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Published byMary Gallagher Modified over 6 years ago
2017 CAASPP Test Administration: Train the Trainer
March & April 2017 Assessment Services
Learning Goal Participants will be equipped with the information and tools necessary to train and support teachers for the CAASPP administration Assessment Services
Agenda CAASPP Overview Test Security & Appropriate Testing Conditions
Accessibility Resources General Rules for Online Testing Test Administration Troubleshooting Technology Issues Student Interface TA Training Interface & Practice Tests Resources & Support Assessment Services
CAASPP Overview The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is California's student assessment system that has replaced the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program 1 3 2 4 Pages in manual Assessment Services
CAASPP Overview: English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics
Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) California Alternate Assessment (CAA)* Subject Area(s) ELA and Math (aligned to CCSS) (Core Content Connectors linked to CCSS) Grade Levels 3-8, 11 (IEP indicates the use of an alternate assessment; students with the most severe cognitive disabilities) Test Components Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) & Performance Task (PT) presented as separate tests for each content area Multi-staged adaptive test with a Survey of Student Characteristics (SSC) embedded as the last segment Estimated Time 3.5-4 hours per content area 95 cumulative minutes per content; one-on-one * Test examiners administering CAA must fulfill annual training requirement Assessment Services
CAASPP Overview: Science
California Science Test (CAST) Pilot California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science Pilot* Subject Area(s) Science (aligned to NGSS) (Core Content Connectors linked to NGSS) Grade Levels 5, 8, 10-12** (IEP indicates the use of an alternate assessment; students with the most severe cognitive disabilities) Test Components Single test that includes selected response and constructed response items, 1 Performance Task (PT), and a student survey Embedded Performance Task (PT) outside the test delivery system and student survey within test delivery system Estimated Time 1 hour 1 hour; one-on-one * Test examiners administering CAA must fulfill annual training requirement ** High schools are assigned a grade level (10-12) for the pilot Assessment Services
Test Security & Appropriate Testing Conditions
Test Security Forms for the 2016–17 School Year
Test Administrators (TAs) and Test Examiners (TEs) must READ and sign the Security Affidavit Site Coordinators must make/keep copies and submit originals to Assessment Service in the orange envelope Assessment Services
Test Security Affidavit
Teachers must abide by the conditions listed on the test security affidavit: I will not divulge the contents of the CAASPP tests (1) I will not copy or take a photo of any part of the test (2) I will keep all tests and corresponding test materials secure (3) I will not allow pupils to access unauthorized electronic devices (5) I will not review any questions, passages, performance tasks, or other items independently or with pupils (7) I will actively supervise pupils throughout the testing session (12) see handout Assessment Services
Test Security: General Rules
pages in manual Student login sheets- considered secure; must collect and lock up between test sessions; securely destroy after testing Scratch paper- considered secure and must be collected and securely destroyed after testing CAA DFAs and embedded performance tasks must be securely destroyed after testing Assessment Services
Test Security: General Rules (cont.)
Cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices are not allowed to be used during testing All cell phones should be turned off or put on airplane mode and put away Assessment Services
Item Security New bar code has been added that can be decoded and tracked if someone takes a picture of the screen and posts it to social media Assessment Services
Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions
Testing students in classroom-sized groups is preferable (Reduces test fear and anxiety; facilitates monitoring and control for TAs) Room should have good lighting, ventilation, and free from noise and interruptions Remove or cover displayed information that might be used by students to help answer questions (Rubrics, vocabulary charts, student work, posters, graphs, charts, etc) Make appropriate seating arrangements prior to test administration (Students should be seated so that they cannot view the answers of others) Assessment Services
Accessibility Resources
Accessibility Resources
Universal Tools = available to all students; based on student preference and selection Designated Supports = available to all students who can benefit from them; must be indicated by an educator or group of educators Accommodations = based on a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEPs) or Section 504 Plan pages in manual Assessment Services
Accessibility Resources
Embedded: digitally delivered via the online testing platform Non-embedded: provided by the school Highlighter see handout Assessment Services
Accessibility Resources
Identify student needs Match needs to available supports Evaluate effectiveness of supports Finalize support selections Use supports at classroom level Use Practice Tests and Interim Assessments Enter supports into TOMS Access Summative Assessments Consistent Equitable Appropriate Effective Assessment Services
General Rules for Online Testing
General Rules for the Online Testing
Students must answer all test items on a page before moving on to the next page Students may not return to a test segment once it has been completed and submitted (definition of segment is on page 165 in manual) page 48 in manual Students must answer all test items before the test can be submitted Assessment Services
General Pause Rules for Smarter Balanced CAT and CAST
If a test is paused for more than 20 minutes, the student is: Presented with the test page containing the test item he/she was last working on or the next page if all items on previous test page were answered NOT permitted to review or change any test items on previous test pages If a test is paused for less than 20 minutes, the student is: Presented with the test item or passage he/she was working on when the test was paused and may answer previously shown items within a segment pages in manual Assessment Services
General Pause Rules Continued
There are no pause rules for the Smarter Balanced PT Please Note: ELA PTs are divided into 2 parts; after a student completes Part 1, he/she cannot return to it Assessment Services
Test Timeout Due to Inactivity
page 51 in manual As a security measure, students are automatically logged out of the test after 30 minutes of inactivity Activity means: Selecting an answer Using a navigation option in the test (e.g., selecting [Next] or [Back], using the Questions drop-down list) Note: Moving the mouse or selecting an empty space on the screen is not considered activity Before the system logs out, a warning message will be displayed Assessment Services
Test Administration
Creating a Test Session
Review the Directions for Administration (DFA) Script Review the “Creating a Test Session” job aid See handout pages in manual Assessment Services
New for 2016–17 Classroom activities have been eliminated for the Smarter Balanced assessments The student grade will be “locked” in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) as soon as the student starts his or her first test “CA-” is no longer needed as a prefix for the Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) at test logon Teachers must select a specific test (e.g. Grade 3 ELA CAT) in the Test Administrator Interface New color coding for tests in the Test Administrator Interface Pages 4-9 in manual Assessment Services
New Color-Coding for 2016-17 Assessments Color Assignment
Smarter Balanced Interim Green Smarter Balanced Summative Red Smarter Balanced Practice Tests Pink Smarter Balanced Training Tests Purple CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science Indigo CAA Practice Tests Blue CAA Training Tests Teal CAST Summative (i.e., pilot tests) Brown CAST Training Tests Orange = required Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session
The TA logs on to the Test Administrator Interface from on a standard Web browser with their TOMS login credentials; TAs should log in multiple times before the first day of testing pages in manual Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session Cont.
IMPORTANT: Turn off your browser’s pop-up blocker Internet Explorer Access “Internet Options” Select the Privacy tab Uncheck the “Turn on Pop-up Blocker” box Select [OK] Mozilla Firefox Access “Options” Select the Content tab Uncheck the “Block pop-up windows” box Google Chrome Access “Settings” Scroll to bottom and select [Show advanced settings] In Privacy section, select [Content setting] button Scroll to Pop-ups section Select Allow all sites to show pop-ups radio button Select [Done] Exit the Settings pg Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
The TA selects the [Select Tests] button The TA selects the test To expand a collapsed test group, select the [+] icon and to collapse a test group, select [-] Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
The TA selects the test category and content area The TA clicks [Start Operational Session] NEW: Teachers must select a specific test Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
The TA informs students of the test Session ID Write or display clearly in a place all students can see Session IDs Additional tests can be added to a session; a confirmation message box confirms adding tests to a session. Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
Students log on through the secure browser To log on, students need: First Name (Confirmation Code): Student’s legal first name as spelled in CALPADS SSID: Student’s SSID Session ID: TA-generated Session ID NEW: “CA-” is no longer needed Important: Student personal information is secure and must be collected and securely stored at the end of a test session, then securely destroyed at the end of the test administration. Assessment Services
Student Log in Issue- Troubleshooting
Ensure student is typing the correct information (case sensitive) Look up the student to ensure they are in TOMS Select the [Student Lookup] button Select [Quick Search] tab Enter student’s SSID If the search results in a match, that student’s information will be displayed Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
Students verify their identity After logging on, students will see the “Is This You?” screen Students should select [Yes] to continue Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
Students selects the test All grade-level tests that the student is eligible to take are displayed Only the tests that the TA selected for the test session and those that have not been completed are selectable by students Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
Upon selecting a test, students will wait for TA approval As students select tests, the TA will see approvals populate in the Approvals queue of the TA Interface Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
TA selects the Approvals (#) button to access the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
TAs must verify that 1) the correct test has been selected, 2) the student’s grade level is correct, and 3) the students’ test settings are correct BEFORE approving the student TA will click on the [ ] icon under See Details to view the test settings Note: If a student’s test settings or grade level are incorrect, the TA should not administer the test, contact the site coordinator, and test the student at a later time Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
SC must provide TA with a list of test settings that have been entered in TOMS for each student The “Test Setting” screen is where the TA will “Turn Off Universal Tools” (designated support) if applicable Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
The TA selects [Set] to confirm the current test settings and return to the list of students awaiting approval (The TA will still have to approve the student for testing) OR The TA selects [Set & Approve] to establish the existing settings and approve the student for testing Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
Upon reviewing test settings for all students, the TA approves students to test on the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen Select [Approve] to approve a specific student for testing Select [Approve All Students] to approve all students Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
After the TA has approved a student for testing, the student will verify the test information and settings The student will select [Yes, Start My Test] to begin testing or [No] if their settings are incorrect Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
If a student has a text-to-speech accommodation or is taking a test with ELA listening items, he or she will verify the audio checks through headphones Text-to-speech audio check Test with listening items audio and video check Assessment Services
Administering a Test Session (cont.)
Finally, students will see the Test Instructions and Help page before they begin testing Students will select [Begin Test Now] to begin testing Assessment Services
Live Demo
Monitoring Student Progress
TAs can monitor student testing through the Students in Your Test Session table on the TA Interface Displays students who have logged in and been approved for testing and provides the status (started, paused) Assessment Services
Pausing Tests TAs may pause an individual student’s test in the Students in Your Test Session table This will not affect other students’ tests Assessment Services
Reaching the End of the Test
After students answer the last item on the test, the [End Test] button will appear in the upper-left corner of the screen Upon selecting the [End Test] button, an “Attention” message will appear Students will select [Yes] to proceed with reviewing answers and submitting the test Assessment Services
Reaching the End of the Test
Students may review answers before submitting a test Assessment Services
Ending the Test Session
TAs should print out the Students in Your Test Session table on the TA Interface BEFORE ending the session This will provide documentation of which students started, or finished the test TIP: Set the print option to landscape mode
Stopping an Entire Test Session
TAs can stop a test session (and therefore pause tests for all students in the session) Select the [Stop] button next to the session ID An “Important!” box will appear, requesting verification to end the session and log students out Select [OK] to continue or [Cancel] to keep the test session open TA must read EAP Section instructions for grade 11 students Assessment Services
Troubleshooting Technology Issues
Resolving Secure Browser Error Messages
Test Environment is Not Secure: “forbidden applications” have been detected by the secure browser Close all applications on the device The device could be running updates in the background and you will need to swap the device for another one If using iPads, ensure that either ASAM or Guided Access mode is enabled See Handout Assessment Services
Resolving Secure Browser Error Messages Continued
You Cannot Login with This Browser: Ensure the latest version of the secure browser has been installed For Chromebooks, verify that the student logged out of the device to access the AIRSecure Test Kiosk application If the correct version of the secure browser is installed, have the student log off of the device, reboot, and try again Ensure the student isn’t using a regular Web browser (e.g. FireFox) Assessment Services
Common Student Sign-in Errors
Student Information in Not Entered Correctly Verify the student or teacher typed the student’s name, SSID, and the test session correctly Confirm that the student or teacher did not type “CA-” before the SSID Use the [Student Lookup] feature in the TA Interface or look the student up in TOMS to ensure the confirmation code (name) you are using is correct; some first names contain a hyphen or two names Assessment Services
Common Student Sign-in Errors Continued
Student Cannot Find Test or Test is Grayed Out Verify the teacher selected the correct test(s) to be administered when creating the test session Confirm that the student did not complete the test previously (either at your school or prior school) Ensure that the student’s test hasn’t expired; for expired tests a STAIRS report and an Appeal to re-open the test must be submitted Ensure the correct test has been assigned to the student in TOMS under “Test Mode” (e.g. student assigned CAA, but should take SBA) Verify that a parent/exemption (PGE) or medical emergency (NTE) has not been erroneously entered in TOMS for the student Assessment Services
Technology Issues: Who Do I Call?
Assessment Services Resetting SCs Passwords Issues with TOMS Issues with TA Interface Error messages or problems within the testing software ITSS Help Desk Problems with secure browser installation Devices not working Connectivity issues Assessment Services
Procedures for Reporting A Technology Issue
Technology Issue w/SBAC Software Occurs TA reports to Test Site Coordinator Test Site Coordinator reports to Assessment Services Assessment Services reports to CALTAC When reporting an issue experienced with the SBAC software we need the following information: Type of device being used for the test Any error messages that appeared (code and description) Any relevant student and school information, including SSID, grade level, content area, and whether it was during the PT or CAT Assessment Services
Student Interface
New for 2016–17 Test Delivery System
Expandable items- allows students to expand the test question just like the feature to expand a reading passage Video playback controls- added common playback functionality such as scrubber, mute/unmute, and full screen Enhanced contrast- the menu button is more visible Larger zoom levels for students with visual impairments- up to 20X zoom Item security and information bar- screen has an added bar code that can be decoded and tracked if someone takes a picture and posts to social media Change in embedded calculator design to the Desmos calculator which is more widely used Assessment Services
Student Interface Banner- displays the current question number, test name, and [Help] button Questions drop-down list Help and volume button Global Menu- navigation and global test tool buttons Item Context Menu See handout Assessment Services
Student Interface & Accessing Tools
EXAMPLES: Masking- access via Global Menu Text-to-Speech- access via Context Menu pages in manual Assessment Services
Training TA Interface and Practice Tests
Training TA Interface and Practice Tests
Help TAs and students practice the login and test approval process Help students become familiar with the accessibility tools and the testing interface Help students practice new skills like dragging and dropping, clicking with precision; build digital literacy Assessment Services
Recognizing the Difference Between the TA Sites
TA Interface for Practice & Training Tests TA Interface for Summative Tests CAUTION: Ensure TA is on correct site Assessment Services
Resources & Support Assessment Services
Resources & Support Videos for Teachers Setting Up a Test Session (12 min) CAASPP Accessibility Resources (18 min) Embedded Accessibility Resources (30 seconds each) Assessment Services
Resources and Support
Erin Gordon Amal Morcos Denise Ormsbee Assessment Services main line ITSS Help Desk HELP (4357) Assessment Services
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