:29] Romans [16:24] Codex Vaticanus: Codex Sinaiticus: Codex Washingtonianus: (Brackets in NAS & missing from NIV) Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

17 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions Overwhelming evidence of the original ending to Mark found in even older manuscripts! Peshito Syriac and the Old Latin (100’s A.D., 2nd century) Curetonian Syriac (100’s A.D.) Coptic (Egyptian language, pre-Islam dialects – end of 2nd century, 100’s A.D. into the 5th century, 400’s A.D.: 2 versions – Sahidic, Upper Egypt dialect, and Bohairic, Lower Egypt dialect) Sahidic (First Coptic language translation at end of 2nd century, 100’s A.D., where most people in Egypt no longer spoke Greek) Tatian’s Diatessaron ( A.D. – the earliest harmony of the four Gospels) All of them include the complete ending of Mark! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

18 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions Mark 16:9-20 are cited and quoted by men who explained and defended Christianity such as: Irenaeus (A.D ) Papias (A.D ) Justin Martyr (A.D ) Tatian (A.D ) Image: Justin Martyr They were freely using these verses long before the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts were made which omit them! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

19 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions Later manuscripts also contain the original ending to Mark and were included in all the translations from the Latin Vulgate forward! Codex Alexandrinus (A.D. 400) includes Mark 16:9-20 Jerome translated Mark in its entirety in his Latin Vulgate (400 A.D.) “Received Text” (1516 by Erasmus) formed the foundation for the King James’ translation into English (published in 1611) 4th century writers knew some manuscripts were missing Mark 16:9-20 (Eusebius and Jerome both) Both Eusebius and Jerome did not emphatically reject the reliability of 16:9-20 – only acknowledged that they were disputed in some circles! From the 5th century onward, citations become too numerous to mention! There is evidence as early as the 4th century that writers knew some manuscripts omitted these verses (Eusebius and Jerome both knew there were some version that omitted them for various reasons) Eusebius (A.D. 260/265 – 339/340) in his Questions to Marinus Jerome’s (A.D ) Letter to Hedibia Both Eusebius and Jerome did not emphatically reject the reliability of 16:9-20 but only acknowledge that they were disputed in some circles. Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

20 Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions
A Specific Request Ancient Greek Manuscripts & Versions The brackets and omissions of mysterious “older manuscripts” lose their validity when only two “older manuscripts” omit Mark 16:9-20, and yet they also omit large portions of Scripture, but there are no brackets or footnotes saying to reject those omissions! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

21 Nothing New or Doubtful in Mark 16
A Specific Request Nothing New or Doubtful in Mark 16 Mark 16:9-20 confirms the same truth taught in other passages Let us observe the preaching done under the Great Commission to see if it is the same or different from Mark 16 Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

22 Nothing New or Doubtful in Mark 16
A Specific Request Nothing New or Doubtful in Mark 16 Mark 16:9-20 Affirms the resurrection of Christ Gospel must go to all men Faith in Jesus Christ is essential Baptism is essential Salvation is received upon the conditions of faith and baptism Truth of the gospel confirmed by miracles Acts 2:22-36, 37-38 Christ is raised (Acts 2:22-36; Mk. 16:9-20) Gospel is for all men (2:38-39, Mk. 16:15) Faith in Jesus Christ is essential (2:36; Mk. 16:16) Baptism is essential (2:38; Mk. 16:16) Salvation or “forgiveness of sins” is received on the conditions of faith and baptism (2:38; Mk. 16:16) Truth of the gospel confirmed by miracles (2:4, 22, 33, 43; Mk. 16:17-18) There is nothing new or doubtful in Mark 16! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

23 Conclusion Those who doubt Mark 16:9-20 leave us with an account
A Specific Request Conclusion Those who doubt Mark 16:9-20 leave us with an account of Jesus which ends with an unconfirmed claim He was raised, and the women who followed Him bewildered in Fear! The end note in the NIV says of Mark, “His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost” Neither conclusion is possible! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

24 Conclusion If the original ending is lost, God’s promise to preserve
A Specific Request Conclusion If the original ending is lost, God’s promise to preserve His word has failed (I Pet. 1:24-25)! If the original ending was lost because it is omitted from the Codexes Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, which were written in A.D. 300’s, how then was it found in several manuscripts written 200 or more years before them, or quoted by men in their writings 100’s of years before them? Evidence shows it was around & known & has been included in nearly all translations since Latin Vulgate (A.D. 400) The evidence doesn’t fit “Later manuscripts” added the verses! The brackets and margin notes are part of an “ecumenical” agenda to downplay or eradicate altogether the doctrine of the need for baptism to be saved! If Mark’s account ended at 16:8, he left the issue of the resurrection hanging in doubt! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

25 To the contrary, Mark proclaimed the Risen Savior!
A Specific Request Conclusion To the contrary, Mark proclaimed the Risen Savior! Mark 16:9-20: Mark shows that the questions and doubts of the disciples were resolved by overwhelming evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15-16: Mark records Jesus giving His disciples the Great Commission! Mark 16:19: Jesus ascended to Heaven & sat down at the right hand of God! (Acts 2:33) Mark ends by showing the power of the gospel at work in a world darkened by sin, giving the hope of salvation (Mark 16:20) Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

26 Conclusion Under that same Great Commission, we proclaim the
A Specific Request Conclusion Under that same Great Commission, we proclaim the same glad message today! The world must know the Savior has come! Mark 16:15-16 15. And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16. "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. Yes, Mark 16:15-16 is genuine Scripture, proclaiming hope to all the world! Mark 16:15-16 & "Ancient Manuscripts" Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

27 “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”
Hear The Gospel (Jn. 5:24; Rom. 10:17) Believe In Christ (Jn. 3:16-18; Jn. 8:24) Repent Of Sins (Lk. 13:35; Acts 2:38) Confess Christ (Mt. 10:32; Rom. 10:10) Be Baptized (Mk. 16:16; Acts 22:16) Remain Faithful (Jn. 8:31; Rev. 2:10) For The Erring Child: Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (I Jn. 1:9), Pray (Acts 8:22)

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